15 de outubro
No dia 15 de outubro, pelas 21h15, o astrónomo do ESO Joe Liske (também conhecido por Dr. J, a estrela dos videocasts Hubblecast e ESOcast), irá apresentar a palestra "Reaching for the stars: the European Extremely Large Telescope". No final da palestra, Liske será acompanhado pelos astrónomos Carlos Martins (CAUP, E-ELT PST), Jason Spyromilio (ESO, E-ELT Programme Scientist) e Suzanne Ramsay (ESO, E-ELT Instrument Scientist), para uma sessão de perguntas e respostas.
Para quem não puder estar presente, a palestra será também transmitida via streaming em www.astro.up.pt/e_elt. Estará ainda ao dispor um sistema de chat ao vivo, para que possam colocar questões na sessão de perguntas e respostas.
Reaching for the stars: the European Extremely Large Telescope
404 years after Galileo Galilei first pointed a telescope at the night sky European astronomers are set to build the largest optical telescope ever in the Chilean Atacama desert: with a diameter of nearly 40 meters the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) is one of the most ambitious science projects on (and off) the planet - our biggest "eye on the sky".
ESO astronomer Joe Liske (a.k.a. Dr J, star of the Hubblecast and ESOcast video podcasts) will provide a preview of the largest optical telescope ever, and will discuss the science and technology of this megaproject. Does life exist beyond planet Earth? What did the first galaxies look like? And what exactly is this mysterious "Dark Energy" that's been in the news so much lately? These are the fascinating questions Dr J will address.
Joining Dr. J at the end of the talk, for a Q&A session, will be Carlos Martins (CAUP, E-ELT Project Science Team), Jason Spyromilio (ESO, E-ELT Programme Scientist) and Suzanne Ramsay (ESO, E-ELT Instrument Scientist).
The talk will also be webcast live, so those unable to attend can still catch up on the latest news from the project. There will be facilities for live web chat on the web site which will allow audience members at home to participate in the Q&A.
21:15 Palestra Pública "Reaching for the stars: the European Extremely Large Telescope" - Joe Liske (Dr J), ESO (transmitida em direto por webcast)
22:15 Sessão de perguntas com Joe Liske, Carlos Martins (CAUP, E-ELT Project Science Team), Jason Spyromilio (ESO, E-ELT Programme Scientist) e Suzanne Ramsay (ESO, E-ELT Instrument Scientist)
22:30 Sessão de observação com telescópio (se o tempo o permitir)
Para obter mais informações contacte Ricardo Reis.
O CAUP agradece à FCCN a cedência dos servidores para a transmissão do evento e à TVU a cedência do material de imagem.