g-mode Pulsations in  Doradus Stars: The Frozen-Flux
Approximation and the Conservation of Energy
W. Löffler
Astronomical Institute Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
present address: Astronomisches Institut der Universität Basel, Switzerland
The first theoretical investigation of the suggested g-mode
instability of Doradus stars based on a linear stability analysis
carried out by Gautschy and Löffler (1996) revealed no unstable g modes at
all and concluded that these g-mode pulsations can probably not be explained
by the simple analysis of standard stellar models. More recently, Guzik et al.
(2000) have claimed that the driving mechanism for the observed g modes is
the so called “convective blocking” of the radiative energy transport due to
long convective turn-over times in the stellar envelope and have even proposed
a theoretical instability domain (Guzik et al., 2002). We have now investigated
the stability of the first 100 g-mode overtones in a few carefully selected
models using five different formulations for the neglection of the convective
flux perturbation. Depending on which one of these so called frozen-flux
variants we actually use, we find either strong evidence for “convective
blocking” and many unstable modes or no “convective blocking” and no
instability at all. After a closer look at the equation describing the linear
perturbation of the energy conservation and the different approximations used
to neglect the perturbation of the convective flux we have, however, some
serious doubts that this proposed “convective blocking” is a real physical
effect. We will show that, for the special case of an adiabatically convective
stellar envelope, it is possible to construe a formal violation of the energy
conservation for those frozen-flux approximations, which give rise to
“convective blocking”, whereas the one formulation in agreement with the
conservation of energy does not show any evidence of this this effect. Based on
our results, we claim that the true destabilising mechanism of Gamma Doradus
stars remains a mystery.
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