On The Eclipses In GW Ori Double System

Shevchenko V.S.1, Grankin K.N.1, Melnikov S.Yu.1 and Lamzin S.A.2

1 Astronomical Institute of Academy of Science of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
2 Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow V234, 119899 Russia

GW Ori is a classical T Tauri star. Shevchenko et al. (1992, Inform. Bull. Var. Stars N 3747) have discovered periodical decreasing of its brightness, time interval between which was practically equal to the period of radial velocity variations P ~ 242d found by Mathieu et al. (1991, AJ v.101, p.2184). The duration of these dips d t ~ 0.1 P was constant during 1988-1992 yrs, but their amplitude subsequently decreased and they were not observe in 1994 and 1996 yrs seasons. We assume that these events were due to an eclipse of the primary star by dust and gas filling the Roche lobe of the companion. The envelope formed as a result of an accretion event from the circubinary disc and then has disappeared due to infall of the matter onto the companion. The parameters of the system are estimated in the frame of this hypothesis.

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