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Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto
Seminars during 2013
Number of records: 24
Tidal evolution of planets around brown dwarfs
Emeline Bolmont (University of Bordeaux-CNRS, Floirac)
10 December 2013
Testing the chemical tagging with old Open Clusters
Sergi Blanco-Cuaresma (Dept. Astronomia i Meteorologia ICCUB-IEEC, Barcelona)
4 December 2013
Bajo un mismo cielo (Under a same sky)
Nuno R. C. Gomes (FCUP/SIM)
13 November 2013
Characterization of M-dwarf Stars using (N)IR wavelengths
Bárbara Rojas-Ayala (CAUP)
31 October 2013
HD 51844: an eccentric delta Scuti star
Markus Hareter (Konkoly Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
24 October 2013
Results from CALIFA (Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field spectroscopy Area survey)
Rosa González Delgado (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía - CSIC)
18 October 2013
Constraints on the fine-structure constant variation in the finite-time singularities scenarios
Tomasz Denkiewicz (Institute of Physics, University of Szczecin)
25 September 2013
Scouring the Lyman alpha forest
Rodney N. Guimarães (Observatório Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
20 September 2013
Modeling extrasolar planets atmospheres
Nicolas Iro (Keele University)
25 July 2013
Fundamental cosmology in the E-ELT era
Carlos J. A. P. Martins (CAUP)
17 July 2013
Confronting the Dark Energy Equation of State with the Fundamental Constant μ, the Proton to Electron Mass Ratio
Rodger I. Thompson (Steward Observatory, University of Arizona)
15 July 2013
Stars as physics laboratories: from dark matter to modified gravity
Jordi Casanellas (Instituto Superior Técnico)
4 July 2013
Observational properties of brown dwarfs
Cátia Cardoso (Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino)
26 June 2013
Chemical Tagging of Stellar Kinematic Groups
Hugo M. Tabernero Guzmán (Departamento de Astrofísica, UCM)
22 May 2013
The Lyman alpha cosmic line
Daniel Kunth (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)
17 May 2013
PASTIS: A new fully-bayesian tool for planet validation
Alexandre Santerne (CAUP)
15 April 2013
Extremely Metal-Poor Dwarf Galaxies: The HI Content
Mercedes E. Filho (CAUP)
3 April 2013
Chemical Evolution Models for spiral and irregular galaxies
Mercedes Mollá (CIEMAT-Madrid, División de Astrofísica de Partículas)
21 February 2013
Stars, Supernovae: elements production and abundances in the ISM
Mercedes Mollá (CIEMAT-Madrid, División de Astrofísica de Partículas)
20 February 2013
TGSS - A survey of almost the entire sky at 150 MHz
Breezy Ocaña Flaquer (CAUP)
13 February 2013
Seismology of rapidly rotating stars
François Lignières (Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie)
5 February 2013
Multifield inflation and observables
Mafalda Dias (University of Sussex)
4 January 2013