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Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto
10-13 November 2014, Porto, Portugal

The GES Data Archiveis the principal mechanism for Consortium members to access the Survey data, including both the results of astrophysical analyses and the spectra themselves. This workshop will include a brief description of the contents, design and organisation of the archive. However, it will concentrate on practical step-by-step examples of querying the archive to obtain:

  • lists of the stars and spectra in the archive,
  • the astrophysical parameters and abundances derived from analysis of the spectra,
  • lists of atomic and molecular lines to be used in astrophysical analyses,
  • and copies of the spectra themselves.

The workshop will be hands-on with plenty of time for discussion (including a coffee break!) and for participants to try examples for themselves.

The registration for the workshop is now closed.

List of participants

PDF notes for the workshop

Pre-requisites for the participants
All participants must have registered as users of the archive and should come prepared with the information necessary to log on (username, password and community).

Participants should bring their own laptop computer which should have wireless enabled. Access using a tablet (such as an Apple iPad) is possible but not recommended. Access from a smart-phone is definitely not recommended.

The only software that is really necessary on the laptop is a Web browser. Firefox is recommended but most browsers should be ok.

It would be useful, but not strictly necessary, if the laptop could also have installed tools for viewing FITS tables and other types of FITS files.

The following are recommended: (Preferably both will be installed.)

Participants need no prior knowledge or experience (though some familiarity with the SQL database query language and the FITS astronomical data format would be useful).

The workshop will be limited to 25 participants.

The rules for the selection of the final participants are that if more than one person from a given institute registers to attend, the first to sign up will get priority if the workshop is oversubscribed, as we will try to maximise the number of institutes represented (with the hope that when participants get home they will be willing to assist other users at their institution). Otherwise places will be allocated on a 'first come, first served' basis.

Participants that will fit in the workshop will be contacted by 5 November.

Clive Davenhall
Anna Hourihane
Clare Worley