Data treatment towards the ELT age. The ESPRESSO case
G. Cupani, S. Cristiani, V. D'Odorico, J. I. González Hernández, C. Lovis, A. G. Segovia Milla, S. G. Sousa, D. Sosnowska, P. Di Marcantonio, D. Mégevand
Several ambitious scientific projects are currently pushing the limits of astrophysical spectroscopy, in terms of wavelength accuracy and long-term stability. These objectives put strong constraints also on the treatment of observational data, requiring dedicated software to be developed as an integral part of the instrument. In this context, a key role will be played by ESPRESSO, an ultra-stable, high-resolution spectrograph for the VLT. ESPRESSO will be the first ESO instrument to be delivered with a dedicated tool for data analysis, in addition to data reduction. New solutions to treat ESPRESSO data have been developed in view of their application to the the next-generation spectrographs.
Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana
Societa Astronomica Italiana
Vol. 86, Page 502
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