Daniel F. M. Folha

Professor auxiliar convidado,
Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde - Norte

+351 226 089 851


Biographic notes
Daniel F. M. Folha was awarded the "Licenciatura" in Physics/Applied Mathematics by the University of Porto in 1992, the M.Sc. in Astrophysics by the Queen Mary & Westfield College (QMW), University of London (U.K.) in 1993 and the Ph.D. in Astrophysics, also by QMW, in 1998.

He has been a researcher at Centre for Astrophysics, University of Porto (CAUP) since 1998, having spent one year (1999) as CAUP's astronomer at the Isaac Newton Group (ING) in La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain.

From 2005 to 2008 he lead a Ciência Viva project that aimed to contribute to the promotion of scientific culture through the development of Astronomy related activities and outreach materials.

Since 2005 he is an Invited Associated Lecturer at Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde - Norte (ISCS-N).

His main activities include: the study of young stars and associated phenomena, both observationally and through modeling; teaching basic physics to Health Science undergraduate students; promoting public awareness and understanding of science.
