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Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto

A test of unification towards the radio source PKS1413+135

M. C. Ferreira, M. D. Julião, C. J. A. P. Martins, A. M. R. V. L. Monteiro

We point out that existing astrophysical measurements of combinations of the fine-structure constant a, the proton-to-electron mass ratio µ and the proton gyromagnetic ratio gp towards the radio source PKS1413+135 can be used to individually constrain each of these fundamental couplings. While the accuracy of the available measurements is not yet sufficient to test the spatial dipole scenario, our analysis serves as a proof of concept as new observational facilities will soon allow significantly more robust tests. Moreover, these measurements can also be used to obtain constraints on certain classes of unification scenarios, and we compare the constraints obtained for PKS1413+135 with those previously obtained from local atomic clock measurements.

Cosmology - Fundamental couplings - Unification scenarios - Astrophysical observations - PKS1413+135

Physics Letters B
Volume 724, Page 1
July 2013

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