22-26 August 2011, Porto, Portugal
Sneutrino Dark Matter: Symmetry Protection and Cosmic Ray Anomalies We present an $R$-parity conserving model of sneutrino dark matter within a Higgs-philic $U(1)^prime$ extension of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. In this theory, the $mu$ parameter and light Dirac neutrino masses are generated naturally upon the breaking of the $U(1)^prime$ gauge symmetry. One of the right-handed senutrinos is the LSP. The leptonic and hadronic decays of another sneutrino, taken to be the next-to-lightest superpartner, allow for a natural fit to the recent results reported by the PAMELA experiment. We perform a detailed calculation of the dark matter relic density in this scenario, and show that the model is consistent with the ATIC and FERMI-LAT experiments. |
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