COROT - A space asteroseismology experiment on Convection, Rotation and Stellar Evolution

I W Roxburgh1 and A Baglin2 and the COROT Team

1Astronomy Unit, QMW, University of London, UK
2Observatoire de Paris Meudon, France

COROT (Convection and Rotation) is a CNES Petite Mission devoted to asteroseismology and the search for extra-solar planets. It is due for launch in 2001. The instrument is a 25cm diameter, 115cm focal length telescope with a single focal plane of 4 large area cooled CCDs. The obseervational programme will consist of an exploratory programme in which stars brighter than 9th magnitude will be observed for 20 days giving coverage across the H-R diagram and a central programme in which 5 or 6 selected target fields will be observed for up to 150 days. This should yield a sensitivity of 0.6 mu mag on a 6th magnitude star and 2.5mu mag on a 9th magnitude star, and a precision on the frequencies of 0.1muHz.

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