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Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto

Non-Gaussian Features of Linear Cosmic String Models

P. P. Avelino, E. P. S. Shellard, J. H. P. Wu, B. Allen

We investigate the non-Gaussian properties of cosmic string-seeded linear density perturbations with cold and hot dark matter backgrounds using high-resolution numerical simulations. We compute the one-point probability density function of the resulting density field and its skewness, kurtosis, and genus curves for different smoothing scales. A semianalytic model is then invoked to provide a physical interpretation of our results. We conclude that on scales smaller than 1.5(Ωh2)-1 Mpc, perturbations seeded by cosmic strings are very non-Gaussian. These scales may still be in a linear or mildly nonlinear regime in an open or Λ universe with Γ=Ωh<~0.2.

The Astrophysical Journal Letters
Volume 507, Página L101
novembro 1998

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