Models Comparison - Task 3

2007©MJM | 2007-03-02

Under this task a few specific, fully identified, stellar cases are proposed to compare evolution models in order to test the implementation of diffusion in evolution codes. To achieve this a few cases are proposed as the reference:

CASE Stellar massY0 Z0
3.1 1.0 Msun0.27 0.017
3.2 1.2 Msun0.27 0.017
3.3 1.3 Msun0.27 0.017


For the comparison, models for each case at different evolutionary stages are required:

PHASE Xc MHe,core
A 0.35-
B 0.01-
C 0.000.05 Mstar

Note: the He core is defined as the region of the star where the Hydrogen abundance X is below 0.01 (as done for Task 1).

The physical assumptions proposed as the reference for the comparison are the same as used for Task 1 and no overhsoot. Regarding diffusion there are no specifications, but a first iteration will focus on diffusion due to pressure, temperature and concentration gradients of

  1. Helium only,
  2. Helium and heavy elements.

The information and data (to be) available for download are: