Articles in journals
Number of records: 99 P. A. R. Ade, N. Aghanim, C. Armitage-Caplan, M. Arnaud, M. Ashdown, F. Atrio-Barandela, J. Aumont, H. Aussel, C. Baccigalupi, A. J. Banday, R. B. Barreiro, R. Barrena, M. Bartelmann, J.G. Bartlett, E. Battaner, K. Benabed, A. Benoit-Levy, J.-P. Bernard, M. Bersanelli, P. Bielewicz, I. Bikmaev, J. Bobin, J. J. Bock, A. Bonaldi, J. R. Bond, J. Borrill, F. R. Bouchet, M. Bridges, M. Bucher, R. Burenin, C. Burigana, R. C. Butler, J.-F. Cardoso, P. Carvalho, A. Catalano, A. Challinor, A. Chamballu, R.-R. Chary, X. Chen, H. C. Chiang, L.-Y. Chiang, G. Chon, P. R. Christensen, E. Churazov, S. Church, D. L. Clements, S. Colombi, L. P. L. Colombo, B. Comis, F. Couchot, A. Coulais, B. P. Crill, A. Curto, F. Cuttaia, H. Dahle, L. Danese, R. D. Davies, R. J. Davis, J. Delabrouille, J.-M. Delouis, C. Dickinson, J. M. Diego, K. Dolag, H. Dole, S. Donzelli, M. Douspis, X. Dupac, G. Efstathiou, H. K. Eriksen, F. Feroz, A. Ferragamo, F. Finelli, I. Flores-Cacho, O. Forni, M. Frailis, E. Franceschi, S. Fromenteau, S. Galeotta, K. Ganga, M. Giard, G. Giardino, M. Gilfanov, K. M. Gorski, K. Grainge, S. Gratton, A. Gregorio, N. E. Groeneboom, A. Gruppuso, F. K. Hansen, D. Hanson, D. L. Harrison, A. Hempel, D. Herranz, S. R. Hildebrandt, E. Hivon, M. Hobson, W. A. Holmes, A. Hornstrup, W. Hovest, K. M. Huffenberger, G. Hurier, N. Hurley-Walker, A. H. Jaffe, T. R. Jaffe, W. C. Jones, M. Juvela, R. Keskitalo, I. Khamitov, T. S. Kisner, R. Kneissl, J. Knoche, L. Knox, M. Kunz, H. Kurki-Suonio, G. Lagache, J.-M. Lamarre, A. Lasenby, R. J. Laureijs, C. R. Lawrence, P. Leahy, R. Leonardi, J. Lesgourgues, C. Li, A. R. Liddle, M. Liguori, P. B. Lilje, P. M. Lubin, C. J. MacTavish, B. Maffei, D. Maino, N. Mandolesi, M. Maris, D. J. Marshall, P. G. Martin, E. Martinez-Gonzalez, S. Masi, M. Massardi, S. Matarrese, F. Matthai, P. Mazzotta, S. Mei, P. R. Meinhold, A. Melchiorri, J.-B. Melin, L. Mendes, A. Mennella, M. Migliaccio, K. Mikkelsen, S. Mitra, A. Moneti, J. Montier, G. Morgante, D. Mortlock, D. Munshi, J. A. Murphy, P. Naselsky, A. Nastasi, F. Nati, P. Natoli, N. P. H. Nesvadba, C. B. Netterfield, F. Noviello, D. Novikov, I. Novikov, M. Olamaie, S. Osborne, C. A. Oxborrow, F. Paci, L. Pagano, F. Pajot, D. Paoletti, F. Pasian, G. Patanchon, T. J. Pearson, O. Perdereau, L. Perotto, Y. Perrott, F. Perrotta, F. Piacentini, M. Piat, E. Pierpaoli, D. Pietrobon, S. Plaszczynski, E. Pointecouteau, G. Polenta, N. Ponthieu, L. A. Popa, T. Poutanen, G. W. Pratt, S. Prunet, J.-L. Puget, J. P. Rachen, W. T. Reach, M. Reinecke, M. Remazeilles, C. Renault, S. Ricciardi, T. Riller, I. Ristorcelli, G. Rocha, C. Rosset, G. Roudier, M. Rowan-Robinson, C. Rumsey, B. Rusholme, M. Sandri, D. Santos, R. D. Saunders, G. Savini, M. P. Schammel, D. Scott, M. D. Seiffert, E. P. S. Shellard, T. W. Shimwell, L. D. Spencer, J.-L. Starck, V. Stolyarov, R. Stompor, A. Streblyanska, R. Sudiwala, R. Sunyaev, F. Sureau, D. Sutton, A.-S. Suur-Uski, J.-F. Sygnet, J. A. Tauber, D. Tavagnacco, L. Terenzi, L. Toffolatti, M. Tomasi, D. Tramonte, M. Tristram, M. Tucci, J. Tuovinen, G. Umana, L. Valenziano, J. Valiviita, L. Vibert, P. Vielva, F. Villa, N. Vittorio, L. A. Wade, B. D. Wandelt, M. White, S. D. M. White, D. Yvon, A. Zacchei, A. Zonca, J. A. Rubiño-Martin, B. Van Tent, M. Türler, H. Böhringer, A. C. da Silva, P. de Bernardis, A. de Rosa, G. de Zotti, J. Démoclès, F.-X. Désert, O. Doré, T. A. Enβlin, R. T. Génova-Santos, Y. Giraud-Héraud, J. González-Nuevo, S. Henrot-Versillé, C. Hernández-Monteagudo, , E. Keihänen, G. Prézeau, A. Lähteenmäki, J. León-Tavares, M. Linden-Vørnle, J. F. Macías-Pérez, M.-A. Miville-Deschênes, H. U. Nørgaard-Nielsen, 2015,
Planck 2013 results. XXXII. The updated Planck catalogue of Sunyaev-Zeldovich sources, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 581, - P. A. R. Ade, N. Aghanim, C. Armitage-Caplan, M. Arnaud, M. Ashdown, F. Atrio-Barandela, J. Aumont, H. Aussel, C. Baccigalupi, A. J. Banday, R. B. Barreiro, R. Barrena, M. Bartelmann, J.G. Bartlett, E. Battaner, K. Benabed, A. Benoît, A. Benoit-Levy, J.-P. Bernard, M. Bersanelli, P. Bielewicz, I. Bikmaev, J. Bobin, J. J. Bock, H. Böhringer, A. Bonaldi, J. R. Bond, J. Borrill, F. R. Bouchet, M. Bridges, M. Bucher, R. Burenin, C. Burigana, R. C. Butler, J.-F. Cardoso, P. Carvalho, A. Catalano, A. Challinor, A. Chamballu, R.-R. Chary, X. Chen, H. C. Chiang, L.-Y. Chiang, G. Chon, P. R. Christensen, E. Churazov, S. Church, D. L. Clements, S. Colombi, L. P. L. Colombo, B. Comis, F. Couchot, A. Coulais, B. P. Crill, A. Curto, F. Cuttaia, A. C. da Silva, H. Dahle, L. Danese, R. D. Davies, R. J. Davis, P. de Bernardis, A. de Rosa, G. de Zotti, J. Delabrouille, J.-M. Delouis, J. Démoclès, F.-X. Désert, C. Dickinson, J. M. Diego, K. Dolag, H. Dole, S. Donzelli, O. Doré, M. Douspis, X. Dupac, G. Efstathiou, T. A. Enβlin, H. K. Eriksen, F. Feroz, A. Ferragamo, F. Finelli, I. Flores-Cacho, O. Forni, M. Frailis, E. Franceschi, S. Fromenteau, S. Galeotta, K. Ganga, R. T. Génova-Santos, M. Giard, G. Giardino, M. Gilfanov, Y. Giraud-Héraud, J. González-Nuevo, K. Górski, K. Grainge, S. Gratton, A. Gregorio, N. E. Groeneboom, A. Gruppuso, F. K. Hansen, D. Hanson, D. L. Harrison, A. Hempel, S. Henrot-Versillé, C. Hernández-Monteagudo, D. Herranz, S. R. Hildebrandt, E. Hivon, M. Hobson, W. A. Holmes, A. Hornstrup, W. Hovest, K. M. Huffenberger, G. Hurier, N. Hurley-Walker, A. H. Jaffe, T. R. Jaffe, W. C. Jones, M. Juvela, E. Keihänen, R. Keskitalo, I. Khamitov, T. S. Kisner, R. Kneissl, J. Knoche, L. Knox, M. Kunz, H. Kurki-Suonio, G. Lagache, A. Lähteenmäki, J.-M. Lamarre, A. Lasenby, R. J. Laureijs, C. R. Lawrence, P. Leahy, R. Leonardi, J. León-Tavares, J. Lesgourgues, C. Li, A. R. Liddle, M. Liguori, P. B. Lilje, M. Linden-Vørnle, M. López-Caniego, P. M. Lubin, J. F. Macías-Pérez, C. J. MacTavish, B. Maffei, D. Maino, N. Mandolesi, M. Maris, D. J. Marshall, P. G. Martin, E. Martínez-González, S. Masi, M. Massardi, S. Matarrese, F. Matthai, P. Mazzotta, S. Mei, P. R. Meinhold, A. Melchiorri, J.-B. Melin, L. Mendes, A. Mennella, M. Migliaccio, K. Mikkelsen, S. Mitra, M.-A. Miville-Deschênes, A. Moneti, L. Montier, G. Morgante, D. Mortlock, D. Munshi, J. A. Murphy, P. Naselsky, A. Nastasi, F. Nati, P. Natoli, N. P. H. Nesvadba, C. B. Netterfield, H. U. Nørgaard-Nielsen, F. Noviello, D. Novikov, I. Novikov, I. J. O'Dwyer, M. Olamaie, S. Osborne, C. A. Oxborrow, F. Paci, L. Pagano, F. Pajot, D. Paoletti, F. Pasian, G. Patanchon, T. J. Pearson, O. Perdereau, L. Perotto, Y. Perrott, F. Perrotta, F. Piacentini, M. Piat, E. Pierpaoli, D. Pietrobon, S. Plaszczynski, E. Pointecouteau, G. Polenta, N. Ponthieu, L. A. Popa, T. Poutanen, G. W. Pratt, G. Prézeau, S. Prunet, J.-L. Puget, J. P. Rachen, W. T. Reach, R. Rebolo López, M. Reinecke, M. Remazeilles, C. Renault, S. Ricciardi, T. Riller, I. Ristorcelli, G. Rocha, C. Rosset, G. Roudier, M. Rowan-Robinson, J. A. Rubiño-Martin, C. Rumsey, B. Rusholme, M. Sandri, D. Santos, R. D. Saunders, G. Savini, M. P. Schammel, D. Scott, M. D. Seiffert, E. P. S. Shellard, T. W. Shimwell, L. D. Spencer, J.-L. Starck, V. Stolyarov, R. Stompor, A. Streblyanska, R. Sudiwala, R. Sunyaev, F. Sureau, D. Sutton, A.-S. Suur-Uski, J.-F. Sygnet, J. A. Tauber, D. Tavagnacco, L. Terenzi, L. Toffolatti, M. Tomasi, D. Tramonte, M. Tristram, M. Tucci, J. Tuovinen, M. Türler, G. Umana, L. Valenziano, J. Valiviita, B. Van Tent, L. Vibert, P. Vielva, F. Villa, N. Vittorio, L. A. Wade, B. D. Wandelt, M. White, S. D. M. White, D. Yvon, A. Zacchei, A. Zonca, 2015,
Planck 2013 results. XXXII. The updated Planck catalogue of Sunyaev-Zeldovich sources, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 581, A14- V. Zh. Adibekyan, L. Benamati, N. C. Santos, S. Alves, C. Lovis, S. Udry, G. Israelian, S. G. Sousa, M. Tsantaki, A. Mortier, A. Sozzetti, J. R. de Medeiros, 2015,
Chemical abundances and kinematics of 257 G-, K-type field giants. Setting a base for further analysis of giant-planet properties orbiting evolved stars, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 450, 1900-1915 V. Zh. Adibekyan, N. C. Santos, P. Figueira, C. Dorn, S. G. Sousa, E. Delgado Mena, G. Israelian, A. A. Hakobyan, C. Mordasini, 2015,
From stellar to planetary composition: Galactic chemical evolution of Mg/Si mineralogical ratio, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 581, L2- V. Zh. Adibekyan, P. Figueira, N. C. Santos, S. G. Sousa, J. P. Faria, E. Delgado Mena, M. Oshagh, M. Tsantaki, A. A. Hakobyan, J. I. González Hernández, L. Suárez-Andrés, G. Israelian, 2015,
Identifying the best iron-peak and α-capture elements for chemical tagging: The impact of the number of lines on measured scatter, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 583, A94- J. -M. Almenara, C. Damiani, F. Bouchy, M. Havel, G. Bruno, G. Hébrard, R. F. Díaz, M. Deleuil, S. C. C. Barros, I. Boisse, A. S. Bonomo, G. Montagnier, A. Santerne, 2015,
SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates XV. KOI-614b, KOI-206b, and KOI-680b: a massive warm Jupiter orbiting a G0 metallic dwarf and two highly inflated planets with a distant companion around evolved F-type stars, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 575, A71- J. -M. Almenara, N. Astudillo, X. Bonfils, T. Forveille, A. Santerne, S. Albrecht, S. C. C. Barros, F. Bouchy, X. Delfosse, O. Demangeon, R. F. Díaz, G. Hébrard, M. Mayor, V. Neves, P. Rojo, N. C. Santos, A. Wünsche, 2015,
A HARPS view on K2-3, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 581, L7- S. Alves, L. Benamati, N. C. Santos, V. Zh. Adibekyan, S. G. Sousa, G. Israelian, J. R. de Medeiros, C. Lovis, S. Udry, 2015,
Determination of the spectroscopic stellar parameters for 257 field giant stars, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 448, 2749-2765 D. J. Armstrong, A. Santerne, D. Veras, S. C. C. Barros, O. Demangeon, J. Lillo Box, J. McCormac, H. P. Osborn, M. Tsantaki, J. -M. Almenara, D. Barrado-Navascues, I. Boisse, A. S. Bonomo, D. J. A. Brown, G. Bruno, J. Rey Cerda, B. Courcol, M. Deleuil, R. F. Díaz, A. P. Doyle, G. Hébrard, J. Kirk, K. W. F. Lam, D. Pollacco, A. S. Rajpurohit, J. Spake, S. R. Walker, 2015,
One of the closest exoplanet pairs to the 3:2 mean motion resonance: K2-19b and c, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 582, A33- N. Astudillo, X. Bonfils, X. Delfosse, D. Ségransan, T. Forveille, F. Bouchy, M. Gillon, C. Lovis, M. Mayor, V. Neves, F. Pepe, C. Perrier, D. Queloz, P. Rojo, N. C. Santos, S. Udry, 2015,
The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets XXXVI. Planetary systems and stellar activity of the M dwarfs GJ 3293, GJ 3341, and GJ 3543, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 575, A119_1-A119_19 P. P. Avelino, L. Sousa, 2015,
Observational Constraints on Varying-Alpha Domain Walls, Universe, 1, 6-16 P. P. Avelino, 2015,
Interacting dark energy: The role of microscopic feedback in the dark sector, Physical Review D, 91, 083515- P. P. Avelino, V. M. C. Ferreira, 2015,
Constraints on the dark matter sound speed from galactic scales: The cases of the modified and extended Chaplygin gas, Physical Review D, 91, 083508- P. P. Avelino, 2015,
Could the dynamics of the Universe be influenced by what is going on inside black holes?, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 04, 24- S. C. C. Barros, J. -M. Almenara, O. Demangeon, M. Tsantaki, A. Santerne, D. J. Armstrong, D. Barrado-Navascues, D. J. A. Brown, M. Deleuil, J. Lillo Box, H. P. Osborn, D. Pollacco, L. Abe, Ph. André, P. Bendjoya, I. Boisse, A. S. Bonomo, F. Bouchy, G. Bruno, J. Rey Cerda, B. Courcol, R. F. Díaz, G. Hébrard, J. Kirk, J. C. Lachurié, K. W. F. Lam, P. Martinez, J. McCormac, C. Moutou, A. S. Rajpurohit, J.-P. Rivet, J. Spake, O. Suarez, D. Toublanc, S. R. Walker, 2015,
Photodynamical mass determination of the multiplanetary system K2-19, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 454, 4267-4276 Z. Berta-Thompson, J. M. Irwin, D. Charbonneau, E. R. Newton, J. A. Dittman, N. Astudillo, X. Bonfils, M. Gillon, E. Jehin, A. A. Stark, B. Stalder, F. Bouchy, X. Delfosse, T. Forveille, C. Lovis, M. Mayor, V. Neves, F. Pepe, N. C. Santos, S. Udry, A. Wünsche, 2015,
A rocky planet transiting a nearby low-mass star, Nature, 527, 204-207 S. Bertrán de Lis, E. Delgado Mena, V. Zh. Adibekyan, N. C. Santos, S. G. Sousa, 2015,
Oxygen abundances in G- and F-type stars from HARPS. Comparison of [OI] 6300 Å and OI 6158 Å, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 576, A89- K. Biazzo, R. Gratton, S. Desidera, S. Lucatello, A. Sozzetti, A. S. Bonomo, M. Damasso, D. Gandolfi, L. Affer, C. Boccato, F. Borsa, R. Claudi, R. Cosentino, E. Covino, C. Knapic, A. F. Lanza, J. Maldonado, F. Marzari, G. Micela, P. Molaro, I. Pagano, M. Pedani, I. Pillitteri, G. Piotto, E. Poretti, M. Rainer, N. C. Santos, G. Scandariato, R. Zanmar Sanchez, 2015,
The GAPS programme with HARPS-N at TNG. X. Differential abundances in the XO-2 planet-hosting binary, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 583, A135- I. Boisse, A. Santerne, J.-P. Beaulieu, W. Fakhardji, N. C. Santos, P. Figueira, S. G. Sousa, C. Ranc, 2015,
The first radial velocity measurements of a microlensing event: no evidence for the predicted binary, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 582, L11- A. S. Bonomo, A. Sozzetti, A. Santerne, M. Deleuil, J. -M. Almenara, G. Bruno, R. F. Díaz, G. Hébrard, C. Moutou, 2015,
Improved parameters of seven Kepler giant companions characterized with SOPHIE and HARPS-N, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 575, A85- F. Bouchy, D. Ségransan, R. F. Díaz, T. Forveille, I. Boisse, L. Arnold, N. Astudillo-Defru, J.-L. Beuzit, X. Bonfils, S. Borgniet, V. Bourrier, B. Courcol, X. Delfosse, O. Demangeon, P. Delorme, D. Ehrenreich, G. Hébrard, A.-M. Lagrange, M. Mayor, G. Montagnier, C. Moutou, D. Naef, F. Pepe, C. Perrier, D. Queloz, J. Rey, J. Sahlmann, A. Santerne, N. C. Santos, J.-P. Sivan, S. Udry, P. A. Wilson, 2015,
The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. VIII. Follow-up of ELODIE candidates: long-period brown-dwarf companions, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 585, - V. Bourrier, A. Lecavelier Des Etangs, G. Hébrard, A. Santerne, M. Deleuil, J. -M. Almenara, S. C. C. Barros, I. Boisse, A. S. Bonomo, G. Bruno, B. Courcol, R. F. Díaz, G. Montagnier, C. Moutou, 2015,
SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates XVI. Tomographic measurement of the low obliquity of KOI-12b, a warm Jupiter transiting a fast rotator, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 579, A55- G. Bruno, J. -M. Almenara, S. C. C. Barros, A. Santerne, R. F. Díaz, M. Deleuil, C. Damiani, A. S. Bonomo, I. Boisse, F. Bouchy, G. Hébrard, G. Montagnier, 2015,
SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. XIV. A joint photometric, spectroscopic, and dynamical analysis of the Kepler-117 system, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 573, A124- J. Cabrera, Sz. Csizmadia, G. Montagnier, M. Fridlund, M. Ammler-von Eiff, S. Chaintreuil, C. Damiani, M. Deleuil, S. Ferraz-Mello, A. Ferrigno, D. Gandolfi, T. Guillot, E. W. Guenther, A. Hatzes, G. Hébrard, P. Klagyivik, H. Parviainen, T. Pasternacki, M. Pätzold, D. Sebastian, M. Tadeu dos Santos, G. Wuchterl, S. Aigrain, R. Alonso, J. -M. Almenara, J. D. Armstrong, M. Auvergne, A. Baglin, P. Barge, S. C. C. Barros, A. S. Bonomo, P. Bordé, F. Bouchy, S. Carpano, C. Chaffey, H. J. Deeg, R. F. Díaz, R. Dvorak, A. Erikson, S. Grziwa, J. Korth, H. Lammer, C. Lindsay, T. Mazeh, C. Moutou, A. Ofir, M. Ollivier, E. Pallé, H. Rauer, D. Rouan, B. Samuel, A. Santerne, J. Schneider, 2015,
Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission XXVII. CoRoT-28b, a planet orbiting an evolved star, and CoRoT-29b, a planet showing an asymmetric transit, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 579, A36- T. L. Campante, T. Barclay, J. J. Swift, D. Huber, V. Zh. Adibekyan, W. D. Cochran, C. Burke, H. Isaacson, E. V. Quintana, G. R. Davies, V. Silva Aguirre, D. Ragozzine, R. Riddle, C. Baranec, S. Basu, W. J. Chaplin, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, T. S. Metcalfe, T. R. Bedding, R. Handberg, D. Stello, J. M. Brewer, S. Hekker, C. Karoff, R. Kolbl, N. M. Law, M. Lundkvist, A. Miglio, J. F. Rowe, N. C. Santos, C. Van Laerhoven, T. Arentoft, Y. Elsworth, D. A. Fischer, S. D. Kawaler, H. Kjeldsen, M. N. Lund, G. W. Marcy, S. G. Sousa, A. Sozzetti, T. R. White, 2015,
An Ancient Extrasolar System with Five Sub-Earth-size Planets, The Astrophysical Journal, 799, 170- J. Casanellas, I. M. Brandão, Y. Lebreton, 2015,
Stellar convective cores as dark matter probes, Physical Review D, 91, 103535- C. Catalán-Torrecilla, A. Gil de Paz, A. Castillo-Morales, J. Iglésias-Páramo, S. F. Sánchez, R. C Kennicutt, Pablo G. Perez-Gonzalez, R. A. Marino, C. J. Walcher, B. Husemann, R. García-Benito, D. Mast, R. M. González Delgado, J. C. Muñoz-Mateos, J. Bland-Hawthorn, D. J. Bomans, A. del Olmo, L. Galbany, J. M. Gomes, C. Kehrig, Á. R. López-Sánchez, M. A. Mendoza, A. Monreal Ibero, M. Pérez-Torres, P. Sánchez-Blázquez, J. M. Vílchez, and the CALIFA collaboration, 2015,
Star formation in the local Universe from the CALIFA sample I. Calibrating the SFR using integral field spectroscopy data, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 584, A87- C. M. Correia, K. Jackson, J.-P. Véran, D. Andersen, O. Lardière, C. Bradley, 2015,
Spatio-angular minimum-variance tomographic controller for multi-object adaptive-optics systems, Applied Optics, 54, 5281- B. Courcol, F. Bouchy, F. Pepe, A. Santerne, X. Delfosse, L. Arnold, N. Astudillo, I. Boisse, X. Bonfils, S. Borgniet, V. Bourrier, N. Cabrera Salazar, M. Deleuil, O. Demangeon, R. F. Díaz, D. Ehrenreich, T. Forveille, G. Hébrard, A.-M. Lagrange, G. Montagnier, C. Moutou, J. Rey Cerda, N. C. Santos, D. Ségransan, S. Udry, P. A. Wilson, 2015,
The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. VII. A warm Neptune orbiting HD 164595, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 581, A38- Sz. Csizmadia, A. Hatzes, D. Gandolfi, M. Deleuil, F. Bouchy, M. Fridlund, L. Szabados, H. Parviainen, J. Cabrera, S. Aigrain, R. Alonso, J. -M. Almenara, A. Baglin, P. Bordé, A. S. Bonomo, H. J. Deeg, R. F. Díaz, A. Erikson, S. Ferraz-Mello, M. Tadeu dos Santos, E. W. Guenther, T. Guillot, S. Grziwa, G. Hébrard, P. Klagyivik, M. Ollivier, M. Pätzold, H. Rauer, D. Rouan, A. Santerne, J. Schneider, T. Mazeh, G. Wuchterl, S. Carpano, A. Ofir, 2015,
Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission XXVIII. CoRoT-33b, an object in the brown dwarf desert with 2:3 commensurability with its host star, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 584, A13- M. S. Cunha, D. Stello, P. P. Avelino, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, R. H. D. Townsend, 2015,
Structural Glitches near the Cores of Red Giants Revealed by Oscillations in g-mode Period Spacings from Stellar Models, The Astrophysical Journal, 805, 127- M. Damasso, K. Biazzo, A. S. Bonomo, S. Desidera, A. F. Lanza, V. Nascimbeni, M. Esposito, G. Scandariato, A. Sozzetti, R. Cosentino, R. Gratton, L. Malavolta, M. Rainer, D. Gandolfi, E. Poretti, R. Zanmar Sanchez, I. Ribas, N. C. Santos, L. Affer, G. Andreuzzi, M. Barbieri, L. Bedin, S. Benatti, A. Bernagozzi, E. Bertolini, M. Bonavita, F. Borsa, L. Borsato, W. Boschin, P. Calcidese, A. Carbognani, D. Cenadelli, J. M. Christille, R. Claudi, E. Covino, A. Cunial, P. Giacobbe, V. Granata, A. Harutyunyan, M. Lattanzi, G. Leto, M. Libralato, G. Lodato, V. Lorenzi, L. Mancini, A. F. Martinez Fiorenziano, F. Marzari, S. Masiero, G. Micela, E. Molinari, M. Molinaro, U. Munari, S. Murabito, I. Pagano, M. Pedani, G. Piotto, A. Rosenberg, R. Silvotti, J. Southworth, 2015,
The GAPS programme with HARPS-N at TNG V. A comprehensive analysis of the XO-2 stellar and planetary systems, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 575, A111_1-A111_24 I. de Martino, R. T. Génova-Santos, F. Atrio-Barandela, H. Ebeling, A. Kashlinsky, D. D. Kocesvski, C. J. A. P. Martins, 2015,
Constraining the Redshift Evolution of the Cosmic Microwave Background Blackbody Temperature with PLANCK Data, The Astrophysical Journal, 808, 128- E. Delgado Mena, S. Bertrán de Lis, V. Zh. Adibekyan, S. G. Sousa, P. Figueira, A. Mortier, J. I. González Hernández, M. Tsantaki, G. Israelian, N. C. Santos, 2015,
Li abundances in F stars: planets, rotation, and Galactic evolution, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 576, A69- L. K. Dewangan, D. K. Ojha, J. M. C. Grave, K. K. Mallick, 2015,
Star formation around the mid-infrared bubble CN 148, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 446, 2640-2658 J.-F. Donati, E. Hébrard, G. A. J. Hussain, C. Moutou, L. Malo, K. N. Grankin, A. A. Vidotto, S. Alencar, S. G. Gregory, M. Jardine, G. Herczeg, J. Morin, R. Fares, F. Ménard, J. Bouvier, X. Delfosse, R. Doyon, M. Takami, P. Figueira, P. Petit, I. Boisse, 2015,
Magnetic activity and hot Jupiters of young Suns: the weak-line T Tauri stars V819 Tau and V830 Tau, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 453, 3706-3719 C. D. Dressing, D. Charbonneau, X. Dumusque, S. Gettel, F. Pepe, A. Collier Cameron, D. W. Latham, E. Molinari, S. Udry, L. Affer, A. S. Bonomo, L. A. Buchhave, R. Cosentino, P. Figueira, A. F. Martinez Fiorenzano, A. Harutyunyan, R. D. Haywood, J. Asher Johnson, M. López-Morales, C. Lovis, L. Malavolta, M. Mayor, G. Micela, F. Motalebi, V. Nascimbeni, D. F. Phillips, G. Piotto, D. Pollacco, D. Queloz, K. Rice, D. Sasselov, D. Ségransan, A. Sozzetti, A. Szentgyorgyi, C. A. Watson, 2015,
The Mass of Kepler-93b and The Composition of Terrestrial Planets, The Astrophysical Journal, 800, 135- M. C. Ferreira, C. J. A. P. Martins, 2015,
Further consistency tests of the stability of fundamental couplings, Physical Review D, 91, 124032_1-124032_8 M. E. Filho, J. Sánchez Almeida, C. Muñoz-Tuñón, S. E. Nuza, F. Kitaura, S. Heβ, 2015,
Extremely Metal-poor Galaxies: The Environment, The Astrophysical Journal, 802, 82- A. Frasca, K. Biazzo, A. C. Lanzafame, J. M. Alcalá, E. Brugaletta, A. Klutsch, B. Stelzer, G. G. Sacco, L. Spina, R. D. Jeffries, D. Montes, E. J. Alfaro, G. Barentsen, R. Bonito, J. F. Gameiro, J. López-Santiago, G. Pace, L. Pasquini, L. Prisinzano, S. G. Sousa, G. Gilmore, S. Randich, G. Micela, A. Bragaglia, E. Flaccomio, A. Bayo, M. T. Costado, E. Franciosini, V. Hill, A. Hourihane, P. Jofré, C. Lardo, E. Maiorca, T. Masseron, L. Morbidelli, C. Worley, 2015,
The Gaia-ESO Survey: Chromospheric emission, accretion properties, and rotation in γ Velorum and Chamaeleon I, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 575, A4- A. García Hernández, S. Martín-Ruiz, M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro, J.-C. Suárez, D. R. Reese, J. Pascual-Granado, R. Garrido, 2015,
Observational Δν-ρ¯ Relation for δ Sct Stars using Eclipsing Binaries and Space Photometry Relation for δ Sct Stars using Eclipsing Bin, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 811, L29- R. García-Benito, S. Zibetti, S. F. Sánchez, B. Husemann, A. L. de Amorim, A. Castillo-Morales, R. Cid Fernandes, S. Ellis, J. Falcón-Barroso, L. Galbany, A. Gil de Paz, R. M. González Delgado, E. A. D. Lacerda, R. López-Fernández, A. de Lorenzo-Cáceres, M. Lyubenova, R. A. Marino, D. Mast, M. A. Mendoza, K. N. Abazajian, E. Pérez, N. Vale Asari, J. A. L. Aguerri, Y. Ascasibar, S. Bekeraitè, J. Bland-Hawthorn, J. K. Barrera-Ballesteros, D. J. Bomans, M. Cano-Díaz, C. Catalán-Torrecilla, C. Cortijo-Ferrero, G. Delgado-Inglada, M. Demleitner, R.-J. Dettmar, A. I. Díaz, E. Florido, A. Gallazzi, B. García-Lorenzo, J. M. Gomes, L. Holmes, J. Iglésias-Páramo, K. Jahnke, V. Kalinova, C. Kehrig, R. C Kennicutt, Á. R. López-Sánchez, I. Márquez, J. Masegosa, S. Meidt, J. Méndez-Abreu, M. Mollá, A. Monreal Ibero, C. Morisset, A. del Olmo, P. Papaderos, I. Pérez, A. Quirrenbach, F. F. Rosales-Ortega, M. M. Roth, T. Ruiz-Lara, P. Sánchez-Blázquez, L. Sánchez-Menguiano, R. Singh, K. Spekkens, V. Stanishev, P. Torres-Papaqui, G. van de Ven, J. M. Vílchez, C. J. Walcher, V. Wild, L. Wisotzki, B. Ziegler, J. Alves, D. Barrado-Navascues, J. M. Quintana, J. Aceituno, 2015,
CALIFA, the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey III. Second public data release, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 576, A135- B. García-Lorenzo, I. Márquez, J. K. Barrera-Ballesteros, J. Masegosa, B. Husemann, J. Falcón-Barroso, M. Lyubenova, S. F. Sánchez, C. J. Walcher, D. Mast, R. García-Benito, J. Méndez-Abreu, G. van de Ven, K. Spekkens, L. Holmes, A. Monreal Ibero, A. del Olmo, B. Ziegler, J. Bland-Hawthorn, P. Sánchez-Blázquez, J. Iglésias-Páramo, J. A. L. Aguerri, P. Papaderos, J. M. Gomes, R. A. Marino, R. M. González Delgado, C. Cortijo-Ferrero, Á. R. López-Sánchez, S. Bekeraitè, L. Wisotzki, D. J. Bomans, and the CALIFA collaboration, 2015,
Ionized gas kinematics of galaxies in the CALIFA survey. I. Velocity fields, kinematic parameters of the dominant component, and presence of kinematically distinct gaseous systems, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 573, A58_1-A58_43 J. M. Gomes, P. Papaderos, C. Kehrig, I. P. Breda, M. D. Lehnert, B. Ziegler, S. N. Reis, J. Bland-Hawthorn, L. Galbany, D. J. Bomans, C. J. Walcher, G. J. Olmo, R. A. Marino, , 2015,
Spiral-like star-forming patterns in CALIFA early-type galaxies, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 585, - A. A. Hakobyan, A. G. Karapetyan, L. V. Barkhudaryan, G. A. Mamon, D. Kunth, A. R. Petrosian, V. Zh. Adibekyan, L. S. Aramyan, M. Turatto, 2015,
Supernovae and their host galaxies - III. The impact of bars and bulges on the radial distribution of supernovae in disc galaxies, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 456, 2848-2860 A. Humphrey, N. Roche, J. M. Gomes, P. Papaderos, M. Villar Martín, M. E. Filho, B. H. C. Emonts, I. Aretxaga, L. Binette, B. Ocaña Flaquer, P. Lagos, J. Torrealba, 2015,
Witnessing the transformation of a quasar host galaxy at z = 1.6, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 447, 3322-3327 A. Humphrey, M. Villar Martín, C. Ramos Almeida, C. N. Tadhunter, S. Arribas, P. S. Bessiere, A. Cabrera Lavers, 2015,
VLT FORS2 optical imaging and spectroscopy of nine luminous type 2 AGN at 0.3 < z < 0.6 - I. Ionized gas nebulae, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 454, 4452-4466 A. Humphrey, M. Villar Martín, P. Lagos, 2015,
GTC optical imaging of extremely red 5C radio galaxies at high redshift, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 585, - E. E. O. Ishida, S. D. P. Vitenti, M. Penna-Lima, J. Cisewski-kehe, R. S. de Souza, A. M. M. Trindade, E. Cameron, V. C. Busti, 2015,
COSMOABC: Likelihood-free inference via Population Monte Carlo Approximate Bayesian Computation, Astronomy and Computing, 13, 1-11 K. Jackson, C. M. Correia, O. Lardière, D. Andersen, C. Bradley, 2015,
Linear prediction of atmospheric wave-fronts for tomographic adaptive optics systems: modelling and robustness assessment, Optics Letters, 40, 143- R. J. Jackson, R. D. Jeffries, J. Lewis, S. Koposov, G. G. Sacco, S. Randich, G. Gilmore, M. Asplund, J. Binney, P. Bonifacio, J. E. Drew, S. Feltzing, A. Ferguson, G. Micela, I. Negueruela, T. Prusti, H. -W. Rix, A. Vallenari, E. J. Alfaro, C. Allende Prieto, C. Babusiaux, T. Bensby, R. Blomme, A. Bragaglia, E. Flaccomio, P. Francois, N. Hambly, M. Irwin, A. J. Korn, A. C. Lanzafame, E. Pancino, A. Recio-Blanco, R. Smiljanic, S. Van Eck, N. A. Walton, A. Bayo, M. Bergemann, G. Carraro, M. T. Costado, F. Damiani, B. Edvardsson, E. Franciosini, A. Frasca, U. Heiter, V. Hill, A. Hourihane, P. Jofré, C. Lardo, P. de Laverny, K. Lind, L. Magrini, G. Marconi, C. Martayan, T. Masseron, L. Monaco, L. Morbidelli, L. Prisinzano, L. Sbordone, S. G. Sousa, C. Worley, S. Zaggia, 2015,
The Gaia-ESO Survey: Empirical determination of the precision of stellar radial velocities and projected rotation velocities, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 580, A75- S. M. João, C. J. A. P. Martins, I. S. A. B. Mota, P. M. T. Vianez, 2015,
On the stability of fundamental couplings in the Galaxy, Physics Letters B, 749, 389-392 P. Jofré, U. Heiter, C. Soubiran, S. Blanco-Cuaresma, T. Masseron, T. Nordlander, L. Chemin, C. Worley, S. Van Eck, A. Hourihane, G. Gilmore, V. Zh. Adibekyan, M. Bergemann, T. Cantat-Gaudin, E. Delgado Mena, J. I. González Hernández, G. Guiglion, C. Lardo, P. de Laverny, K. Lind, L. Magrini, S. Mikolaitis, D. Montes, E. Pancino, A. Recio-Blanco, R. Sordo, S. G. Sousa, H. M. Tabernero, A. Vallenari, 2015,
Gaia FGK benchmark stars: abundances of α and iron-peak elements, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 582, A81- G. Kordopatis, R. F. G. Wyse, G. Gilmore, A. Recio-Blanco, P. de Laverny, V. Hill, V. Zh. Adibekyan, U. Heiter, I. Minchev, B. Famaey, T. Bensby, S. Feltzing, G. Guiglion, A. J. Korn, S. Mikolaitis, M. Schultheis, A. Vallenari, A. Bayo, G. Carraro, E. Flaccomio, E. Franciosini, A. Hourihane, P. Jofré, S. Koposov, C. Lardo, J. Lewis, K. Lind, L. Magrini, L. Morbidelli, E. Pancino, S. Randich, G. G. Sacco, C. Worley, S. Zaggia, 2015,
The Gaia-ESO Survey: characterisation of the [α/Fe] sequences in the Milky Way discs, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 582, A122- A. C. Lanzafame, A. Frasca, F. Damiani, E. Franciosini, M. Cottaar, S. G. Sousa, H. M. Tabernero, A. Klutsch, L. Spina, K. Biazzo, L. Prisinzano, G. G. Sacco, S. Randich, E. Brugaletta, E. Delgado Mena, V. Zh. Adibekyan, D. Montes, R. Bonito, J. F. Gameiro, J. M. Alcalá, J. I. González Hernández, R. D. Jeffries, S. Messina, M. R. Meyer, G. Gilmore, M. Asplund, J. Binney, P. Bonifacio, J. E. Drew, S. Feltzing, A. Ferguson, G. Micela, I. Negueruela, T. Prusti, H. -W. Rix, A. Vallenari, E. J. Alfaro, C. Allende Prieto, C. Babusiaux, T. Bensby, R. Blomme, A. Bragaglia, E. Flaccomio, P. Francois, N. Hambly, M. Irwin, S. Koposov, A. J. Korn, R. Smiljanic, S. Van Eck, N. A. Walton, A. Bayo, M. Bergemann, G. Carraro, M. T. Costado, B. Edvardsson, U. Heiter, V. Hill, A. Hourihane, R. J. Jackson, P. Jofré, C. Lardo, J. Lewis, K. Lind, L. Magrini, G. Marconi, C. Martayan, T. Masseron, L. Monaco, L. Morbidelli, L. Sbordone, C. Worley, S. Zaggia, 2015,
Gaia-ESO Survey: Analysis of pre-main sequence stellar spectra, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 576, A80- A. Lazanu, C. J. A. P. Martins, E. P. S. Shellard, 2015,
Contribution of domain wall networks to the CMB power spectrum, Physics Letters B, 747, 426-432 A. C. O. Leite, C. J. A. P. Martins, 2015,
Fundamental cosmology from precision spectroscopy. II. Synergies with supernovae, Physical Review D, 91, 103519- J. Lillo Box, D. Barrado-Navascues, L. Mancini, T. Henning, P. Figueira, S. Ciceri, N. C. Santos, 2015,
Eclipsing binaries and fast rotators in the Kepler sample Characterization via radial velocity analysis from Calar Alto, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 576, A88- J. Lillo Box, D. Barrado-Navascues, N. C. Santos, L. Mancini, P. Figueira, S. Ciceri, T. Henning, 2015,
Kepler-447b: a hot-Jupiter with an extremely grazing transit, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 577, A105- G. Luzzi, R. T. Génova-Santos, C. J. A. P. Martins, M. de Petris, L. Lamagna, 2015,
Constraining the evolution of the CMB temperature with SZ measurements from Planck data, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 09, 011- L. Magrini, S. Randich, P. Donati, A. Bragaglia, V. Zh. Adibekyan, D. Romano, R. Smiljanic, S. Blanco-Cuaresma, G. Tautvai¨ienė, E. D. Friel, J. Overbeek, H. R. Jacobson, T. Cantat-Gaudin, A. Vallenari, R. Sordo, E. Pancino, D. Geisler, I. San Roman, S. Villanova, A. Casey, A. Hourihane, C. Worley, P. Francois, G. Gilmore, T. Bensby, E. Flaccomio, A. J. Korn, A. Recio-Blanco, G. Carraro, M. T. Costado, E. Franciosini, U. Heiter, P. Jofré, C. Lardo, P. de Laverny, L. Monaco, L. Morbidelli, G. G. Sacco, S. G. Sousa, S. Zaggia, 2015,
The Gaia-ESO Survey: Insights into the inner-disc evolution from open clusters, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 580, A85- M. Martinelli, E. Calabrese, C. J. A. P. Martins, 2015,
E-ELT constraints on runaway dilaton scenarios, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 11, 030- C. J. A. P. Martins, 2015,
Fundamental cosmology in the E-ELT era: the status and future role of tests of fundamental coupling stability, General Relativity and Gravitation, 47, 1843_1-1843_19 C. J. A. P. Martins, P. E. Vielzeuf, M. Martinelli, E. Calabrese, S. Pandolfi, 2015,
Evolution of the fine-structure constant in runaway dilaton models, Physics Letters B, 743, 377-382 C. J. A. P. Martins, A. M. M. Pinho, 2015,
Fine-structure constant constraints on dark energy, Physical Review D, 91, 103501- C. J. A. P. Martins, A. M. M. Pinho, R. F. C. Alves, M. Pino, C. I. S. A. Rocha, M. von Wietersheim, 2015,
Dark energy and equivalence principle constraints from astrophysical tests of the stability of the fine-structure constant, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 08, 047- J. H. C. Martins, N. C. Santos, P. Figueira, J. P. Faria, M. Montalto, I. Boisse, D. Ehrenreich, C. Lovis, M. Mayor, C. Melo, F. Pepe, S. G. Sousa, S. Udry, D. Cunha, 2015,
Evidence for a spectroscopic direct detection of reflected light from 51 Pegasi b, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 576, A134_1-A134_9 P. T. McGinnis, S. Alencar, M. M. Guimarães, A. P. Sousa, J. Stauffer, J. Bouvier, L. Rebull, N. Fonseca, L. Venuti, L. A. Hillenbrand, A. M. Cody, P. S. Teixeira, S. Aigrain, F. Favata, G. Fürész, F. J. Vrba, E. Flaccomio, N. Turner, J. F. Gameiro, C. Dougados, W. Herbst, M. Morales-Calderón, G. Micela, 2015,
CSI 2264: Probing the inner disks of AA Tauri-like systems in NGC 2264, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 577, A11- C. Moni-Bidin, Y. Momany, M. Montalto, M. Catelan, S. Villanova, G. Piotto, D. Geisler, 2015,
A Hot Horizontal Branch Star with a Close K-type Main-sequence Companion, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 812, L31- M. Montalto, N. Iro, N. C. Santos, S. Desidera, J. H. C. Martins, P. Figueira, R. Alonso, 2015,
Further Constraints on the Optical Transmission Spectrum of HAT-P-1b, The Astrophysical Journal, 811, 55- A. Mortier, J. P. Faria, C. M. Correia, A. Santerne, N. C. Santos, 2015,
BGLS: A Bayesian formalism for the generalised Lomb-Scargle periodogram, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 573, A101_1-A101_6 F. Motalebi, S. Udry, M. Gillon, C. Lovis, D. Ségransan, L. A. Buchhave, B.-O. Demory, L. Malavolta, C. D. Dressing, D. Sasselov, K. Rice, D. Charbonneau, A. Collier Cameron, D. W. Latham, E. Molinari, F. Pepe, L. Affer, A. S. Bonomo, R. Cosentino, X. Dumusque, P. Figueira, A. F. Martinez Fiorenzano, S. Gettel, A. Harutyunyan, R. D. Haywood, J. A. Johnson, E. Lopez, M. López-Morales, M. Mayor, G. Micela, A. Mortier, V. Nascimbeni, D. F. Phillips, G. Piotto, D. Pollacco, D. Queloz, A. Sozzetti, A. Vanderburg, C. A. Watson, 2015,
The HARPS-N Rocky Planet Search I. HD 219134 b: A transiting rocky planet in a multi-planet system at 6.5 pc from the Sun, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 584, A72- C. Moutou, G. Lo Curto, M. Mayor, F. Bouchy, W. Benz, C. Lovis, D. Naef, F. Pepe, D. Queloz, N. C. Santos, D. Ségransan, S. G. Sousa, S. Udry, 2015,
The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets XXXVII. Five new long-period giant planets and a system update, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 576, A48_1-A48_14 E. Niemczura, S. J. Murphy, B. Smalley, K. Uytterhoeven, A. Pigulski, H. Lehmann, D. M. Bowman, G. Catanzaro, E. van Aarle, S. Bloemen, M. Briquet, P. De Cat, D. Drobek, L. Eyer, J. F. Gameiro, N. Gorlova, K. Kamiński, P. Lampens, P. Marcos-Arenal, P. I. Pápics, B. Vandenbussche, H. Van Winckel, M. Stȩślicki, M. Fagas, 2015,
Spectroscopic survey of Kepler stars. I. HERMES/Mercator observations of A- and F-type stars, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 450, 2764-2783 A. Nigoche-Netro, A. Ruelas-Mayorga, P. Lagos, G. Ramos-Larios, C. Kehrig, S. N. Kemp, A. D. Montero-Dorta, J. González-Cervantes, 2015,
How much dark matter is there inside early-type galaxies?, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 446, 85-103 M. F. Oliveira, C. J. A. P. Martins, 2015,
Scaling properties of multitension domain wall networks, Physical Review D, 91, 043527- M. Oshagh, N. C. Santos, P. Figueira, V. Zh. Adibekyan, A. Santerne, S. C. C. Barros, J. J. G. Lima, 2015,
Polar stellar-spots and grazing planetary transits. Possible explanation for the low number of discovered grazing planets, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 583, L1- K. Perraut, M. S. Cunha, I. M. Brandão, J. Loridat, D. Mourard, A. Meilland, N. Nardetto, H. McAlister, T. A. ten Brummelaar, J. Sturmann, L. Sturmann, N. Turner, C. Farrington, N. Vargas, 2015,
The fundamental parameters of the Ap star 78 Virginis Could 78 Vir be a rapidly oscillating Ap star?, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 579, A85- N. Roche, A. Humphrey, J. M. Gomes, P. Papaderos, P. Lagos, S. F. Sánchez, 2015,
CALIFA spectroscopy of the interacting galaxy NGC 5394 (Arp 84): starbursts, enhanced [N ii]6584 and signs of outflows and shocks, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 453, 2349-2363 J. Sánchez Almeida, B. G. Elmegreen, C. Muñoz-Tuñón, D. M. Elmegreen, E. Pérez, R. O. Amorín, M. E. Filho, Y. Ascasibar, P. Papaderos, J. M. Vílchez, 2015,
Localized Starbursts in Dwarf Galaxies Produced by the Impact of Low-metallicity Cosmic Gas Clouds, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 810, L15- S. F. Sánchez, E. Pérez, F. F. Rosales-Ortega, D. Miralles-Caballero, Á. R. López-Sánchez, J. Iglésias-Páramo, R. A. Marino, L. Sánchez-Menguiano, R. García-Benito, D. Mast, M. A. Mendoza, P. Papaderos, S. Ellis, L. Galbany, C. Kehrig, A. Monreal Ibero, R. M. González Delgado, M. Mollá, B. Ziegler, A. de Lorenzo-Cáceres, J. Méndez-Abreu, J. Bland-Hawthorn, S. Bekeraitè, M. M. Roth, A. Pasquali, A. I. Díaz, D. J. Bomans, G. van de Ven, L. Wisotzki, and the CALIFA collaboration, 2015,
Imprints of galaxy evolution on H II regions Memory of the past uncovered by the CALIFA survey, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 574, A47- I. San Roman, C. Muñoz, D. Geisler, S. Villanova, N. Kacharov, A. Koch, G. Carraro, G. Tautvai¨ienė, A. Vallenari, E. J. Alfaro, T. Bensby, E. Flaccomio, P. Francois, A. J. Korn, E. Pancino, A. Recio-Blanco, R. Smiljanic, M. Bergemann, M. T. Costado, F. Damiani, U. Heiter, A. Hourihane, P. Jofré, C. Lardo, P. de Laverny, T. Masseron, L. Morbidelli, L. Sbordone, S. G. Sousa, C. Worley, S. Zaggia, 2015,
The Gaia-ESO Survey: Detailed abundances in the metal-poor globular cluster NGC 4372, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 579, A6- A. Santerne, R. F. Díaz, J. -M. Almenara, F. Bouchy, M. Deleuil, P. Figueira, G. Hébrard, C. Moutou, S. Rodionov, N. C. Santos, 2015,
PASTIS: Bayesian extrasolar planet validation - II. Constraining exoplanet blend scenarios using spectroscopic diagnoses, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 451, 2337-2351 A. R. G. Santos, M. S. Cunha, P. P. Avelino, T. L. Campante, 2015,
Spot cycle reconstruction: an empirical tool. Application to the sunspot cycle, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 580, A62- N. C. Santos, V. Zh. Adibekyan, C. Mordasini, W. Benz, E. Delgado Mena, C. Dorn, L. A. Buchhave, P. Figueira, A. Mortier, F. Pepe, A. Santerne, S. G. Sousa, S. Udry, 2015,
Constraining planet structure from stellar chemistry: the cases of CoRoT-7, Kepler-10, and Kepler-93, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 580, L13- N. C. Santos, J. H. C. Martins, G. Boué, A. C. M. Correia, M. Oshagh, P. Figueira, A. Santerne, S. G. Sousa, C. Melo, M. Montalto, I. Boisse, D. Ehrenreich, C. Lovis, F. Pepe, S. Udry, A. García Muñoz, 2015,
Detecting ring systems around exoplanets using high resolution spectroscopy: the case of 51 Pegasi b, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 583, A50- T. C. Scott, A. Usero, E. Brinks, H. Bravo-Alfaro, L. Cortese, A. Boselli, M. Argudo-Fernández, 2015,
Highly perturbed molecular gas in infalling cluster galaxies: the case of CGCG97-079, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 453, 328-337 C. Sengupta, T. C. Scott, S. Paudel, D. J. Saikia, K. S. Dwarakanath, B. W. Sohn, 2015,
Arp 65 interaction debris: massive H I displacement and star formation, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 584, A114- B. Smalley, E. Niemczura, S. J. Murphy, H. Lehmann, D. W. Kurtz, D. L. Holdsworth, M. S. Cunha, L. A. Balona, M. Briquet, H. Bruntt, P. De Cat, P. Lampens, A. O. Thygesen, K. Uytterhoeven, 2015,
KIC 4768731: a bright long-period roAp star in the Kepler field, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 452, 3334-3345 L. Sousa, P. P. Avelino, 2015,
Cosmic microwave background anisotropies generated by domain wall networks, Physical Review D, 92, 083520- S. G. Sousa, N. C. Santos, V. Zh. Adibekyan, E. Delgado Mena, G. Israelian, 2015,
ARES v2: new features and improved performance, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 577, A67- S. G. Sousa, N. C. Santos, A. Mortier, M. Tsantaki, V. Zh. Adibekyan, E. Delgado Mena, G. Israelian, B. Rojas-Ayala, V. Neves, 2015,
Homogeneous spectroscopic parameters for bright planet host stars from the northern hemisphere. The impact on stellar and planetary mass, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 576, A94- A. Sozzetti, A. S. Bonomo, K. Biazzo, L. Mancini, M. Damasso, S. Desidera, R. Gratton, A. F. Lanza, E. Poretti, M. Rainer, L. Malavolta, L. Affer, M. Barbieri, L. Bedin, C. Boccato, M. Bonavita, F. Borsa, S. Ciceri, R. Claudi, D. Gandolfi, P. Giacobbe, T. Henning, C. Knapic, D. W. Latham, G. Lodato, A. Maggio, J. Maldonado, F. Marzari, A. F. Martinez Fiorenziano, G. Micela, E. Molinari, C. Mordasini, V. Nascimbeni, I. Pagano, M. Pedani, F. Pepe, G. Piotto, N. C. Santos, G. Scandariato, E. Shkolnik, J. Southworth, 2015,
The GAPS programme with HARPS-N at TNG VI. The curious case of TrES-4b, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 575, L15_1-L15_10 L. Spina, F. Palla, S. Randich, G. G. Sacco, R. D. Jeffries, L. Magrini, E. Franciosini, M. R. Meyer, G. Tautvai¨ienė, G. Gilmore, E. J. Alfaro, C. Allende Prieto, T. Bensby, A. Bragaglia, E. Flaccomio, S. Koposov, A. C. Lanzafame, M. T. Costado, A. Hourihane, C. Lardo, J. Lewis, L. Monaco, L. Morbidelli, S. G. Sousa, C. Worley, S. Zaggia, 2015,
The Gaia-ESO Survey: chemical signatures of rocky accretion in a young solar-type star, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 582, L6- G. Tautvai¨ienė, A. Drazdauskas, S. Mikolaitis, G. Barisevičius, E. Puzeras, E. Stonkutè, Y. Chorniy, L. Magrini, D. Romano, R. Smiljanic, A. Bragaglia, G. Carraro, E. D. Friel, T. Morel, E. Pancino, P. Donati, F. Jiménez-Esteban, G. Gilmore, S. Randich, R. D. Jeffries, A. Vallenari, T. Bensby, E. Flaccomio, A. Recio-Blanco, M. T. Costado, V. Hill, P. Jofré, C. Lardo, P. de Laverny, T. Masseron, L. Morbidelli, S. G. Sousa, S. Zaggia, 2015,
The Gaia-ESO Survey: CNO abundances in the open clusters Trumpler 20, NGC 4815, and NGC 6705, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 573, A55- G. Tinetti, P. Drossart, P. Eccleston, P. Hartogh, K. G Isaak, M. Linder, C. Lovis, G. Micela, M. Ollivier, L. Puig, I. Ribas, I. A. G. Snellen, B. Swinyard, F. Allard, J. Barstow, J. Cho, A. Coustenis, C. S Cockell, A. C. M. Correia, L. Decin, R. de Kok, P. Deroo, T. Encrenaz, F. Forget, A. Glasse, C. Griffith, T. Guillot, H. Lammer, J. Leconte, P. F. L. Maxted, I. Mueller-Wodarg, R. Nelson, C. North, E. Pallé, I. Pagano, G. Piccioni, D. Pinfield, F. Selsis, A. Sozzetti, L. Stixrude, J. Tennyson, M. R. Zapatero-Osorio, J.-P. Beaulieu, D. Grodent, M. Guedel, D. Luz, H. U. Nørgaard-Nielsen, T. Ray, H. Rickman, A. Selig, M. Swain, M. Barlow, N. Bowles, G. Branduardi-Raymont, V. Coudé du Foresto, L. Gizon, A. Hornstrup, C. Jarchow, G. Kovács, P.-O. Lagage, T. Lim, M. López-Morales, G. Malaguti, E. Pace, E. Pascale, B. Vandenbussche, G. Wright, G. Ramos Zapata, A. Adriani, R. Azzollini, A. Balado, I. R. Bryson, R. Burston, J. Colomé, M. Crook, A. M. Di Giorgio, M. Griffin, R. Hoogeveen, R. Ottensamer, R. Irshad, K. Middleton, G. Morgante, F. Pinsard, M. Rataj, J.-M. Reess, G. Savini, J.-R. Schrader, R. Stamper, B. Winter, L. Abe, M. Abreu, N. Achilleos, P. A. R. Ade, V. Zh. Adibekyan, L. Affer, C. Agnor, M. Agundez, C. Alard, J. M. Alcalá, C. Allende Prieto, F. J. Alonso Floriano, F. Altieri, C. A. Alvarez Iglesias, P. J. Amado, A. Andersen, A. Aylward, C. Baffa, G. Á. Bakos, P. Ballerini, M. Banaszkiewicz, R. J. Barber, D. Barrado-Navascues, E. J. Barton, V. Batista, G. Belluci, J. A. Belmonte, D. L. Berry, B. Bézard, D. Biondi, M. Błęcka, I. Boisse, B. Bonfond, P. Bordé, P. Börner, H. Bouy, L. Brown, L. A. Buchhave, J. Budaj, A. Bulgarelli, M. Burleigh, A. Cabral, M. T. Capria, A. Cassan, C. Cavarroc, C. Cecchi-Pestellini, R. Cerulli, J. Chadney, S. Chamberlain, S. Charnoz, N. Christian Jessen, A. Ciaravella, A. Claret, R. Claudi, A. Coates, R. Cole, A. Collura, D. Cordier, E. Covino, C. Danielski, M. Damasso, H. J. Deeg, E. Delgado Mena, C. del Vecchio, O. Demangeon, A. De Sio, J. De Wit, M. Dobrijévic, P. Doel, C. Dominik, E. Dorfi, S. Eales, C. Eiroa, M. Espinoza Contreras, M. Esposito, V. Eymet, N. Fabrizio, M. Fernández, B. Femenía Castella, P. Figueira, G. Filacchione, L. N. Fletcher, M. Focardi, S. Fossey, P. Fouqué, J. Frith, M. Galand, L. Gambicorti, P. Gaulme, R. García-López, A. Garcia-Piquer, W. Gear, J.-C. Gerard, L. Gesa, E. Giani, F. Gianotti, M. Gillon, E. Giro, M. Giuranna, H. Gomez, I. Gomez-Leal, J. I. González Hernández, B. González Merino, R. Graczyk, D. Grassi, J. Guardia, P. Guio, J. Gustin, P. Hargrave, J. Haigh, E. Hébrard, U. Heiter, R. L. Heredero, E. Herrero, F. Hersant, D. Heyrovsky, M. Hollis, B. Hubert, R. Hueso, G. Israelian, N. Iro, P. G. J. Irwin, S. Jacquemoud, G. Jones, H. Jones, K. Justtanont, T. Kehoe, F. Kerschbaum, E. Kerins, P. Kervella, D. Kipping, T. Koskinen, N. Krupp, O. Lahav, B. Laken, N. Lanza, E. Lellouch, G. Leto, J. Licandro Goldaracena, C. Lithgow-Bertelloni, S. J. Liu, U. Lo Cicero, N. Lodieu, P. Lognonné, M. Lopez-Puertas, M. A. López-Valverde, I. Lundgaard Rasmussen, A. Luntzer, P. Machado, C. J. MacTavish, A. Maggio, J.-P. Maillard, W. Magnes, J. Maldonado, U. Mall, J.-B. Marquette, P. Mauskopf, F. Massi, A.-S. Maurin, A. Medvedev, C. Michaut, P. Miles-Páez, M. Montalto, P. Montañés Rodríguez, M. A. Monteiro, D. Montes, M. H. M. Morais, J. C. Morales, M. Morales-Calderón, G. Morello, A. Moro Martín, J. Moses, A. Moya Bedón, F. Murgas, E. Oliva, G. S. Orton, F. Palla, M. Pancrazzi, E. Pantin, V. Parmentier, H. Parviainen, K. Y. Peña Ramírez, J. Peralta, S. Perez-Hoyos, R. G. Petrov, S. Pezzuto, R. Pietrzak, E. Pilat-Lohinger, N. E. Piskunov, R. Prinja, L. Prisinzano, I. Polichtchouk, E. Poretti, A. Radioti, A. A. Ramos, T. Lüftinger, P. L. Read, K. Readorn, R. Rebolo López, J. M. Rebordão, M Rengel, L. Rezac, M. Rocchetto, F. Rodler, V. J. Sánchez Béjar, A. G. Sánchez, E. Sanromá, N. C. Santos, J. Sanz Forcada, G. Scandariato, F.-X. Schmider, A. Scholz, S. Scuderi, J. Sethenadh, S. Shore, A. Showman, B. Sicardy, P. Sitek, A. Smith, L. Soret, S. G. Sousa, A. Stiepen, M. Stolarski, G. Strazzulla, H. M. Tabernero, P. Tanga, M. Teesa, J. Temple, L. Terenzi, M. Tessenyi, L. Testi, S. Thompson, H. Thrastarson, B. Tingley, M. Trifoglio, J. Martín Torres, A. Tozzi, D. Turrini, R. Varley, M. de Val-Borro, M. I. Valdivieso, O. Venot, E. Villaver, S. Vinatier, S. Viti, I. Waldmann, D. Waltham, D. Ward-Thompson, R. Waters, C. Watkins, D. Watson, P. Wawer, A. Wawrzaszk, G. J. White, T. Widemann, W. Winek, T. Wiśniowski, R. Yelle, Y. Yung, S. N. Yurchenko, 2015,
The EChO science case, Experimental Astronomy, 40, 329-391 A. Vanderburg, B. T. Montet, J. Asher Johnson, L. A. Buchhave, L. Zeng, F. Pepe, A. Collier Cameron, D. W. Latham, E. Molinari, S. Udry, C. Lovis, Matthews J. M., C. Cameron, N. M. Law, B. P. Bowler, R. Angus, C. Baranec, A. Bieryla, W. Boschin, D. Charbonneau, R. Cosentino, X. Dumusque, P. Figueira, D. B. Guenther, A. Harutyunyan, C. Hellier, R. Kuschnig, M. López-Morales, M. Mayor, G. Micela, A. F. J. Moffat, M. Pedani, D. F. Phillips, G. Piotto, D. Pollacco, D. Queloz, K. Rice, R. Riddle, J. F. Rowe, S. M. Rucinski, D. Sasselov, D. Ségransan, A. Sozzetti, A. Szentgyorgyi, C. A. Watson, W. W. Weiss, 2015,
Characterizing K2 Planet Discoveries: A Super-Earth Transiting the Bright K Dwarf HIP 116454, The Astrophysical Journal, 800, 59- H. Wilcox, D. Bacon, R. C. Nichol, P. J. Rooney, A. Terukina, A. K. Romer, K. Koyama, G.-B. Zhao, R. Hood, R. G. Mann, M. Hilton, M. Manolopoulou, M. Sahlén, C. A. Collins, A. R. Liddle, J. A. Mayers, N. Mehrtens, C. J. Miller, J. P. Stott, P. T. P. Viana, 2015,
The XMM Cluster Survey: testing chameleon gravity using the profiles of clusters, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 452, 1171-1183 Y.-Y. Zhang, C. J. Miller, T. A. McKay, P. J. Rooney, A. E. Evrard, A. K. Romer, R. Perfecto, J. Song, S. Desai, J. J. Mohr, H. Wilcox, A. Bermeo, T. E. Jeltema, D. L. Hollowood, D. Bacon, D. Capozzi, C. A. Collins, R. Das, D. Gerdes, C. Hennig, M. Hilton, B. Hoyle, S. T. Kay, A. R. Liddle, R. G. Mann, N. Mehrtens, R. C. Nichol, C. Papovich, M. Soares-Santos, J. P. Stott, P. T. P. Viana, T. M. C. Abbott, F. B. Abdalla, M. Banerji, A.H. Bauer, A. Benoit-Levy, E. Bertin, D. Brooks, E. Buckley-Geer, D. L. Burke, A. Carnero Rosell, F. J. Castander, H. T. Diehl, P. Doel, C. E. Cunha, T. F. Eifler, A. Fausti Neto, E. Fernandez, B. Flaugher, P. Fosalba, J. A. Frieman, E. Gaztanaga, D. Gruen, R. A. Gruendl, K. Honscheid, D. J. James, K. Kuehn, N. Kuropatkin, O. Lahav, M. A. G. Maia, M. Makler, J. L. Marshall, P. Martini, R. Miquel, R. L. C. Ogando, A. A. Plazas Malagón, A. Roodman, E. S. Rykoff, M. Sako, E. Sanchez, V. Scarpine, M. Schubnell, I. Sevilla, R. C. Smith, F. Sobreira, E. Suchyta, M. E. C. Swanson, G. Tarle, J. Thaler, D. L. Tucker, V. Vikram, , 2015,
Galaxies in X-ray Selected Clusters and Groups in Dark Energy Survey Data I: Stellar Mass Growth of Bright Central Galaxies Since z~1.2, Acta Astronautica, , -
Articles in proceedings
Number of records: 23 S. Alves, L. Benamati, N. C. Santos, V. Zh. Adibekyan, S. G. Sousa, G. Israelian, J. Renan de Medeiros, C. Lovis, S. Udry, 2015, On metallicity distribution for planet-hosting stars, IAU General Assembly, Meeting #29,, 2255539 M. Bazot, M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro, 2015, Tests of parametric models for convection, The Space Photometry Revolution, (Eds.) R.A. García, J. Ballot, EPJ Web of Conferences, 101, 06003 T. L. Campante, T. Barclay, J. J. Swift, D. Huber, V. Zh. Adibekyan, W. D. Cochran, C. J. Burke, H. Isaacson, E. V. Quintana, G. R. Davies, V. Silva Aguirre, D. Ragozzine, R. Riddle, C. Baranec, S. Basu, W. J. Chaplin, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, T. S. Metcalfe, T. R. Bedding, R. Handberg, D. Stello, J. M. Brewer, S. Hekker, C. Karoff, R. Kolbl, N. M. Law, M. Lundkvist, A. Miglio, J. F. Rowe, N. C. Santos, C. Van Laerhoven, T. Arentoft, Y. Elsworth, D. A. Fischer, S. D. Kawaler, H. Kjeldsen, M. N. Lund, G. W. Marcy, S. G. Sousa, A. Sozzetti, T. R. White, 2015, KOI-3158: The oldest known system of terrestrial-size planets, The Space Photometry Revolution, (Eds.) R.A. García, J. Ballot, EPJ Web of Conferences, 101, 02004 S. Cristiani, G. Cupani, V. D'Odorico, P. Di Marcantonio, M. Haehnelt, R. Maiolino, A. Marconi, C. J. A. P. Martins, D. Mégevand, P. Molaro, M. T. Murphy, L. Origlia, F. Pepe, 2015, From CODEX to ESPRESSO to HIRES@EELT: a view on cosmology and fundamental physics from the IGM perspective, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana,, 486 M. S. Cunha, D. Stello, P. P. Avelino, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, 2015, Oscillations in g-mode period spacings in red giants as a way to determine their state of evolution, The Space Photometry Revolution, (Eds.) R.A. García, J. Ballot, EPJ Web of Conferences, 101, 01014 G. Cupani, S. Cristiani, V. D'Odorico, J. I. González Hernández, C. Lovis, A. G. Segovia Milla, S. G. Sousa, D. Sosnowska, P. Di Marcantonio, D. Mégevand, 2015, Data treatment towards the ELT age. The ESPRESSO case, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana,, Societa Astronomica Italiana, 86, 502-505 G. Cupani, V. D'Odorico, S. Cristiani, J. I. González Hernández, C. Lovis, S. G. Sousa, E. Vanzella, P. Di Marcantonio, D. Mégevand, 2015, Data Analysis Software for the ESPRESSO Science Machine, Astronomical Data Analysis Software an Systems XXIV (ADASS XXIV), (Eds.) A. R. Taylor, E. Rosolowsky, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 289 S. Deheuvels, V. Silva Aguirre, M. S. Cunha, T. Appourchaux, J. Ballot, I. M. Brandão, Y. Lebreton, E. Michel, 2015, An attempt to calibrate core overshooting using the seismic properties of low-mass stars, The Space Photometry Revolution – CoRoT Symposium 3, Kepler KASC-7 Joint Meeting, (Eds.) R.A. García, J. Ballot, EPJ Web of Conferences, 101, 01013 J. M. Gomes, P. Papaderos, C. Kehrig, J. M. Vílchez, M. D. Lehnert, and the CALIFA collaboration, 2015, Extended nebular emission in CALIFA early-type galaxies, Galaxies in 3D across the Universe, (Eds.) B. L. Ziegler, F. Combes, H. Dannerbauer, M. Verdugo, Cambridge Journals, 309, 105-108 D. L. Holdsworth, B. Smalley, D. W. Kurtz, J. Southworth, M. S. Cunha, K. I. Clubb, 2015, KIC 7582608: a new Kepler roAp star with frequency variability, The Space Photometry Revolution – CoRoT Symposium 3, Kepler KASC-7 Joint Meeting, (Eds.) R.A. García, J. Ballot, EPJ Web of Conferences, 101, 06033 A. C. O. Leite, C. J. A. P. Martins, 2015, Optimization of ESPRESSO Fundamental Physics Tests, Gravitation: 100 years after GR - Proceedings of the 50th Rencontres de Moriond, (Eds.) E. Augé, J. Dumarchez, J. Trân Thanh Vân, ARISF, 127-130 C. J. A. P. Martins, 2015, Mapping Our Cosmic Origins, Gravitation: 100 years after GR - Proceedings of the 50th Rencontres de Moriond, (Eds.) E. Augé, J. Dumarchez, J. Trân Thanh Vân, ARISF C. J. A. P. Martins, M. C. Ferreira, A. C. O. Leite, A. M. M. Pinho, S. M. João, P. M. M. Leal, I. S. A. B. Mota, L. B. Ventura, P. M. T. Vianez, P. E. Vielzeuf, 2015, From Precision Spectroscopy to Fundamental Cosmology, Gravitation: 100 years after GR - Proceedings of the 50th Rencontres de Moriond, (Eds.) E. Augé, J. Dumarchez, J. Trân Thanh Vân, ARISF M. M. Moyano, A. Humphrey, D. C. Merlo, 2015, A project to constrain emission from giant gaseous shells around high redshift radio galaxies, Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, (Eds.) A. Rovero, C. Beaugé, Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, 57, 12-13 A. Nigoche-Netro, G. Ramos-Larios, P. Lagos, S. N. Kemp, A. Ruelas-Mayorga, C. Kehrig, S. Navarro, L. Corral, E. de la Fuente, 2015, Dark matter in early-type galaxies. Dependence on mass, IAU General Assembly, Meeting #29,, 2247164 M. Oshagh, N. C. Santos, I. Boisse, G. Boué, D. Ehrenreich, N. Haghighipour, P. Figueira, A. Santerne, X. Dumusque, 2015, Effect of stellar activity on the high precision transit light curve, The Space Photometry Revolution, (Eds.) R.A. García, J. Ballot, EPJ Web of Conferences, 101, 05003 B. Rojas-Ayala, I. Boisse, P. S. Muirhead, A. Binks, J. A. Dittman, J.-F. Donati, S. W. Fleming, A.-L. Lesage, J. Morin, S. Raetz, 2015, Portraying the Hosts: Stellar Science From Planet Searches, 18th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, (Eds.) G. van Belle, H.C. Harris, 39-58 A. R. G. Santos, M. S. Cunha, P. P. Avelino, 2015, Empirical solar/stellar cycle simulations, The Space Photometry Revolution – CoRoT Symposium 3, Kepler KASC-7 Joint Meeting, (Eds.) R.A. García, J. Ballot, EPJ Web of Conferences, 101, 06055 A. R. G. Santos, M. S. Cunha, P. P. Avelino, 2015, Empirical solar/stellar cycle simulations, The Space Photometry Revolution - CoRoT Symposium 3, Kepler KASC-7 Joint Meeting,, 101 D. Sosnowska, C. Lovis, P. Figueira, A. Modigliani, P. Di Marcantonio, D. Mégevand, F. Pepe, 2015, A Flexible and Modular Data Reduction Library for Fiber-fed Echelle Spectrographs, Astronomical Data Analysis Software an Systems XXIV (ADASS XXIV), (Eds.) A. R. Taylor, E. Rosolowsky, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 285 L. Sousa, P. P. Avelino, 2015, The Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background Generated by Cosmic String Networks, Statistical Challenges in 21st Century Cosmology, (Eds.) A. F. Heavens, J.-L. Starck, A. Krone-Martins, Cambridge University Press, 306, 391-393 K. Verma, J. P. Faria, H. M. Antia, S. Basu, A. Mazumdar, M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro, T. Appourchaux, W. J. Chaplin, R. A. Garcia, T. S. Metcalfe, 2015, Asteroseismic estimate of helium abundance of 16 Cyg A,B, The Space Photometry Revolution, (Eds.) R.A. García, J. Ballot, EPJ Web of Conferences, 101, 06066 J. B. Whitmore, P. Molaro, M. Centurión, H. Rahmani, T. M. Evans, M. T. Murphy, I. I. Agafonova, P. Bonifacio, S. D'Odorico, S. A. Levshakov, S. Lopez, C. J. A. P. Martins, P. Petitjean, D. Reimers, R. Srianand, G. Vladilo, M. Wendt, 2015, Bounds on α change in towards HE 2217-2818, Varying Fundamental Constants and Dynamical Dark Energy, (Eds.) C. J. A. P. Martins, P. Molaro, Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana, 85, 63
Scientific communications
Number of records: 76 V. Zh. Adibekyan, 2015,
Heavy metal rules: The star-planet connection, The Origins of Planetary Systems: from the Current View to New Horizons, Tokyo, Japan V. Zh. Adibekyan, 2015,
Composition of rocky planets based on the host star chemistry: What observations are telling us?, Pathways towards habitable planets, Bern, Switzerland V. Zh. Adibekyan, P. Figueira, N. C. Santos, S. G. Sousa, J. P. Faria, E. Delgado Mena, M. Oshagh, M. Tsantaki, A. A. Hakobyan, J. I. González Hernández, L. Suárez-Andrés, G. Israelian, 2015,
Identifying the best elements for chemical tagging: The impact of the number of lines on measured scatter, Gaia-ESO Survey Third Science Meeting, Vilnius, Lithuania P. P. Avelino, 2015,
Interacting dark energy: the role of microscopic feedback in the dark sector, IberiCOS 2015 Xth Iberian Cosmology Meeting, Aranjuez, Spain P. P. Avelino, L. Sousa, 2015,
Observational Constraints on Varying-alpha Domain Walls, IberiCOS 2015 Xth Iberian Cosmology Meeting, Aranjuez, Spain S. C. C. Barros, 2015,
K2-19, The first K2 muti-planetary system showing TTVs, XXIX IAU General Assembly, Honolulu, HI, U.S.A. S. C. C. Barros, 2015,
K2-19, The first K2 muti-planetary system showing TTVs, K2 SciCon, Santa Barbara, CA, U.S.A. I. P. Breda, 2015,
Spatially resolved star formation history and kinematics of the metal-poor star-forming galaxy UGC 4722, ESTALLIDOS 2015: Census and Fundamental properties of Star-Forming galaxies, Granada, Spain I. P. Breda, 2015,
A spatially resolved exploration of the nature and assembly history of pseudo-bulges in the CALIFA galaxy survey, XXV Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Lisboa, Portugal I. P. Breda, P. Papaderos, J. M. Gomes, 2015,
A spatially resolved exploration of the nature and assembly history of pseudo-bulges in the CALIFA galaxy survey, Demographics and environment of AGN from multi-wavelength surveys, Chania, Crete J. Brinchmann, 2015,
Estimating gas masses and dust-to-gas ratios from optical spectroscopy at low and intermediate redshift, Understanding Nebular Emission in High-Redshift Galaxies, Pasadena, CA, U.S.A. J. Brinchmann, 2015,
Time-scales for galaxy evolution, Confronting Ideas on Galactic Metamorphoses, Braunwald, Switzerland J. Brinchmann, 2015,
Pixel-spectroscopy of the sky – galaxies seen through MUSE, Leiden Observatory Scienceday 2015, Leiden, The Netherlands L. A. Buchhave, L. Affer, A. S. Bonomo, D. Charbonneau, A. Collier Cameron, R. Cosentino, C. D. Dressing, X. Dumusque, P. Figueira, A. F. Martinez Fiorenzano, S. Gettel, A. Harutyunyan, R. D. Haywood, J. A. Johnson, D. W. Latham, E. Lopez, M. López-Morales, C. Lovis, L. Malavolta, M. Mayor, G. Micela, A. Mortier, F. Motalebi, V. Nascimbeni, F. Pepe, G. Piotto, D. F. Phillips, D. Pollacco, D. Queloz, K. Rice, D. Sasselov, D. Ségransan, A. Sozzetti, S. Udry, A. Vanderburg, C. A. Watson, 2015,
Precisely Measuring the Masses of Transiting Exoplanets with HARPS-N, XXIX IAU General Assembly, Honolulu, HI, U.S.A. L. S. M. Cardoso, J. M. Gomes, P. Papaderos, 2015,
Impact of a toy AGN model in stellar population properties with state-of-the-art spectral synthesis, ESTALLIDOS 2015: Census and Fundamental properties of Star-Forming galaxies, Granada, Spain M. S. Cunha, 2015,
Seismic diagnostics and stellar parameters output Synthesis of WG4 splinter session, PLATO Stellar Science kick-off meeting, Paris, France M. S. Cunha, 2015,
Asteroseismic data set and prospects, PICS Kick-off meeting: Understanding the nature of pulsations and the physics of the Ap stars, Grenoble, France M. S. Cunha, 2015,
Pulsation excitation mechanisms, PICS Kick-off meeting: Understanding the nature of pulsations and the physics of the Ap stars, Grenoble, France M. S. Cunha, K. Perraut, I. M. Brandão, V. Antoci, 2015,
78 Vir: a hot roAp star candidate?, KASC8/TASC1 Workshop, Aarhus, Denmark M. S. Cunha, D. Stello, P. P. Avelino, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, R. H. D. Townsend, 2015,
Period spacing variations in red giants: what impact they have on asteroseismic diagrams and what do they tell us about the stars' evolution state?, KASC8/TASC1 Workshop, Aarhus, Denmark M. S. Cunha, 2015,
Probing the cores of red giants, XXIX IAU General Assembly, Focus meeting 17, Honolulu, HI, U.S.A. E. Delgado Mena, 2015,
C/O ratios for planet hosts: comparing two oxygen indicators, Pathways towards habitable planets, Bern, Switzerland C. D. Dressing, S. Gettel, D. Charbonneau, L. A. Buchhave, X. Dumusque, J. Vandenberg, A. S. Bonomo, L. Malavolta, F. Pepe, A. C. Cameron, D. W. Latham, S. Udry, G. W. Marcy, H. Isaacson, A. W. Howard, G. R. Davies, V. Silva Aguirre, H. Kjeldsen, T. R. Bedding, E. Lopez, R. Cosentino, P. Figueira, A. F. Martinez Fiorenzano, A. Harutyunyan, J. A. Johnson, M. López-Morales, C. Lovis, M. Mayor, G. Micela, E. Molinari, F. Motalebi, D. F. Phillips, G. Piotto, D. Queloz, K. Rice, D. Sasselov, D. Ségransan, A. Sozzetti, C. A. Watson, S. Basu, T. L. Campante, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, S. D. Kawaler, T. S. Metcalfe, R. Handberg, M. N. Lund, M. Lundkvist, D. Huber, W. J. Chaplin, 2015,
The composition of Small Planets & Their Host Stars, Extreme Precision Radial Velocities, New Haven, CT, U.S.A. J. P. Faria, N. C. Santos, P. Figueira, 2015,
A radial-velocity search for planets around metal-poor stars, Extreme Precision Radial Velocities, New Haven, CT, U.S.A. P. Figueira, 2015,
ESPRESSO Exoplanets GTO: Preparatory Studies & Target Selection, ESPRESSO 12th Progress Meeting, Genève, Swizerland P. Figueira, 2015,
Near infra-red Radial Velocity precision searches to mitigate Stellar Noise, Extreme Precision Radial Velocities, New Haven, CT, U.S.A. P. Figueira, J. P. Faria, V. Zh. Adibekyan, M. Oshagh, N. C. Santos, 2015,
A pragmatic Bayesian perspective on correlation analysis: your next new tool for GES, Gaia-ESO Survey Third Science Meeting, Vilnius, Lithuania J. M. Gomes, 2015,
The remarkable heterogeneity of early-type galaxies from the CALIFA survey, CALIFA Busy Week VIII, Arcetri, Italy J. M. Gomes, 2015,
Spectral synthesis in the era of integral field spectroscopy, ESTALLIDOS 2015: Census and Fundamental properties of Star-Forming galaxies, Granada, Spain J. M. Gomes, 2015,
Extended nebular emission and gas excitation mechanisms in early-type galaxies from the CALIFA galaxy survey, XXV Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Lisboa, Portugal J. M. Gomes, L. S. M. Cardoso, P. Papaderos, 2015,
Rebetiko: A tool to quantify the impact of nebular and AGN emission on stellar mass determinations of galaxies, Demographics and environment of AGN from multi-wavelength surveys, Chania, Crete C. Jiang, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, 2015,
Using Phase Shift to Characterize the Mixed Modes in Red Giant Stars, KASC8/TASC1 Workshop, Aarhus, Denmark P. Lagos, 2015,
IFU studies of low-metallicity star-forming galaxies, ESTALLIDOS 2015: Census and Fundamental properties of Star-Forming galaxies, Granada, Spain A. C. O. Leite, C. J. A. P. Martins, 2015,
Optimization of ESPRESSO Fundamental Physics Tests, 50 Rencontres de Moriond, Gravitation: 100 years after GR, La Thuile, Italy A. C. O. Leite, C. J. A. P. Martins, 2015,
Optimization of ESPRESSO Fundamental Physics Tests, IberiCOS 2015 Xth Iberian Cosmology Meeting, Aranjuez, Spain A. C. O. Leite, C. J. A. P. Martins, 2015,
Target selection criteria for the GTO of fine-structure constant variations, ESPRESSO 12th Progress Meeting, Genève, Swizerland A. C. O. Leite, C. J. A. P. Martins, 2015,
Optimization of ESPRESSO Fundamental Physics Tests, IJUP 2015 - Encontro de Investigação Jovem da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal A. C. O. Leite, C. J. A. P. Martins, 2015,
Optimization of ESPRESSO Fundamental Physics Tests, XXV Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Lisboa, Portugal A. C. O. Leite, C. J. A. P. Martins, 2015,
Mapping dark energy with fundamental couplings, 19th annual International Conference on Particle Physics and Cosmology (COSMO-15), Warsaw, Poland A. C. O. Leite, C. J. A. P. Martins, 2015,
The ESPRESSO Road to Fundamental Cosmology, International PhD School "F. Lucchin": Science and Technology with E-ELT, Erice, Italy L. Malavolta, P. Figueira, 2015,
Impact of Sky Background on Precise Radial velocities, Extreme Precision Radial Velocities, New Haven, CT, U.S.A. C. J. A. P. Martins, 2015,
The UVES Large Program for Testing Fundamental Physics: Latest Results and Constraints on Dark Energy, 50 Rencontres de Moriond, Gravitation: 100 years after GR, La Thuile, Italy C. J. A. P. Martins, 2015,
COrE+: Mapping our cosmic origins, 50 Rencontres de Moriond, Gravitation: 100 years after GR, La Thuile, Italy C. J. A. P. Martins, 2015,
The UVES Large Program for Testing Fundamental Physics: Status and Dark Side Constraints, IberiCOS 2015 Xth Iberian Cosmology Meeting, Aranjuez, Spain C. J. A. P. Martins, 2015,
Was Einstein Right? Testing GR and the Equivalence Principle, 100 years on, XXV Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Lisboa, Portugal C. J. A. P. Martins, 2015,
From Precision Spectroscopy to Fundamental Cosmology: Testing GR and the Equivalence Principle, 19th annual International Conference on Particle Physics and Cosmology (COSMO-15), Warsaw, Poland C. J. A. P. Martins, 2015,
Fundamental Cosmology in the E-ELT Era - Theoretical Motivation & Status Quo, Science and Technology with E-ELT, Erice, Italy C. J. A. P. Martins, 2015,
Fundamental Cosmology in the E-ELT Era – The Dark Side, The E-ELT & The Road Ahead, Science and Technology with E-ELT, Erice, Italy J. H. C. Martins, 2015,
Detecting the optical reflected spectrum of 51 Peg b, Exoplanet Focus Meeting for the Chilean Scientific Community, Santiago, Chile J. H. C. Martins, 2015,
Reflected light from exoplanets via high resolution spectroscopy, Astrobiology and Planetary Atmospheres, Santiago, Chile J. H. C. Martins, 2015,
Exoplanet Reflections: the light from 51 Peg b, OHP2015 : 20 Years of Giant Exoplanets, Observatoire Haute Provence, France, Saint-Michel-l'Observatoire, France F. Motalebi, F. Pepe, A. C. Cameron, D. Charbonneau, D. W. Latham, E. Molinari, S. Udry, L. Affer, A. S. Bonomo, L. A. Buchhave, R. Cosentino, C. D. Dressing, X. Dumusque, P. Figueira, A. F. Martinez Fiorenzano, S. Gettel, A. Harutyunyan, R. D. Haywood, J. A. Johnson, E. Lopez, M. López-Morales, C. Lovis, L. Malavolta, M. Mayor, G. Micela, A. Mortier, V. Nascimbeni, D. F. Phillips, G. Piotto, D. Pollacco, D. Queloz, K. Rice, D. Sasselov, D. Ségransan, A. Sozzetti, A. Vanderburg, C. A. Watson, 2015,
The HARPS-N Rocky Planet Search, Extreme Precision Radial Velocities, New Haven, CT, U.S.A. M. Oshagh, 2015,
The physical link between simultaneous photometry and radial-velocity observations: Application to the CoRoT-7 system, CHEOPS Science Workshop #3, Madrid, Spain M. Oshagh, 2015,
How stellar activity a ects exoplanet's parameters estimation and exoplanet's atmosphere characterization, Pathways 2015: Pathways Towards Habitable Planets, Bern, Switzerland M. Oshagh, 2015,
Exploring the impact of stellar activity on high-precision photometric transit observations, OHP2015: Twenty years of giant exoplanets, Saint-Michel-l'Observatoire, France N. Roche, 2015,
MUSE 3D Spectroscopy and Kinematics of the Interacting Radio Galaxy PKS 1934-63, XXV Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Lisboa, Portugal B. Rojas-Ayala, 2015,
Photometric Metallicities for Early M Dwarfs from Colour-Colour Diagrams, IAU Symposium 314: Young Stars & Planets Near the Sun, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A. B. Rojas-Ayala, 2015,
Digging out the little red gems and likely companions, A New Galactic Survey - Vatican VVV Workshop, Castel Gandolfo, Italy A. Santerne, 2015,
Suivi spectroscopique: de Kepler à PLATO, Atelier PLATO France #2, Grenoble, France A. Santerne, 2015,
Towards the detection of nearby exoEarths, Pathways towards habitable planets, Bern, Switzerland A. Santerne, 2015,
The physical properties of giant exoplanets within 400 days, OHP2015: Twenty years of giant exoplanets, Saint-Michel-l'Observatoire, France A. Santerne, 2015,
The physical properties of giant exoplanets within 400 days, K2SciCon, Santa Barbara, CA, U.S.A. A. Santerne, 2015,
The physical properties of giant exoplanets within 400 days, Extreme Solar System III, Waikoloa Village, HI, U.S.A. A. R. G. Santos, M. S. Cunha, P. P. Avelino, T. L. Campante, W. J. Chaplin, 2015,
Sunspot cycle reconstruction: an empirical tool, 2nd SOLARNET MEETING: Solar and stellar magnetic activity, Palermo, Italy A. R. G. Santos, M. S. Cunha, P. P. Avelino, T. L. Campante, W. J. Chaplin, 2015,
Contribution from sunspots to the observed frequency shifts, SOLARNET III / HELAS VII / SpaceInn Conference "The Sun, the stars, and solar-stellar relations", Freiburg, Germany N. C. Santos, 2015,
Detection of Reflected light of exoplanets with high resolution spectroscopy, ESPRESSO 12th Progress Meeting, Genève, Swizerland N. C. Santos, 2015,
Reflected light spectroscopy of exoplanets: the case of 51 Peg b, CHEOPS Science Workshop #3, Madrid, Spain N. C. Santos, 2015,
The interesting case of HD41248: planets or spots?, Extreme Precision Radial Velocities, New Haven, CT, U.S.A. N. C. Santos, S. C. C. Barros, 2015,
K2-19, The first K2 muti-planetary system showing TTVs, OHP2015: Twenty years of giant exoplanets, Saint-Michel-l'Observatoire, France N. C. Santos, 2015,
The quest for other Earths, Frontiers of space science and technology, Noordwijk, The Netherlands N. C. Santos, 2015,
Measuring the reflected light spectrum of exoplanets at high resolution, Exoplanet Atmosphere Characterization with Space-Borne Optical Photometry, Noordwijk, The Netherlands N. C. Santos, 2015,
Stellar activity and exoplanets, Exoplanet Atmosphere Characterization with Space-Borne Optical Photometry, Noordwijk, The Netherlands T. C. Scott, 2015,
Evolution of late-type galaxies in galaxy clusters: cold gas, XXV Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Lisboa, Portugal M. Tsantaki, 2015,
Stellar parameters in medium resolution, Gaia-ESO Survey Third Science Meeting, Vilnius, Lithuania
Ph.D. Thesis and M.Sc. Dissertations
Number of records: 8 R. M. G. Albuquerque, 2015,
Diagnostic line profiles and modelling of the accretion and outflow regions around YSOs, Master in Astronomy, Supervisor(s): J. J. G. Lima, J. F. Gameiro L. Benamati, 2015,
GAIA and the search for other planets: combining astrometry and radial velocity, Doctoral Program in Astronomy (3rd cycle), Supervisor(s): N. C. Santos, A. Sozzetti D. Corre, 2015,
Using the fine structure constant to probe Dark Energy, Master in Astronomy, Supervisor(s): C. J. A. P. Martins D. Cunha, 2015,
Multi wavelength high precision radial velocities: pushing precision and characterizing astrophysical sources of noise, Doctoral Program in Astronomy (3rd cycle), Supervisor(s): P. Figueira, N. C. Santos A. C. O. Leite, 2015,
Optimization of ESPRESSO Fundamental Physical Tests, Master in Astronomy, Supervisor(s): C. J. A. P. Martins S. G. Morais, 2015,
Probing the Formation of Galaxies using Lyman-alpha Emission and Absorption, Master in Astronomy, Supervisor(s): A. Humphrey, P. Lagos T. B. Silva, 2015,
Parametric stellar convection models, Master in Astronomy, Supervisor(s): M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro, M. Bazot M. Tsantaki, 2015,
Precise spectroscopic analysis of solar type stars with moderate and fast rotation, Doctoral Program in Astronomy (3rd cycle), Supervisor(s): N. C. Santos, S. G. Sousa |