Proper Motions of the H$_2$O Masers in W49N:
Analysis of the Velocity Variance-Covariance Matrix

E. E. Bloemhof

California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA USA

The proper motions of the H_2O masers in W49N have been measured with multi-epoch very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) by Gwinn, Moran, and Reid (1992). The number of motions measured is large (105), and the spatial coverage of the source by maser-emitting spots with measured motions is excellent, making this source a prime candidate for investigation with model-independent analytic tools involving diagonalization of the velocity variance-covariance matrix (VVCM), as described by Bloemhof (1993). Moreover, unlike the case of OH masers, the HII region is essentially transparent at the frequency of the H_2O maser transition, so a full three-dimensional treatment is straightforward. In any VLBI proper motion experiment, the absence of an absolute interferometric phase reference implies that absolute velocities are not known, so the velocity dispersions (or relative velocities) of VVCM diagonalization are the natural quantities with which to work. In this paper, I report on the results of applying VVCM diagonalization to W49N, deriving the kinematic axis of the outflow accompanying a region of massive star formation. I then compare this local axis with the angular momentum axis suggested by the morphology of the ring of HII regions that accompany the one containing the H_2O masers, and with the axis of the large-scale outflow seen in CO emission.

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