Theoretical clues for mode identification - instability ranges
and rotational splitting patterns
A. A. Pamyatnykh
Copernicus Astronomical Center, Bartycka 18, 00-716 Warsaw, Poland
Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Pyatnitskaya Str. 48, 109017 Moscow, Russia
I will discuss predictions from linear oscillation calculations
regarding mode
excitation in the main-sequence variables of Cephei, SPB and
Scuti-type. The updated instability ranges in frequency and
harmonic degree will be presented. Slow or moderate rotation does not
the excitation of pulsations but it widenes the frequency range due to
rotational splitting. Main uncertainties in determination of the
frequency ranges for Delta Scuti models are due to inadequate treatment
I will compare theoretical predictions of equidistant separations in
spectra with observational evidences in pulsating stars. In this
context I
will consider the role of mode trapping in evolved stars. In greater
details I
will review structures of rotationally split multiplets for the
low-order modes
excited in Scuti stars and for the high-order ones in
stars. Also I will briefly discuss how rotation couples modes of
degrees which leads to complication in usage of the amplitude ratio –
difference diagrams.
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