Setting a New Stage in Portugal: Researchers and the Public come together through Arts and Sports (SettingTheStage II)

Researchers' Night 2010 (Nº 265788)

Sónia Pereira (UPIN - Universidade do Porto, Portugal)

Coordenador no CAUP
Filipe A. L. Pires

Continuing the SettingTheStage project organized in 2009, scientists will be called again on stage on the 24th September 2010 to celebrate the Researchers’ Night, for a broad and varied programme of activities combining arts, sports and science.

SettingTheStage II brings back together entities from four major cities across Portugal (Oporto, North, Coimbra, and Lisbon, Olhão, South) with the aim of creating multiple spaces where scientists and the public will be offered the opportunity of exchanging, discussing, performing together in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.

A series of arts performances specially realized for the occasion will be at the core of the project with a view to stimulating reflection, discussion and debate on topics related to researchers and their everyday lives, such as power and limits of their research, or societal impact of research.

Researchers and arts performers will work together to produce several performances, aimed at different age groups. In the same way, researchers and the public will share and discuss scientific concepts linked to sports activities organized during the event.
Furthermore, the activities will be linked to the celebration of the
International Year of Biodiversity and the World Day of the Heart, celebrated at the end of September.

The programme will thus include:

- Artistic performances

- Sport activities

- Interactive hands-on activities, from small experiments and demos for youngsters

- Speed-dating sessions with scientists

- Science cafe/bar

- Visits to museums

All activities will be conceived in order to attract the whole public at large, regardless of age and scientific/educational backgrounds. Awareness will be achieved through a concerted marketing campaign, bringing together the expertise and resources of all partners involved, including the maintenance/updating of the 2009 project design/image, website and blog. 

List of Participants:
- Universidade do Porto - Universidade do Porto Inovação (UPIN-UPORTO) - coordinator
- Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular (IBMC)
- Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto (CAUP)
- Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical (IITC)
- Associação Viver a Ciência (VAC)
- Universidade do Algarve - Centro Regional para a Inovação do Algarve (CRIA)
- Natura Náutica, LDA (Natura Algarve)
- Fundação Museu da Ciência da Universidade de Coimbra (FMC-UC)
- Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian - Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC-FCG)

Instituição financiadora
European Commission

Início: 1 maio 2010
Fim: 30 novembro 2010

European Union  Seventh Framework Programme  Marie Curie Actions