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Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto
Intrumentations in Porto

Mahmoud Hayati

Instrumentation in Porto has been involved in most of the projects of IA, project MOONS is being designed in Porto under direct supervision of Alexandre Cabral from Lisbon, MOONS will be a fiber-fed, optical to near-infrared multi-object spectrograph designed to utilize the full 25 arc minute Very Large Telescope (VLT) field of the view, with the understanding that the guide probe can obscure and vignette up to 10% of the field-of-view and with a multiplex capability of over 1000 fibers. The instrument has been designed to be installed on any of the eight VLT Nasmyth foci. Caup has been involved in scientific and instrumentation of project SPirou (Calibration Module) under supervision of Nuno Santos and Pedro Figueira, production of Lot1 and Lot2 of this spectrograph is produced in Porto. After the success of this production of lot1 and lot2 most parts of project Espresso (Coúde Train) is shifted to Porto and will be produced in Porto. In the presentation of cookie seminar these projects will be shown in more detail.

27 May 2015, 13:30

Centro de Astrofísica
Rua das Estrelas
4150-762 Porto