Analytic Models for the Evolution of Semilocal String Networks

A. S. Nunes, A. Avgoustidis, C. J. A. P. Martins, J. Urrestilla

We revisit previously developed analytic models for defect evolution and adapt them appropriately for the study of semilocal string networks. We thus confirm the expectation (based on numerical simulations) that linear scaling evolution is the attractor solution for a broad range of model parameters. We discuss in detail the evolution of individual semilocal segments, focusing on the phenomenology of segment growth, and also provide a preliminary comparison with existing numerical simulations.

Physical Review D
Volume 84, Page 06504
September 2011

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.84.063504
ADS Bibliographic code: 2011arXiv1107.2008N