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Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto

Stellar activity of planetary host star HD 189 733

I. Boisse, C. Moutou, A. Vidal-Madjar, F. Bouchy, F. Pont, G. Hébrard, X. Bonfils, B. Croll, X. Delfosse, M. Desort, T. Forveille, A.-M. Lagrange, B. Loeillet, C. Lovis, Matthews J. M., M. Mayor, F. Pepe, C. Perrier, D. Queloz, J. F. Rowe, N. C. Santos, D. Ségransan, S. Udry

Aims. Extra-solar planet search programs require high-precision velocity measurements. They need to determine how to differentiate between radial-velocity variations due to Doppler motion and the noise induced by stellar activity.
Methods. We monitored the active K2V star HD 189 733 and its transiting planetary companion, which has a 2.2-day orbital period. We used the high-resolution spectograph SOPHIE mounted on the 1.93-m telescope at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence to obtain 55 spectra of HD 189 733 over nearly two months. We refined the HD 189 733b orbit parameters and placed limits on both the eccentricity and long-term velocity gradient. After subtracting the orbital motion of the planet, we compared the variability in spectroscopic activity indices with the evolution in the radial-velocity residuals and the shape of spectral lines.
Results. The radial velocity, the spectral-line profile, and the activity indices measured in He i (5875.62 Å), Hα (6562.81 Å), and both of the Ca ii H&K lines (3968.47 Å and 3933.66 Å, respectively) exhibit a periodicity close to the stellar-rotation period and the correlations between them are consistent with a spotted stellar surface in rotation. We used these correlations to correct for the radialvelocity jitter due to stellar activity. This results in achieving high precision in measuring the orbital parameters, with a semi-amplitude K = 200.56 ± 0.88 ms−1 and a derived planetmass of MP = 1.13 ± 0.03 MJup.

Palavras chave
techniques: radial velocities – stars: planetary systems – stars: individual: HD 189 733 – stars: activity

Astronomy and Astrophysics
Volume 495, Página 959
março 2009

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Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço

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