Seminars during 2014
Number of records: 20
The Large IFU Survey of Galaxies from CAHA
José Manuel Vílchez Medina (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, IAA-CSIC) 21 November 2014
Bulge Growth and Quenching since z = 2.5 in CANDELS/3D-HST
Philipp Lang (MPIE/Munich) 19 November 2014
The physical properties of giant transiting exoplanets within 400 days
Alexandre Santerne (CAUP) 15 October 2014
Developments and science with High-Contrast Imaging instruments
Carlos M. Correia (CAUP) 3 September 2014
Ground-based follow-up of Kepler extrasolar planet candidates
Jorge Lillo Box (Centro de Astrobiología (CSIC-INTA)) 2 July 2014
Impact of the occultation of stellar active regions on transmission spectra: Do HD189733b and GJ3470b have blue skies?
Mahmoudreza Oshagh (CAUP) 15 May 2014
Old Open Clusters in the Solar Neighbourhood
Stefan Schmeja (Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg) 8 May 2014
Minor Bodies Science with the J-PAS/J-PLUS photometric surveys
Jorge M. Carvano (Observatorio Nacional, Rio de Janeiro) 15 April 2014
From the first galaxies to today's Milky Way with the largest multi-narrow-band (Ha+Lya) surveys
David Sobral (IA/CAAUL & Leiden Observatory) 2 April 2014
A Pathway to Earth-like Worlds: Overcoming Astrophysical Noise due to Convection
Heather M. Cegla (Astrophysics Research Center, Queens University Belfast) 19 March 2014
Exploring the Galactic discs with the Gaia-ESO Survey
Alejandra Recio-Blanco (Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur) 26 February 2014
Exotic singularities in cosmology and varying constants
Mariusz P. Dabrowski (Institute of Physics, University of Szczecin) 4 February 2014
Analysis of ESPRESSO quasar spectra
Guido Cupani (Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste) 29 January 2014 |