Extremely Large Telescopes era: (high-resolution) instrumentation, challenges, opportunities

Carlos M. Correia
Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, National Research Council, Canada

From January 2013 onwards I will hold a EU/Marie Curie grant to work at CAUP on future high resolution stable spectrographs for the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT).The project dubbed PHARAOH for Detection of exo-Planets via High-Accuracy Radial-velocity spectrographic measurements with Adaptive Optics enhancement will focus on a system errors dissection to investigate the impact of the proposed built-in adaptive optics (AO) systems on the achievable radial velocity accuracy. This project stems from the strong involvement and expertise of CAUP in the VLT-ESPRESSO and ESA-PLATO consortia. Since the ELT era is meant to start depoyment in a decade or so, I will quickly tour my current activities on the development of tomographic AO systems for future generation ground-based telescopes, outlining the instrument breakdown in terms of AO requirements for both the E-ELT and the Thirty Meter Telescope. I will also discuss open challenges to instrumental research with potential participation of the Portuguese community, in particular where multidisciplinary teams composed of both astrophysicists and intrumentalists are a must.

7 March 2012, 13:30

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