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Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto

Dynamical analysis and constraints for the HD196885 system

C. A. Giuppone, M. H. M. Morais, G. Boué, A. C. M. Correia

The HD196885 system is composed of a binary star and a planet orbiting the primary. The orbit of the binary is fully constrained by astrometry, but for the planet the inclination with respect to the plane of the sky and the longitude of the node are unknown. Here we perform a full analysis of the HD196885 system by exploring the two free parameters of the planet and choosing different sets of angular variables.We find that the most likely configurations for the planet are either nearly coplanar orbits (prograde and retrograde), or highly inclined orbits near the Lidov-Kozai equilibrium points, i = 44° or i = 137°. Among coplanar orbits, the retrograde ones appear to be less chaotic, while for the orbits near the Lidov-Kozai equilibria, those around ω = 270° are more reliable, where ω is the argument of pericenter of the planet’s orbit with respect to the binary’s orbit . From the observer’s point of view (plane of the sky) stable areas are restricted to (I11) ~ (65°, 80°), (65°, 260°), (115°, 80°), and (115°, 260°), where I1 is the inclination of the planet and Ω1 is the longitude of ascending node.

celestial mechanics – planets and satellites: dynamical evolution and stability – stars: individual: HD 196885 – binaries: close

Astronomy and Astrophysics
Volume 541, Page A151_1
May 2012

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