Ray Jayawardhana and Henrik Beuther. At the backset are Hugo Ledo and Monika Petr-Gotzens.
Workshops youngest participant Joseph Elston, busy with Next Generation Games! At the backset are Joćo Alves, Teresa Lago and Joana (discussing thesis problem?).
Rafael Bachiller on Outflows and ALMA.
Mario and Malcolm with their critical attention to the speaker while Paula Teixiera seems to be searching for a pen to take notes.
Mario Tafalla explaining the simplicity of starless cores.
Leonardo Testi describing a plot which he recommends others not to show in their talks!
Michael Meyer placing our Solar System in context of the formation & evolution of Planetary systems.
Second days first talk. Eric Keto explaining the riddles of massive star birth.
Riccardo Cesaroni showing evidence for true disks around massive stars.