Matplotlib: Exercises 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 from pdf Free Extra Exploring Exercise. Use numpy and matplotlib at free will. Make sure you: 1 - Plot an histogram 2 - Use Subplots 3 - Keep track of the main objects 4 - Use colors, latex labels, logaritmic scales 5 - Any other feature that you think it may be useful for you to learn. Check the galery for inspiration. Scipy: 1. Use the package io from scipy to read the idl saved file 'idl_vars.dat'. a) Identify how many variables are in the file b) Identity the types of the variables c) Hint -> there is a array of strings inside. Concatenate each element, with a space character and print the surprising result. 2. Use the module linalg from scipy to solve the system of linear equations: 3x +2y -z = 1 2x -2y +4z = -2 -x +1/2y -z = 0 3. Use scipy to read a wav file (cat_purr.wav). a) read the wav file b) plot the time series of the sound (time, amplitude) c) plot the fast fourier transform d) find the peak and extract the period of the cat purr Final Exercise: Just Read this: