CMBR angular power spectrum dependence on the fundamental cosmological parameters

Ant\'onio J. C. da Silva and Paulo Crawford

Centro de F\'{\i}sica Nuclear da U. L. e Dep. F\'{\i}sica da F.C.U.L., Av. Prof. Gama Pinto, 2 1699 Lisboa Codex, Portugal

The existence of a background radiation in the microwave spectral region (CMBR), of thermal nature and with a high degree of isotropy is one of the strongest arguments on behalf of the homogeneity and isotropy of the universe. However the CMBR also presents fluctuations of temperature (anisotropy), at a level of one part in $10^5$, which reflects the existence of density fluctuations in the primordial universe.

The best candidates to describe these small initial perturbations to the density of a largely homogeneous and isotropic universe are the "slightly" perturbed Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) models. These models and the perturbations can be described by a set of fundamental cosmological parameters, which determination seems to become possible in the near future, with the unprecedented precision of a few \%, through the observation of the CMBR angular power spectrum.

Our objective is to present a theoretical study of the dependence of the angular power spectrum with these parameters, paying a special attention to the height and location of the CMBR primary peak. In this study we consider only Cold Dark Matter models with adiabatic initial conditions and with a Harrison-Zel'dovich (n=1) power spectra.

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