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Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto
seminários em 2015
Número de registos: 20
SOPHIE at the era of low mass planets
Bastien Courcol (Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille)
10 dezembro 2015
High-resolution studies of M dwarfs
Sara M. B. Lindgren (Uppsala University)
4 novembro 2015
ExTrA : Exoplanets in Transit and their Atmospheres
Xavier Bonfils (University of Grenoble)
23 setembro 2015
VLT mid-infrared observations and active galactic nuclei
Daniel Asmus (European Southern Observatory)
9 setembro 2015
Planets at twilight: implications on their formation and evolution
Jorge Lillo Box (Centro de Astrobiologia (CSIC-INTA))
4 setembro 2015
NEOShield: Near-Earth Asteroid Deflection from a European perspective
Siegfried Eggl (IMCCE, Observatoire de Paris)
10 julho 2015
Astrobiology: origin and the detection of life in our solar system
Zita Martins (Imperial College)
2 junho 2015
How Lyman alpha radiation gets out of galaxies (or not)
Göran Östlin (Stockholm University)
21 maio 2015
Characterization of star-planet systems
Vera M. Passegger (University of Göttingen)
6 maio 2015
Exoplanet science with astrometry from ground and space
Johannes Sahlmann (European Space Astronomy Centre, Madrid)
22 abril 2015
What is ULME and why it will help us find exo-planets
Giancarlo Pace (IA/U.Porto)
8 abril 2015
Science with ALMA - getting ready for Cycle3
Hugo Messias (IA/U.Lisboa)
31 março 2015
Mapping clouds of exoplanets
Antonio García Muñoz (ESA)
17 março 2015
Can a black hole have hair?
Carlos A. R. Herdeiro (Universidade de Aveiro)
11 fevereiro 2015
The Dark Side of the Universe - A Status Report
Carlos J. A. P. Martins (IA/U.Porto)
21 janeiro 2015