22 March 2013, Porto, Portugal
11:00 |
Opening |
11:05 |
Institutional Presentations (10 minutes each)
- CAUP (Pedro P. Avelino)
- CFP (Miguel S. Costa)
11:30 |
Science Topics (15 minutes each)
12:30 |
Lunch (participants are invited to a buffet lunch) |
14:00 |
Science Topics (continued)
16:00 |
Coffee break |
16:40 |
Complementary activities (15 minutes each)
17:20 |
Discussion (30 minutes)
- Cooperation and future opportunities (Directors + All)
18:00 |
Closing |
It is possible to display posters. Please indicate by email, to Mário João P. F. G. Monteiro, if you would like to contribute with a poster in order to reserve a slot.