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Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto

An attempt to calibrate core overshooting using the seismic properties of low-mass stars

S. Deheuvels, V. Silva Aguirre, M. S. Cunha, T. Appourchaux, J. Ballot, I. M. Brandão, Y. Lebreton, E. Michel

The sizes of stellar convective cores remain uncertain because of our poor understanding of the interface between convective and radiative zones. The very high precision of the seismic data provided by the CoRoT and Kepler space missions offers a great opportunity to search for the signature of convective cores in main-sequence stars. We here validate the seismic diagnostic based on the r010 ratios, which has been proposed to probe the size of convective cores, and we use it on a sample of 24 specially chosen Kepler targets. We thus constrain the extension of the core in 14 targets and find a tendency of the core extension to increase with stellar mass in this mass range. These results will be presented in more detail in a paper in preparation.

The Space Photometry Revolution – CoRoT Symposium 3, Kepler KASC-7 Joint Meeting
(Eds.) R.A. García, J. Ballot

EPJ Web of Conferences
Vol. 101, Page 01013

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Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences

Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences (IA) is a new but long anticipated research infrastructure with a national dimension. It embodies a bold but feasible vision for the development of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Sciences in Portugal, taking full advantage and fully realizing the potential created by the national membership of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Southern Observatory (ESO). IA resulted from the merging the two most prominent research units in the field in Portugal: the Centre for Astrophysics of the University of Porto (CAUP) and the Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics of the University of Lisbon (CAAUL). It currently hosts more than two-thirds of all active researchers working in Space Sciences in Portugal, and is responsible for an even greater fraction of the national productivity in international ISI journals in the area of Space Sciences. This is the scientific area with the highest relative impact factor (1.65 times above the international average) and the field with the highest average number of citations per article for Portugal.

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