The Decay of Astrophysical Turbulence

Mordecai-Mark Mac Low1 and Michael D. Smith2

1 Max-Planck-Institut fur Astronomie, Konigstuhl 17,
D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany
2 Astronomisches Institut, University of Wurzburg, Am Hubland,
D-97074 Wurzburg, Germany

Bipolar outflows contain sources of strong shear and turbulence: bows, jets and disk winds. The dissipation and decay of turbulence are themes extensively discussed in fluid and physics journals. However, in molecular outflows, the turbulence is supersonic and super-Alfvénic. Here we discuss the recent 3D numerical simulations of Mac Low, Klessen, Burkert & Smith (1997, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc., in press) of supersonic, super-Alfvénic, isothermal turbulence using the well-tested magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) code ZEUS-3D. We use resolutions as high as 2563 zones for both MHD and HD, allowing us to clearly separate dissipation scales from turbulent scales. We find the surprisingly general result that the kinetic energy of turbulence decays as t-s, with the decay power-law s in the range 0.87 < s < 1.2 for all of the regimes studied, aside from the extreme subsonic approach to laminar flow. We here review the decay concepts and discuss the ability of turbulence to support molecular clouds. Such a fast decay rate, however, even in the presence of magnetic fields, rules out models of molecular clouds that do not include some form of energy input driving the observed turbulence, whether it be galactic shear, blast waves and ionization from massive stars, or jets from low-mass stars.

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