The Delta Scuti Variable HR 6290: High-precision Robotic Photometry
Institut für Astronomie der Universität Wien,
Türkenschanzstrass e 17, A-1180 Vienna, Austria
The multiperiod analysis of new observations of HR 6290 (HD 152830, V644 Her) by means of the Vienna University Automatic Photoelectric Telescope (APT) is presented. HR 6290 is a spectroscopic binary with an orbital period of 11.878 days, one component of which is a variable of Delta Scuti type with a period of 0.1151 days and an amplitude of 40 mmag. The fact that only one frequency has been detected by means of measurements covering not more than a few hours on one hand and the low v sin i = 16 km/s of the Delta Scuti component on the other provide the possibility that undetected modes are present. In addition, amplitude dependence of the Delta Scuti pulsation on orbital phase due to gravitational influence of the companion may be expected.
Last changed: 2002/Set/19
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