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Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto

Evolution of domain wall networks: The Press-Ryden-Spergel algorithm

L. Sousa, P. P. Avelino

The Press-Ryden-Spergel (PRS) algorithm is a modification to the field theory equations of motion, parametrized by two parameters (α and β ), implemented in numerical simulations of cosmological domain wall networks, in order to ensure a fixed comoving resolution. In this paper we explicitly demonstrate that the PRS algorithm provides the correct domain wall dynamics in (N+1 )-dimensional Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universes if α+β/2=N , fully validating its use in numerical studies of cosmic domain evolution. We further show that this result is valid for generic thin featureless domain walls, independently of the Lagrangian of the model.

Physical Review D
Volume 81, Page 0875305
April 2010

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Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences

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