A Python-based program to calculate the Bayesian Generalized Lomb-Scargle periodogram of time-series. More information can be found in Mortier et al. (2014).
A Python-based program to calculate the Bayesian Generalized Lomb-Scargle periodogram of time-series. More information can be found in Mortier et al. (2014).
KS integration
A software that solves for mutual photometric effects produced by planets and spots allowing to analyze planetary occultations of spots and spots regions.
More information here.
A software that solves for mutual photometric effects produced by planets and spots allowing to analyze planetary occultations of spots and spots regions.
More information here.
Line Profile Indicators
Line Profile Indicators analysis package that evaluates automatically the indicators described in Figueira et al. (2013), assessing the statistical significance of the correlation between each of these indicators and the measured radial velocities.
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Line Profile Indicators analysis package that evaluates automatically the indicators described in Figueira et al. (2013), assessing the statistical significance of the correlation between each of these indicators and the measured radial velocities.
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The LineSearcher code is based on the ARES code algorithms. You can use it to search all the absortion lines in a given wavelength interval. This code returns the center wavelength and estimated depth for each spectral line.
The LineSearcher code is based on the ARES code algorithms. You can use it to search all the absortion lines in a given wavelength interval. This code returns the center wavelength and estimated depth for each spectral line.
MODCONV - Stellar Models Conversion Tool
In order to facilitate the exchange of stellar models produced by different evolution codes, both for the comparison of the models and for the calculation of their frequencies of oscillation, this simple tool (in FORTRAN) has been created. It will read a model in a specific format in order to produce an output file in a different format.
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In order to facilitate the exchange of stellar models produced by different evolution codes, both for the comparison of the models and for the calculation of their frequencies of oscillation, this simple tool (in FORTRAN) has been created. It will read a model in a specific format in order to produce an output file in a different format.
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SOAP is a free tool that simulates the effects of dark spots and bright plages on the surface of a rotating star, computing their expected radial velocity and photometric signatures.
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SOAP is a free tool that simulates the effects of dark spots and bright plages on the surface of a rotating star, computing their expected radial velocity and photometric signatures.
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SOAP 2.0
SOAP 2.0 is a free tool that simulates the effects of dark spots and bright plages on the surface of a rotating star, computing their expected radial velocity and photometric signatures. SOAP 2.0 is an upgraded version of SOAP that includes the convective blueshift and its inhibition in active regions.
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SOAP 2.0 is a free tool that simulates the effects of dark spots and bright plages on the surface of a rotating star, computing their expected radial velocity and photometric signatures. SOAP 2.0 is an upgraded version of SOAP that includes the convective blueshift and its inhibition in active regions.
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SOAP is a free tool that can generate the radial velocity variations and light-curves for systems consisting of a rotating spotted star with a transiting planet.
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SOAP is a free tool that can generate the radial velocity variations and light-curves for systems consisting of a rotating spotted star with a transiting planet.
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This code (in C++), another extension of ARES, can be used to estimate the spectroscopic temperature for FGK dwarf stars using a line-ratio method.
This code (in C++), another extension of ARES, can be used to estimate the spectroscopic temperature for FGK dwarf stars using a line-ratio method.
This simple code TMCalc is a C code developed as an extension to ARES. Using the line list given it uses the calibration derived for several line-ratios to estimate the spectroscopic temperature for FGK dwarf stars and the use the iron lines strength calibration to derive the metallicity [Fe/H]. The calibration for the metallicity is described in a work (Sousa et al. 2012A&A, 544A, 122S).
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This simple code TMCalc is a C code developed as an extension to ARES. Using the line list given it uses the calibration derived for several line-ratios to estimate the spectroscopic temperature for FGK dwarf stars and the use the iron lines strength calibration to derive the metallicity [Fe/H]. The calibration for the metallicity is described in a work (Sousa et al. 2012A&A, 544A, 122S).
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