Bayesian Statistics

João P. Faria

Data don't speak for themselves. Bayesian statistics is rising in popularity in the astrophysical literature. It is no longer a debate: "work in Bayesian statistics now focuses on applications, computations, and models. Philosophical debates [...] are fading to the background" (Bayesian Data Analysis, Gelman et al.). This is happening for two main reasons: faster computers and more complex models. In order to keep up, it is important to understand the fundamentals of Bayesian statistics, but it is as important to know how to deal with data analysis applications. In this course I want to provide a brief introduction to advanced concepts in Bayesian statistics. Emphasis will be on "intuition" and "computation". No coin tossing, only real applications that relate to our day-to-day problems.

Plan for the course
The idea is to present some statistical results in an intuitive manner and then turn to computational methods. By the end of the course, the students should be able to understand:

I. Theory II. Practice

Session 1: Theory part
15 February 2016

Open to everyone.
Venue: CAUP Auditorium

Session 2: Hands-on tutorial
17 February 2016

Limited attendance, subject to registration.
Venue: CAUP classroom

Session 3: Hands-on tutorial
18 February 2016

Limited attendance, subject to registration.
Venue: CAUP classroom