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Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto
Scaling properties of domain wall networks

Amélia M. M. Leite

In this talk I will present the results of my internship at CAUP which resulted in a paper. The cosmological evolution of domain wall networks will be revisited by taking advantage of recent improvements in computing power. High-resolution field theory simulations were carried out in two, three and four spatial dimensions to study the effects of dimensionality and damping on the evolution of the network. I will discuss the results which are consistent with the expected scale-invariant evolution of the network, suggesting that previous hints of deviations from this behavior may have been due to the limited dynamical range of those simulations. I will also present the results of very large (10243) simulations in three cosmological epochs which were studied to provide a calibration for the velocity-dependent one-scale model for domain walls: the two free model parameters were numerically determined to have the values cw = 0.5±0.2 and kw = 1.1±0.3.

30 November 2011, 13:30

Centro de Astrofísica
Rua das Estrelas
4150-762 Porto