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Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto

Constraining recent oscillations in quintessence models with Euclid

N. A. Lima, P. T. P. Viana, I. Tereno

Euclid is a future space-based mission that will constrain dark energy with unprecedented accuracy. Its photometric component is optimized for weak lensing studies, while the spectroscopic component is designed for baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) analysis. We use the Fisher matrix formalism to make forecasts on two quintessence dark energy models with a dynamical equation of state that leads to late-time oscillations in the expansion rate of the Universe. We find that weak lensing will place much stronger constraints than the BAO, being able to discriminate between oscillating models by measuring the relevant parameters to 1sigma precisions of 5-20 per cent. The tight constraints suggest that Euclid data could identify even quite small late-time oscillations in the expansion rate of the Universe.

cosmology: observations, dark energy

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Volume 441, Page 3231
July 2014

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