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Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto

Simulating the impact of dust cooling on the statistical properties of the intra-cluster medium

E. Pointecouteau, A. C. da Silva, A. Catalano, L. Montier, J. Lanoux, M. Roncarelli, M. Giard

From the first stages of star and galaxy formation, non-gravitational processes such as ram pressure stripping, SNs, galactic winds, AGNs, galaxy–galaxy mergers, etc. lead to the enrichment of the IGM in stars, metals as well as dust, via the ejection of galactic material into the IGM. We know now that these processes shape, side by side with gravitation, the formation and the evolution of structures. We present here hydrodynamic simulations of structure formation implementing the effect of the cooling by dust on large scale structure formation. We focus on the scale of galaxy clusters and study the statistical properties of clusters. Here, we present our results on the TX − M and the LX − M scaling relations which exhibit changes on both the slope and normalization when adding cooling by dust to the standard radiative cooling model. For example, the normalization of the TX − M relation changes only by a maximum of 2% at M = 1014M whereas the normalization of the LX − TX changes by as much as 10% at TX = 1 keV for models that including dust cooling. Our study shows that the dust is an added non-gravitational process that contributes shaping the thermodynamical state of the hot ICM gas.

Palavras chave
Astrophysics; Numerical simulations; Galaxy clusters

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (E. Pointecouteau).

Advances in Space Research
Volume 44, Página 440
setembro 2009

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