Prospects in Doppler ground-based asteroseismology

F. Bouchy & F. Carrier
Geneva Observatory, 51 ch. des Maillettes, 1290 Sauverny, Switzerland


Thanks to Doppler ground-based measurements, solar-type oscillations have been recently detected in the main sequence star Cen A, the subgiant stars CMi , Hyi, Her, Eri and Boo, and the giant star Hya. We describe here the two main radial velocity techniques used (Simultaneous Thorium and Iodine Cell) which conduct to radial velocity precisions as low as 1 m s-1 on the sort term scale and allow to reach a noise level in the amplitude spectrum of only few cm s-1. Fundamental performances and limitations of spectrographs like CORALIE, HARPS and UVES are presented. A possible ground-based network dedicated to asteroseismology is proposed in order to improve the observational window and avoid misidentification of oscillation modes. Prospects in Doppler asteroseismology with ground-based spectrogaphs are discussed and compared with photometric space missions.

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