HELAS is a network funded by the European Union in its 6th Framework Programme (FP6) as a Co-ordination Action in the Helio- and Asteroseismology area of Astrophysics.
The mission of HELAS is to carry out networking activities amongst the European Helio- and Asteroseismology community to catalyse the mutual co-ordination and the pooling of resources in order to:
- Ensure European competence and competitiveness in Helio- and Asteroseismology by spreading expertise
- Increase in quantity and quality the European scientific output in this research area
- Enhance the synergy between Helio- and Asteroseismology
- Improve the public understanding and interest in solar and stellar physics
HELAS is a 4 years funded program, starting on 2006 April 1st.
This website provides data and documentation produced within the Global Helioseismology and Asteroseismology Network Activities (deliverables NA3-1 and NA5-2), namelly
Part of the activities at Porto have been funded under the contract POCI/V.5/B0094/2005 supported by FCT with funds from POCI2010.
These pages are under development as the activities progress.
The latest changes are:
- [2008-10-04]
- tool for measuring line equivalent widths in stellar spectra.
- [2008-03-31]
ApSS Volume on ESTA
- table of contents of the journal volume.
- [2008-03-15]
CESAM stellar models and frequencies
- new collection (B) of data made available.
- [2007-11-15]
YREC solar models and frequencies
- new set of data made available.
- [2007-03-31]
CESAM stellar models and frequencies
- the first collection (A) of data made available.
- [2007-03-31]
- the first draft of this website was released.