Cosmology in the Radio Sky: Prospects and Challenges in the Square Kilometre Array Observatory era José Carlos Fonseca Traditional cosmological probes have looked at the sky in the micro-waves to observe the oldest radiation, the Cosmic Microwave Background, or in the Optical/Near-infrared to observe Supernovae Type Ia or determine redshifts of galaxies. The radio sky has largely been left uncharted by cosmologists. The forthcoming Square Kilometre Array Observatory will change this and will offer a whole new range of observational data with which we can infer the evolution and composition of the universe and test the laws of physics. Sessão 1: The radio sky and the SKAO 6 dezembro 2021 In this lecture we will visit the radio sky and revise the basics of radio astronomy, including radio receivers and the principles of radio interferometry. We will also give an introduction to the Square Kilometre Array and its pathfinders and give a broad picture of its scientific goals. Sessão 2: HI and Continuum Galaxies 13 dezembro 2021 In this lecture we will look at two types of radio galaxies, HI and continuum galaxies. We will revise how they can be used as cosmological probes and the physics behind them. Sessão 3: HI Intensity Mapping 20 dezembro 2021 In this final lecture we will look at a novel type of cosmological technique, intensity mapping. We will revise the basic concepts of the technique and explore the experimental landscape. We will also revise the challenges facing such experiments, such as calibration and foreground contamination. |