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Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto

Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background generated by Cosmic String Networks

L. Sousa

Cosmic string interactions often result in the formation of cosmic string loops that detach from the network and radiate their energy in the form of gravitational radiation. These loops are copiously produced throughout the evolution of cosmic string networks, and the superimposition of their emissions gives rise to a stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) that spans a wide range of frequencies. In computations of this SGWB it is often assumed that the networks experience scale-invariant evolution throughout cosmological history. We demonstrate that this assumption leads to an underestimation of the amplitude and broadness of the peak of the spectrum and to signi cant underestimation of the total energy density of gravitational waves at the present time.

IX Iberian Cosmology Meeting
Aveiro, Portugal
abril 2014

Tipo: Comunicação oral