Qualitative Study of a Three Component Cosmological Fluid


Department of Physics, Universidade de Lisboa, Campo Grande, 1200 Lisboa, Portugal

We study the behaviour of small, adiabatic, density perturbations in a three-component self-gravitating system, embbebed in a static medium using a non-relativistic approximation. Using a dynamical systems approach, we show that when the fluid mixture is perturbed linearly, under the conditions prevailing in the post-recombination epoch, besides the existence of exponentially growing and decaying modes that are present for values of the perturbation wave-number $k$ smaller than a critical value $k_M$, there exists two other pure oscillatory modes at all scales. It is also shown that when the fluid mixture is perturbed linearly, under the conditions prevailing in the post-recombination epoch, a resonant process occurs in the amplitude of the growing mode of the baryonic system when we take a universe mainly composed of Hot Dark Matter. These results are very similar to those obtained by P.G.Macedo and P.M. de Carvalho for a two-component fluid.

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