Kalman filter design for atmospheric tip/tilt, tip/tilt anisoplanatism and focus filtering on extremely large telescopes
L. Gilles, H.-F. G. Raynaud, C. M. Correia, L. Wang, B. Ellerbroek, C. Boyer, C. Kulcsár
This paper discusses Kalman filter design to correct for atmospheric tip/tilt, tip/tilt anisoplanatism and focus disturbances in laser guide star multi-conjugate adaptive optics. Model identification, controller design and computation, command oversampling and disturbance rejection are discussed via time domain analysis and control performance evaluation. End-to-end high-fidelity sky-coverage simulations are presented by Wang and co-authors in a companion paper.
Adaptive Optics Systems IV
(Eds.) E. Marchetti, L. M. Close, J.-P. Véran
Vol. 9148,
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