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Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto
Articles in journals
Number of records: 96

P. A. R. Ade, N. Aghanim, M. Arnaud, M. Ashdown, F. Atrio-Barandela, J. Aumont, C. Baccigalupi, A. Balbi, A. J. Banday, R. B. Barreiro, J.G. Bartlett, E. Battaner, R. Battye, K. Benabed, J.-P. Bernard, M. Bersanelli, R. Bhatia, I. Bikmaev, H. Böhringer, A. Bonaldi, J. R. Bond, S. Borgani, J. Borrill, F. R. Bouchet, H. Bourdin, M. L. Brown, M. Bucher, R. Burenin, C. Burigana, R. C. Butler, P. Cabella, J.-F. Cardoso, P. Carvalho, A. Chamballu, L.-Y. Chiang, G. Chon, D. L. Clements, S. Colafrancesco, A. Coulais, F. Cuttaia, A. C. da Silva, H. Dahle, R. J. Davis, P. de Bernardis, G. de Gasperis, J. Delabrouille, J. Démoclès, F.-X. Désert, J. M. Diego, K. Dolag, H. Dole, S. Donzelli, O. Doré, M. Douspis, X. Dupac, G. Efstathiou, T. A. Enβlin, H. K. Eriksen, F. Finelli, I. Flores-Cacho, O. Forni, M. Frailis, E. Franceschi, M. Frommert, S. Galeotta, K. Ganga, R. T. Génova-Santos, M. Giard, Y. Giraud-Héraud, J. González-Nuevo, K. Górski, A. Gregorio, A. Gruppuso, F. K. Hansen, D. L. Harrison, C. Hernández-Monteagudo, D. Herranz, S. R. Hildebrandt, E. Hivon, M. Hobson, W. A. Holmes, K. M. Huffenberger, G. Hurier, T. Jagemann, M. Juvela, E. Keihänen, I. Khamitov, R. Kneissl, J. Knoche, M. Kunz, H. Kurki-Suonio, G. Lagache, J.-M. Lamarre, A. Lasenby, C. R. Lawrence, M. Le Jeune, S. Leach, R. Leonardi, A. R. Liddle, P. B. Lilje, M. Linden-Vørnle, M. López-Caniego, G. Luzzi, J. F. Macías-Pérez, D. Maino, N. Mandolesi, M. Maris, F. Marleau, D. J. Marshall, E. Martínez-González, S. Masi, S. Matarrese, F. Matthai, P. Mazzotta, P. R. Meinhold, A. Melchiorri, J.-B. Melin, L. Mendes, S. Mitra, M.-A. Miville-Deschênes, L. Montier, G. Morgante, D. Munshi, P. Natoli, H. U. Nørgaard-Nielsen, F. Noviello, S. Osborne, F. Pajot, D. Paoletti, R. B. Partridge, T. J. Pearson, O. Perdereau, F. Perrotta, F. Piacentini, M. Piat, E. Pierpaoli, R. Piffaretti, P. Platania, E. Pointecouteau, G. Polenta, N. Ponthieu, L. A. Popa, T. Poutanen, G. W. Pratt, S. Prunet, J.-L. Puget, J. P. Rachen, R. Rebolo López, M. Reinecke, M. Remazeilles, C. Renault, S. Ricciardi, I. Ristorcelli, G. Rocha, C. Rosset, M. Rossetti, J. A. Rubiño-Martin, B. Rusholme, M. Sandri, G. Savini, D. Scott, J.-L. Starck, F. Stivoli, V. Stolyarov, R. Sudiwala, R. Sunyaev, D. Sutton, A.-S. Suur-Uski, J.-F. Sygnet, J. A. Tauber, L. Terenzi, L. Toffolatti, M. Tomasi, M. Tristram, L. Valenziano, B. Van Tent, P. Vielva, F. Villa, N. Vittorio, B. D. Wandelt, J. Weller, S. D. M. White, D. Yvon, A. Zacchei, A. Zonca, 2013,
Planck intermediate results. III. The relation between galaxy cluster mass and Sunyaev-Zeldovich signal,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 550, A129_1-A129_20
P. A. R. Ade, N. Aghanim, M. Arnaud, M. Ashdown, J. Aumont, C. Baccigalupi, A. Balbi, A. J. Banday, R. B. Barreiro, J.G. Bartlett, E. Battaner, K. Benabed, A. Benoît, J.-P. Bernard, M. Bersanelli, I. Bikmaev, H. Böhringer, A. Bonaldi, J. R. Bond, S. Borgani, J. Borrill, F. R. Bouchet, M. L. Brown, C. Burigana, R. C. Butler, P. Cabella, P. Carvalho, A. Catalano, L. Cayón, A. Chamballu, R.-R. Chary, L.-Y. Chiang, G. Chon, P. R. Christensen, D. L. Clements, S. Colafrancesco, S. Colombi, A. Coulais, B. P. Crill, F. Cuttaia, A. C. da Silva, H. Dahle, R. J. Davis, P. de Bernardis, G. de Gasperis, G. de Zotti, J. Delabrouille, J. Démoclès, F.-X. Désert, J. M. Diego, K. Dolag, H. Dole, S. Donzelli, O. Doré, M. Douspis, X. Dupac, T. A. Enβlin, H. K. Eriksen, F. Finelli, I. Flores-Cacho, O. Forni, M. Frailis, E. Franceschi, M. Frommert, S. Galeotta, K. Ganga, R. T. Génova-Santos, Y. Giraud-Héraud, J. González-Nuevo, R. González-Riestra, K. Górski, A. Gregorio, A. Gruppuso, F. K. Hansen, D. L. Harrison, A. Hempel, S. Henrot-Versillé, C. Hernández-Monteagudo, D. Herranz, S. R. Hildebrandt, E. Hivon, M. Hobson, W. A. Holmes, A. Hornstrup, W. Hovest, K. M. Huffenberger, G. Hurier, A. H. Jaffe, T. Jagemann, W. C. Jones, M. Juvela, R. Kneissl, J. Knoche, L. Knox, M. Kunz, H. Kurki-Suonio, G. Lagache, J.-M. Lamarre, A. Lasenby, C. R. Lawrence, M. Le Jeune, S. Leach, R. Leonardi, A. R. Liddle, P. B. Lilje, M. Linden-Vørnle, M. López-Caniego, G. Luzzi, J. F. Macías-Pérez, D. Maino, N. Mandolesi, R. G. Mann, M. Maris, F. Marleau, D. J. Marshall, E. Martínez-González, S. Masi, M. Massardi, S. Matarrese, P. Mazzotta, S. Mei, P. R. Meinhold, A. Melchiorri, J.-B. Melin, L. Mendes, A. Mennella, S. Mitra, M.-A. Miville-Deschênes, A. Moneti, G. Morgante, D. Mortlock, D. Munshi, P. Naselsky, F. Nati, P. Natoli, H. U. Nørgaard-Nielsen, F. Noviello, S. Osborne, F. Pajot, D. Paoletti, O. Perdereau, F. Perrotta, F. Piacentini, M. Piat, E. Pierpaoli, R. Piffaretti, S. Plaszczynski, P. Platania, E. Pointecouteau, G. Polenta, L. A. Popa, T. Poutanen, G. W. Pratt, S. Prunet, J.-L. Puget, M. Reinecke, M. Remazeilles, C. Renault, S. Ricciardi, G. Rocha, C. Rosset, M. Rossetti, J. A. Rubiño-Martin, B. Rusholme, M. Sandri, G. Savini, D. Scott, G. F. Smoot, S. A. Stanford, F. Stivoli, R. Sudiwala, R. Sunyaev, D. Sutton, A.-S. Suur-Uski, J.-F. Sygnet, J. A. Tauber, L. Terenzi, L. Toffolatti, M. Tomasi, M. Tristram, L. Valenziano, B. Van Tent, P. Vielva, F. Villa, N. Vittorio, L. A. Wade, B. D. Wandelt, N. Welikala, J. Weller, S. D. M. White, D. Yvon, A. Zacchei, A. Zonca, 2013,
Planck Intermediate Results. IV. The XMM-Newton validation programme for new Planck galaxy clusters,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 550, A130_1-A130_19
P. A. R. Ade, N. Aghanim, M. Arnaud, M. Ashdown, F. Atrio-Barandela, J. Aumont, C. Baccigalupi, A. Balbi, A. J. Banday, R. B. Barreiro, J.G. Bartlett, E. Battaner, K. Benabed, A. Benoît, J.-P. Bernard, M. Bersanelli, R. Bhatia, H. Böhringer, A. Bonaldi, J. R. Bond, J. Borrill, F. R. Bouchet, H. Bourdin, C. Burigana, P. Cabella, J.-F. Cardoso, G. Castex, A. Catalano, L. Cayón, A. Chamballu, L.-Y. Chiang, G. Chon, P. R. Christensen, D. L. Clements, S. Colafrancesco, S. Colombi, L. P. L. Colombo, B. Comis, A. Coulais, B. P. Crill, F. Cuttaia, A. C. da Silva, H. Dahle, L. Danese, R. J. Davis, P. de Bernardis, G. de Gasperis, G. de Zotti, J. Delabrouille, J. M. Diego, K. Dolag, H. Dole, S. Donzelli, O. Doré, U. Dörl, M. Douspis, X. Dupac, G. Efstathiou, T. A. Enβlin, H. K. Eriksen, F. Finelli, I. Flores-Cacho, O. Forni, M. Frailis, E. Franceschi, M. Frommert, S. Galeotta, K. Ganga, R. T. Génova-Santos, M. Giard, M. Gilfanov, Y. Giraud-Héraud, J. González-Nuevo, K. Górski, A. Gregorio, A. Gruppuso, F. K. Hansen, D. L. Harrison, P. Heinämäki, A. Hempel, S. Henrot-Versillé, C. Hernández-Monteagudo, D. Herranz, S. R. Hildebrandt, E. Hivon, M. Hobson, W. A. Holmes, G. Hurier, T. R. Jaffe, A. H. Jaffe, T. Jagemann, W. C. Jones, M. Juvela, E. Keihänen, T. S. Kisner, R. Kneissl, J. Knoche, L. Knox, M. Kunz, H. Kurki-Suonio, G. Lagache, A. Lähteenmäki, J.-M. Lamarre, A. Lasenby, C. R. Lawrence, M. Le Jeune, R. Leonardi, P. B. Lilje, M. López-Caniego, G. Luzzi, J. F. Macías-Pérez, D. Maino, N. Mandolesi, M. Maris, F. Marleau, D. J. Marshall, E. Martínez-González, S. Masi, M. Massardi, S. Matarrese, P. Mazzotta, S. Mei, A. Melchiorri, J.-B. Melin, L. Mendes, A. Mennella, S. Mitra, M.-A. Miville-Deschênes, A. Moneti, L. Montier, G. Morgante, D. Mortlock, D. Munshi, J. A. Murphy, P. Naselsky, F. Nati, P. Natoli, H. U. Nørgaard-Nielsen, F. Noviello, S. Osborne, F. Pajot, D. Paoletti, F. Pasian, G. Patanchon, O. Perdereau, L. Perotto, F. Perrotta, F. Piacentini, M. Piat, E. Pierpaoli, R. Piffaretti, S. Plaszczynski, E. Pointecouteau, G. Polenta, N. Ponthieu, L. A. Popa, T. Poutanen, G. W. Pratt, S. Prunet, J.-L. Puget, J. P. Rachen, R. Rebolo López, M. Reinecke, M. Remazeilles, C. Renault, S. Ricciardi, T. Riller, I. Ristorcelli, G. Rocha, M. Roman, C. Rosset, M. Rossetti, J. A. Rubiño-Martin, B. Rusholme, M. Sandri, G. Savini, D. Scott, G. F. Smoot, J.-L. Starck, R. Sudiwala, R. Sunyaev, D. Sutton, A.-S. Suur-Uski, J.-F. Sygnet, J. A. Tauber, L. Terenzi, L. Toffolatti, M. Tomasi, M. Tristram, J. Tuovinen, L. Valenziano, B. Van Tent, P. Vielva, F. Villa, N. Vittorio, L. A. Wade, B. D. Wandelt, N. Welikala, D. Yvon, A. Zacchei, A. Zonca, S. Zaroubi, 2013,
Planck intermediate results. VI: The dynamical structure of PLCKG214.6+37.0, a Planck discovered triple system of galaxy clusters.,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 550, A132_1-A132_14
P. A. R. Ade, N. Aghanim, M. Arnaud, M. Ashdown, F. Atrio-Barandela, J. Aumont, C. Baccigalupi, A. Balbi, A. J. Banday, R. B. Barreiro, J.G. Bartlett, E. Battaner, K. Benabed, A. Benoît, J.-P. Bernard, M. Bersanelli, R. Bhatia, I. Bikmaev, J. Bobin, H. Böhringer, A. Bonaldi, J. R. Bond, S. Borgani, J. Borrill, F. R. Bouchet, H. Bourdin, M. L. Brown, R. Burenin, C. Burigana, P. Cabella, J.-F. Cardoso, P. Carvalho, G. Castex, A. Catalano, L. Cayón, A. Chamballu, L.-Y. Chiang, G. Chon, P. R. Christensen, E. Churazov, D. L. Clements, S. Colafrancesco, S. Colombi, L. P. L. Colombo, B. Comis, A. Coulais, B. P. Crill, F. Cuttaia, A. C. da Silva, H. Dahle, L. Danese, R. J. Davis, P. de Bernardis, G. de Gasperis, G. de Zotti, J. Delabrouille, J. Démoclès, F.-X. Désert, J. M. Diego, K. Dolag, H. Dole, S. Donzelli, O. Doré, U. Dörl, M. Douspis, X. Dupac, G. Efstathiou, T. A. Enβlin, H. K. Eriksen, F. Finelli, I. Flores-Cacho, O. Forni, P. Fosalba, M. Frailis, E. Franceschi, M. Frommert, S. Galeotta, K. Ganga, R. T. Génova-Santos, M. Giard, Y. Giraud-Héraud, J. González-Nuevo, K. Górski, A. Gregorio, A. Gruppuso, F. K. Hansen, D. L. Harrison, A. Hempel, S. Henrot-Versillé, C. Hernández-Monteagudo, D. Herranz, S. R. Hildebrandt, E. Hivon, M. Hobson, W. A. Holmes, G. Hurier, T. R. Jaffe, A. H. Jaffe, T. Jagemann, W. C. Jones, M. Juvela, E. Keihänen, I. Khamitov, T. S. Kisner, R. Kneissl, J. Knoche, L. Knox, M. Kunz, H. Kurki-Suonio, G. Lagache, A. Lähteenmäki, J.-M. Lamarre, A. Lasenby, C. R. Lawrence, M. Le Jeune, R. Leonardi, A. R. Liddle, P. B. Lilje, M. López-Caniego, G. Luzzi, J. F. Macías-Pérez, D. Maino, N. Mandolesi, M. Maris, F. Marleau, D. J. Marshall, E. Martínez-González, S. Masi, M. Massardi, S. Matarrese, P. Mazzotta, S. Mei, A. Melchiorri, J.-B. Melin, L. Mendes, A. Mennella, S. Mitra, M.-A. Miville-Deschênes, A. Moneti, L. Montier, G. Morgante, D. Mortlock, D. Munshi, J. A. Murphy, P. Naselsky, F. Nati, P. Natoli, H. U. Nørgaard-Nielsen, F. Noviello, D. Novikov, I. Novikov, S. Osborne, F. Pajot, D. Paoletti, F. Pasian, G. Patanchon, O. Perdereau, L. Perotto, F. Perrotta, F. Piacentini, M. Piat, E. Pierpaoli, R. Piffaretti, S. Plaszczynski, E. Pointecouteau, G. Polenta, N. Ponthieu, L. A. Popa, T. Poutanen, G. W. Pratt, S. Prunet, J.-L. Puget, J. P. Rachen, W. T. Reach, R. Rebolo López, M. Reinecke, M. Remazeilles, C. Renault, S. Ricciardi, T. Riller, I. Ristorcelli, G. Rocha, M. Roman, C. Rosset, M. Rossetti, J. A. Rubiño-Martin, B. Rusholme, M. Sandri, G. Savini, D. Scott, G. F. Smoot, J.-L. Starck, R. Sudiwala, R. Sunyaev, D. Sutton, A.-S. Suur-Uski, J.-F. Sygnet, J. A. Tauber, L. Terenzi, L. Toffolatti, M. Tomasi, M. Tristram, J. Tuovinen, L. Valenziano, B. Van Tent, J. Varis, P. Vielva, F. Villa, N. Vittorio, L. A. Wade, B. D. Wandelt, N. Welikala, S. D. M. White, M. White, D. Yvon, A. Zacchei, A. Zonca, 2013,
Planck intermediate results
V. Pressure profiles of galaxy clusters from the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 550, A131_1-A131_24
P. A. R. Ade, N. Aghanim, M. Arnaud, M. Ashdown, F. Atrio-Barandela, J. Aumont, C. Baccigalupi, A. Balbi, A. J. Banday, R. B. Barreiro, J.G. Bartlett, E. Battaner, K. Benabed, A. Benoît, J.-P. Bernard, M. Bersanelli, R. Bhatia, I. Bikmaev, H. Böhringer, A. Bonaldi, J. R. Bond, J. Borrill, F. R. Bouchet, H. Bourdin, R. Burenin, C. Burigana, P. Cabella, J.-F. Cardoso, G. Castex, A. Catalano, L. Cayón, A. Chamballu, R.-R. Chary, L.-Y. Chiang, G. Chon, P. R. Christensen, D. L. Clements, S. Colafrancesco, L. P. L. Colombo, B. Comis, A. Coulais, B. P. Crill, F. Cuttaia, A. C. da Silva, H. Dahle, L. Danese, R. J. Davis, P. de Bernardis, G. de Gasperis, G. de Zotti, J. Delabrouille, J. Démoclès, F.-X. Désert, J. M. Diego, K. Dolag, H. Dole, S. Donzelli, O. Doré, U. Dörl, M. Douspis, X. Dupac, G. Efstathiou, T. A. Enβlin, H. K. Eriksen, F. Finelli, I. Flores-Cacho, O. Forni, M. Frailis, E. Franceschi, M. Frommert, S. Galeotta, K. Ganga, R. T. Génova-Santos, M. Giard, M. Gilfanov, Y. Giraud-Héraud, J. González-Nuevo, K. Górski, A. Gregorio, A. Gruppuso, F. K. Hansen, D. L. Harrison, A. Hempel, S. Henrot-Versillé, C. Hernández-Monteagudo, D. Herranz, S. R. Hildebrandt, E. Hivon, M. Hobson, W. A. Holmes, W. Hovest, G. Hurier, T. R. Jaffe, A. H. Jaffe, T. Jagemann, W. C. Jones, M. Juvela, I. Khamitov, T. S. Kisner, R. Kneissl, J. Knoche, L. Knox, M. Kunz, H. Kurki-Suonio, G. Lagache, J.-M. Lamarre, A. Lasenby, C. R. Lawrence, M. Le Jeune, R. Leonardi, P. B. Lilje, M. Linden-Vørnle, M. López-Caniego, P. M. Lubin, G. Luzzi, J. F. Macías-Pérez, B. Maffei, D. Maino, N. Mandolesi, M. Maris, F. Marleau, D. J. Marshall, E. Martínez-González, S. Masi, M. Massardi, S. Matarrese, F. Matthai, P. Mazzotta, S. Mei, A. Melchiorri, J.-B. Melin, L. Mendes, A. Mennella, S. Mitra, M.-A. Miville-Deschênes, A. Moneti, L. Montier, G. Morgante, D. Munshi, J. A. Murphy, P. Naselsky, F. Nati, P. Natoli, H. U. Nørgaard-Nielsen, F. Noviello, D. Novikov, I. Novikov, S. Osborne, F. Pajot, D. Paoletti, F. Pasian, G. Patanchon, O. Perdereau, L. Perotto, F. Perrotta, F. Piacentini, M. Piat, E. Pierpaoli, R. Piffaretti, S. Plaszczynski, E. Pointecouteau, G. Polenta, N. Ponthieu, L. A. Popa, T. Poutanen, G. W. Pratt, S. Prunet, J.-L. Puget, J. P. Rachen, R. Rebolo López, M. Reinecke, M. Remazeilles, C. Renault, S. Ricciardi, T. Riller, I. Ristorcelli, G. Rocha, M. Roman, C. Rosset, M. Rossetti, J. A. Rubiño-Martin, B. Rusholme, M. Sandri, G. Savini, B. M. Schäfer, D. Scott, G. F. Smoot, J.-L. Starck, R. Sudiwala, R. Sunyaev, D. Sutton, A.-S. Suur-Uski, J.-F. Sygnet, J. A. Tauber, L. Terenzi, L. Toffolatti, M. Tomasi, M. Tristram, L. Valenziano, B. Van Tent, P. Vielva, F. Villa, N. Vittorio, L. A. Wade, B. D. Wandelt, N. Welikala, S. D. M. White, D. Yvon, A. Zacchei, A. Zonca, 2013,
Planck intermediate results
VIII. Filaments between interacting clusters
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 550, A134_1-A134_16
P. A. R. Ade, N. Aghanim, M. Arnaud, M. Ashdown, F. Atrio-Barandela, J. Aumont, C. Baccigalupi, A. Balbi, A. J. Banday, R. B. Barreiro, J.G. Bartlett, E. Battaner, K. Benabed, A. Benoît, J.-P. Bernard, M. Bersanelli, I. Bikmaev, H. Böhringer, A. Bonaldi, J. R. Bond, J. Borrill, F. R. Bouchet, H. Bourdin, M. L. Brown, S. D. Brown, R. Burenin, C. Burigana, P. Cabella, J.-F. Cardoso, P. Carvalho, A. Catalano, L. Cayón, L.-Y. Chiang, G. Chon, P. R. Christensen, E. Churazov, D. L. Clements, S. Colafrancesco, L. P. L. Colombo, A. Coulais, B. P. Crill, F. Cuttaia, A. C. da Silva, H. Dahle, L. Danese, R. J. Davis, P. de Bernardis, G. de Gasperis, A. de Rosa, G. de Zotti, J. Delabrouille, J. Démoclès, F.-X. Désert, C. Dickinson, J. M. Diego, K. Dolag, H. Dole, S. Donzelli, O. Doré, U. Dörl, M. Douspis, X. Dupac, T. A. Enβlin, H. K. Eriksen, F. Finelli, I. Flores-Cacho, O. Forni, M. Frailis, E. Franceschi, M. Frommert, S. Galeotta, K. Ganga, R. T. Génova-Santos, M. Giard, M. Gilfanov, J. González-Nuevo, K. Górski, A. Gregorio, A. Gruppuso, F. K. Hansen, D. L. Harrison, S. Henrot-Versillé, C. Hernández-Monteagudo, S. R. Hildebrandt, E. Hivon, M. Hobson, W. A. Holmes, A. Hornstrup, W. Hovest, K. M. Huffenberger, G. Hurier, T. R. Jaffe, T. Jagemann, W. C. Jones, M. Juvela, E. Keihänen, I. Khamitov, R. Kneissl, J. Knoche, L. Knox, M. Kunz, H. Kurki-Suonio, G. Lagache, A. Lähteenmäki, J.-M. Lamarre, A. Lasenby, C. R. Lawrence, M. Le Jeune, R. Leonardi, P. B. Lilje, M. Linden-Vørnle, M. López-Caniego, P. M. Lubin, J. F. Macías-Pérez, B. Maffei, D. Maino, N. Mandolesi, M. Maris, F. Marleau, E. Martínez-González, S. Masi, M. Massardi, S. Matarrese, F. Matthai, P. Mazzotta, S. Mei, A. Melchiorri, J.-B. Melin, L. Mendes, A. Mennella, S. Mitra, M.-A. Miville-Deschênes, A. Moneti, L. Montier, G. Morgante, D. Munshi, J. A. Murphy, P. Naselsky, P. Natoli, H. U. Nørgaard-Nielsen, F. Noviello, D. Novikov, I. Novikov, S. Osborne, F. Pajot, D. Paoletti, O. Perdereau, F. Perrotta, F. Piacentini, M. Piat, E. Pierpaoli, R. Piffaretti, S. Plaszczynski, E. Pointecouteau, G. Polenta, N. Ponthieu, L. A. Popa, T. Poutanen, G. W. Pratt, S. Prunet, J.-L. Puget, J. P. Rachen, R. Rebolo López, M. Reinecke, M. Remazeilles, C. Renault, S. Ricciardi, T. Riller, I. Ristorcelli, G. Rocha, M. Roman, C. Rosset, M. Rossetti, J. A. Rubiño-Martin, G. Rudnick, B. Rusholme, M. Sandri, G. Savini, B. M. Schäfer, D. Scott, G. F. Smoot, F. Stivoli, R. Sudiwala, R. Sunyaev, D. Sutton, A.-S. Suur-Uski, J.-F. Sygnet, J. A. Tauber, L. Terenzi, L. Toffolatti, M. Tomasi, M. Tristram, J. Tuovinen, M. Türler, G. Umana, L. Valenziano, B. Van Tent, J. Varis, P. Vielva, F. Villa, N. Vittorio, L. A. Wade, B. D. Wandelt, N. Welikala, S. D. M. White, D. Yvon, A. Zacchei, S. Zaroubi, A. Zonca, 2013,
Planck intermediate results
X. Physics of the hot gas in the Coma cluster
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 554, A140_1-A140_19
P. A. R. Ade, N. Aghanim, M. Arnaud, M. Ashdown, F. Atrio-Barandela, J. Aumont, C. Baccigalupi, A. Balbi, A. J. Banday, R. B. Barreiro, R. Barrena, J.G. Bartlett, E. Battaner, K. Benabed, J.-P. Bernard, M. Bersanelli, I. Bikmaev, J. J. Bock, H. Böhringer, A. Bonaldi, J. R. Bond, J. Borrill, F. R. Bouchet, H. Bourdin, R. Burenin, C. Burigana, R. C. Butler, P. Cabella, A. Chamballu, R.-R. Chary, L.-Y. Chiang, G. Chon, P. R. Christensen, D. L. Clements, S. Colafrancesco, S. Colombi, L. P. L. Colombo, B. Comis, A. Coulais, B. P. Crill, F. Cuttaia, A. C. da Silva, H. Dahle, R. J. Davis, P. de Bernardis, G. de Gasperis, A. de Rosa, G. de Zotti, J. Delabrouille, J. Démoclès, J. M. Diego, H. Dole, S. Donzelli, O. Doré, M. Douspis, X. Dupac, G. Efstathiou, T. A. Enβlin, F. Finelli, I. Flores-Cacho, O. Forni, M. Frailis, E. Franceschi, M. Frommert, S. Galeotta, K. Ganga, R. T. Génova-Santos, M. Giard, Y. Giraud-Héraud, J. González-Nuevo, K. Górski, A. Gregorio, A. Gruppuso, F. K. Hansen, D. L. Harrison, C. Hernández-Monteagudo, D. Herranz, S. R. Hildebrandt, E. Hivon, M. Hobson, W. A. Holmes, A. Hornstrup, W. Hovest, K. M. Huffenberger, G. Hurier, T. R. Jaffe, A. H. Jaffe, W. C. Jones, M. Juvela, E. Keihänen, R. Keskitalo, I. Khamitov, T. S. Kisner, R. Kneissl, J. Knoche, M. Kunz, H. Kurki-Suonio, A. Lähteenmäki, J.-M. Lamarre, A. Lasenby, C. R. Lawrence, M. Le Jeune, R. Leonardi, P. B. Lilje, M. Linden-Vørnle, M. López-Caniego, P. M. Lubin, G. Luzzi, J. F. Macías-Pérez, C. J. MacTavish, B. Maffei, D. Maino, N. Mandolesi, M. Maris, F. Marleau, D. J. Marshall, E. Martínez-González, S. Masi, M. Massardi, S. Matarrese, P. Mazzotta, S. Mei, A. Melchiorri, J.-B. Melin, L. Mendes, A. Mennella, S. Mitra, M.-A. Miville-Deschênes, A. Moneti, L. Montier, G. Morgante, D. Mortlock, D. Munshi, J. A. Murphy, P. Naselsky, F. Nati, P. Natoli, H. U. Nørgaard-Nielsen, F. Noviello, D. Novikov, I. Novikov, S. Osborne, C. A. Oxborrow, F. Pajot, D. Paoletti, L. Perotto, F. Perrotta, F. Piacentini, M. Piat, E. Pierpaoli, R. Piffaretti, S. Plaszczynski, E. Pointecouteau, G. Polenta, L. A. Popa, T. Poutanen, G. W. Pratt, S. Prunet, J.-L. Puget, J. P. Rachen, R. Rebolo López, M. Reinecke, M. Remazeilles, C. Renault, S. Ricciardi, I. Ristorcelli, G. Rocha, M. Roman, C. Rosset, M. Rossetti, J. A. Rubiño-Martin, B. Rusholme, M. Sandri, G. Savini, D. Scott, L. D. Spencer, J.-L. Starck, V. Stolyarov, R. Sudiwala, R. Sunyaev, D. Sutton, A.-S. Suur-Uski, J.-F. Sygnet, J. A. Tauber, L. Terenzi, L. Toffolatti, M. Tomasi, M. Tristram, L. Valenziano, B. Van Tent, P. Vielva, F. Villa, N. Vittorio, L. A. Wade, B. D. Wandelt, W. Wang, N. Welikala, J. Weller, S. D. M. White, M. White, D. Yvon, A. Zacchei, A. Zonca, 2013,
Planck intermediate results
XI. The gas content of dark matter halos: the Sunyaev-Zeldovich-stellar mass relation for locally brightest galaxies
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 557, A52_1-A52_17
V. Zh. Adibekyan, P. Figueira, N. C. Santos, A. A. Hakobyan, S. G. Sousa, G. Pace, E. Delgado Mena, A. C. Robin, G. Israelian, J. I. González Hernández, 2013,
Kinematics and chemical properties of the Galactic stellar populations
The HARPS FGK dwarfs sample
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 554, A44_1-A44_8
V. Zh. Adibekyan, P. Figueira, N. C. Santos, A. Mortier, C. Mordasini, E. Delgado Mena, S. G. Sousa, A. C. M. Correia, G. Israelian, M. Oshagh, 2013,
Orbital and physical properties of planets and their hosts: new insights on planet formation and evolution,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 560, A51_1-A51_8
L. S. Aramyan, A. R. Petrosian, A. A. Hakobyan, G. A. Mamon, D. Kunth, M. Turatto, V. Zh. Adibekyan, T. A. Nazaryan, 2013,
On the Nature of Unconfirmed Supernovae,
Astrophysics, 56, 153-164
P. P. Avelino, C. F. V. Gomes, 2013,
Generalized Layzer-Irvine equation: The role of dark energy perturbations in cosmic structure formation,
Physical Review D, 88, 043514_1-043514_5
L. A. Balona, G. Catanzaro, L Crause, M. S. Cunha, D. Gandolfi, A. Hatzes, P. Kabath, K. Uytterhoeven, P. De Cat, 2013,
The unusual roAp star KIC 8677585,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 432, 2808-2817
S. C. C. Barros, G. Boué, N. P. Gibson, D. Pollacco, A. Santerne, F. P. Keenan, I. Skillen, R. A. Street, 2013,
Transit timing variations in WASP-10b induced by stellar activity,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 430, 3032-3047
A. R. Belu, F. Selsis, S. N. Raymond, E. Pallé, R. A. Street, D. K. Sahu, K von Braun, E. Bolmont, P. Figueira, G. C. Anupama, I. Ribas, 2013,
Habitable Planets Eclipsing Brown Dwarfs: Strategies for Detection and Characterization,
The Astrophysical Journal, 768, 125_1-125_12
L. Benamati, A. Sozzetti, N. C. Santos, D. W. Latham, 2013,
A Combined Astrometric and Spectroscopic Study of Metal-Poor Binaries,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 125, 1315-1328
N. Aghanim, M. Arnaud, M. Ashdown, J. Aumont, C. Baccigalupi, A. Balbi, A. J. Banday, R. B. Barreiro, E. Battaner, R. Battye, K. Benabed, A. Benoît, J.-P. Bernard, M. Bersanelli, R. Bhatia, I. Bikmaev, H. Böhringer, A. Bonaldi, J. R. Bond, J. Borrill, F. R. Bouchet, H. Bourdin, M. L. Brown, M. Bucher, R. Burenin, C. Burigana, R. C. Butler, P. Cabella, P. Carvalho, A. Catalano, L. Cayón, A. Chamballu, R.-R. Chary, L.-Y. Chiang, G. Chon, D. L. Clements, S. Colafrancesco, S. Colombi, B. P. Crill, F. Cuttaia, A. C. da Silva, H. Dahle, R. D. Davies, R. J. Davis, P. de Bernardis, G. de Gasperis, A. de Rosa, G. de Zotti, J. Delabrouille, J. Démoclès, C. Dickinson, J. M. Diego, K. Dolag, H. Dole, S. Donzelli, O. Doré, M. Douspis, X. Dupac, T. A. Enβlin, H. K. Eriksen, F. Feroz, F. Finelli, I. Flores-Cacho, O. Forni, P. Fosalba, M. Frailis, E. Franceschi, S. Fromenteau, S. Galeotta, K. Ganga, R. T. Génova-Santos, M. Giard, Y. Giraud-Héraud, J. González-Nuevo, K. Górski, K. Grainge, A. Gregorio, A. Gruppuso, F. K. Hansen, D. L. Harrison, S. Henrot-Versillé, C. Hernández-Monteagudo, D. Herranz, S. R. Hildebrandt, E. Hivon, M. Hobson, W. A. Holmes, K. M. Huffenberger, G. Hurier, N. Hurley-Walker, T. Jagemann, M. Juvela, E. Keihänen, I. Khamitov, R. Kneissl, J. Knoche, M. Kunz, H. Kurki-Suonio, G. Lagache, J.-M. Lamarre, A. Lasenby, C. R. Lawrence, M. Le Jeune, S. Leach, R. Leonardi, A. R. Liddle, P. B. Lilje, M. Linden-Vørnle, M. López-Caniego, G. Luzzi, J. F. Macías-Pérez, C. J. MacTavish, D. Maino, N. Mandolesi, M. Maris, F. Marleau, D. J. Marshall, E. Martínez-González, S. Masi, M. Massardi, S. Matarrese, F. Matthai, P. Mazzotta, A. Melchiorri, J.-B. Melin, L. Mendes, A. Mennella, S. Mitra, M.-A. Miville-Deschênes, L. Montier, G. Morgante, D. Munshi, P. Naselsky, P. Natoli, F. Noviello, M. Olamaie, S. Osborne, F. Pajot, D. Paoletti, F. Pasian, G. Patanchon, T. J. Pearson, O. Perdereau, Y. Perrott, F. Perrotta, F. Piacentini, E. Pierpaoli, P. Platania, E. Pointecouteau, G. Polenta, L. A. Popa, T. Poutanen, G. W. Pratt, J.-L. Puget, J. P. Rachen, R. Rebolo López, M. Reinecke, M. Remazeilles, C. Renault, S. Ricciardi, I. Ristorcelli, G. Rocha, C. Rodríguez-Gonzálvez, C. Rosset, M. Rossetti, J. A. Rubiño-Martin, B. Rusholme, R. D. Saunders, G. Savini, M. P. Schammel, D. Scott, T. W. Shimwell, G. F. Smoot, J.-L. Starck, F. Stivoli, V. Stolyarov, R. Sunyaev, D. Sutton, A.-S. Suur-Uski, J.-F. Sygnet, J. A. Tauber, L. Terenzi, L. Toffolatti, M. Tomasi, M. Tristram, L. Valenziano, B. Van Tent, P. Vielva, F. Villa, N. Vittorio, L. A. Wade, B. D. Wandelt, D. Yvon, A. Zacchei, A. Zonca, 2013,
Planck Intermediate Results II: Comparison of Sunyaev-Zeldovich measurements from Planck and from the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager for 11 galaxy clusters,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 550, A128_1-A128_20
I. Boisse, J. D. Hartman, G. Á. Bakos, K. Penev, Z. Csubry, B. Béky, D. W. Latham, A. Bieryla, G. Torres, G. Kovács, L. A. Buchhave, T. Hansen, M. Everett, G. A. Esquerdo, T. Szklenár, E. Falco, A. Shporer, B. J. Fulton, R. W. Noyes, R. P. Stefanik, J. Lázár, I. Papp, P. Sári, 2013,
HAT-P-42b and HAT-P-43b
Two inflated transiting hot Jupiters from the HATNet Survey
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 558, A86_1-A86_10
X. Bonfils, X. Delfosse, S. Udry, T. Forveille, M. Mayor, C. Perrier, F. Bouchy, M. Gillon, C. Lovis, F. Pepe, D. Queloz, N. C. Santos, D. Ségransan, J.-L. Bertaux, 2013,
The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets
XXXI. The M-dwarf sample
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 549, A109_1-A109_75
X. Bonfils, G. Lo Curto, A. C. M. Correia, J. Laskar, S. Udry, X. Delfosse, T. Forveille, N. Astudillo, W. Benz, F. Bouchy, M. Gillon, G. Hébrard, C. Lovis, M. Mayor, C. Moutou, D. Naef, V. Neves, F. Pepe, C. Perrier, D. Queloz, N. C. Santos, D. Ségransan, 2013,
The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets
XXXIV. A planetary system around the nearby M dwarf GJ 163, with a super-Earth possibly in the habitable zone
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 556, A110_1-A110_16
G. Boué, M. Montalto, I. Boisse, M. Oshagh, N. C. Santos, 2013,
New analytical expressions of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect adapted to different observation techniques,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 550, A53_1-A53_16
F. Bouchy, R. F. Díaz, G. Hébrard, L. Arnold, I. Boisse, X. Delfosse, S. Perruchot, A. Santerne, 2013,
SOPHIE+: First results of an octagonal-section fiber for high-precision radial velocity measurements,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 549, A49_1-A49_11
J. Brinchmann, S. Charlot, G. Kauffmann, T. Heckman, S. D. M. White, C. Tremonti, 2013,
Estimating gas masses and dust-to-gas ratios from optical spectroscopy,
Advances in Space Research, 432, 2112-2140
A.-N. Chené, J. Borissova, C. Bonatto, D. J. Majaess, G. L. Baume, J. R. A. Clarke, R. Kurtev, O. Schnurr, J.-C. Bouret, M. Catelan, J. P. Emerson, C. Feinstein, D. Geisler, R. de Grijs, A. Hervé, V. D. Ivanov, M. S. N. Kumar, P. W. Lucas, L. Mahy, F. Martins, F. Mauro, D. Minniti, C. Moni-Bidin, 2013,
Massive open star clusters using the VVV survey
II. Discovery of six clusters with Wolf-Rayet stars
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 549, A98_1-A98_17
J. Chung, S.-C. Rey, E.-C. Sung, B.-S. Yeom, A. Humphrey, W. Yi, J. Kyeong, 2013,
Enhanced nitrogen in morphologically disturbed blue compact galaxies at 0.20 < z < 0.35: Probing galaxy merging features,
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 767, L15_1-L15_5
B. Coelho, S. Antón, C. Lobo, B. Ribeiro, 2013,
Red bulgeless galaxies in SDSS DR7. Are there any AGN hosts?,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 436, 2426-2434
E. Covino, M. Esposito, M. Barbieri, L. Mancini, V. Nascimbeni, R. Claudi, S. Desidera, R. Gratton, A. F. Lanza, A. Sozzetti, K. Biazzo, L. Affer, D. Gandolfi, U. Munari, I. Pagano, A. S. Bonomo, A. Collier Cameron, G. Hébrard, A. Maggio, S. Messina, G. Micela, E. Molinari, F. Pepe, G. Piotto, I. Ribas, N. C. Santos, J. Southworth, E. Shkolnik, A. H. M. J. Triaud, L. Bedin, S. Benatti, C. Boccato, M. Bonavita, F. Borsa, L. Borsato, D. J. A. Brown, E. Carolo, S. Ciceri, R. Cosentino, M. Damasso, F. Faedi, A. F. Martínez Fiorenzano, D. W. Latham, C. Lovis, C. Mordasini, N. Nikolov, E. Poretti, M. Rainer, R. Rebolo López, G. Scandariato, R. Silvotti, R. Smareglia, J. M. Alcalá, A. Cunial, L. Di Fabrizio, M. P. Di Mauro, P. Giacobbe, V. Granata, A. Harutyunyan, C. Knapic, M. Lattanzi, G. Leto, G. Lodato, L. Malavolta, F. Marzari, M. Molinaro, D. Nardiello, M. Pedani, L. Prisinzano, D. Turrini, 2013,
The GAPS programme with HARPS-N at TNG?
I. Observations of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect and characterisation of the transiting system Qatar-1
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 554, A28_1-A28_11
O. L. Creevey, F. Thévenin, S. Basu, W. J. Chaplin, L. Bigot, Y. Elsworth, D. Huber, M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro, A. M. Serenelli, 2013,
A large sample of calibration stars for Gaia: log g from Kepler and CoRoT fields,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 431, 2419-2432
D. Cunha, P. Figueira, N. C. Santos, C. Lovis, G. Boué, 2013,
Impact of stellar companions on precise radial velocities,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 550, A75_1-A75_14
M. S. Cunha, D. Alentiev, I. M. Brandão, K. Perraut, 2013,
Testing excitation models of rapidly oscillating Ap stars with interferometry,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 436, 1639-1647
J. Delabrouille, Betoule. M., J.-B. Melin, M.-A. Miville-Deschênes, J. González-Nuevo, M. Le Jeune, G. Castex, G. de Zotti, S. Basak, M. Ashdown, J. Aumont, C. Baccigalupi, A. J. Banday, J.-P. Bernard, F. R. Bouchet, D. L. Clements, A. C. da Silva, C. Dickinson, F. Dodu, K. Dolag, F. Elsner, L. Fauvet, G. Faÿ, G. Giardino, S. Leach, J. Lesgourgues, M. Liguori, J. F. Macías-Pérez, M. Massardi, S. Matarrese, P. Mazzotta, L. Montier, S. Mottet, R. Paladini, R. B. Partridge, R. Piffaretti, G. Prézeau, S. Prunet, S. Ricciardi, M. Roman, B. M. Schäfer, L. Toffolatti, 2013,
The pre-launch Planck Sky Model: a model of sky emission at submillimetre to centimetre wavelengths,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 553, A96_1-A96_35
X. Delfosse, X. Bonfils, T. Forveille, S. Udry, M. Mayor, F. Bouchy, M. Gillon, C. Lovis, V. Neves, F. Pepe, C. Perrier, D. Queloz, N. C. Santos, D. Ségransan, 2013,
The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets
XXXIII. Super-Earths around the M-dwarf neighbors Gl 433 and Gl 667C
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 553, A8_1-A8_15
B.-O. Demory, G. Torres, V. Neves, L. Rogers, M. Gillon, E. P. Horch, P. Sullivan, X. Bonfils, X. Delfosse, T. Forveille, C. Lovis, M. Mayor, N. C. Santos, S. Seager, B. Smalley, S. Udry, 2013,
Spitzer observations of GJ 3470 b: A very low-density neptune-size planet orbiting a metal-rich m dwarf,
The Astrophysical Journal, 768, 154_1-154_9
S. Desidera, A. Sozzetti, A. S. Bonomo, R. Gratton, E. Poretti, R. Claudi, D. W. Latham, L. Affer, R. Cosentino, M. Damasso, M. Esposito, P. Giacobbe, L. Malavolta, V. Nascimbeni, G. Piotto, M. Rainer, M. Scardia, V. S. Schmid, A. F. Lanza, G. Micela, I. Pagano, L. Bedin, K. Biazzo, F. Borsa, E. Carolo, E. Covino, F. Faedi, G. Hébrard, C. Lovis, A. Maggio, L. Mancini, F. Marzari, S. Messina, E. Molinari, U. Munari, F. Pepe, N. C. Santos, G. Scandariato, E. Shkolnik, J. Southworth, 2013,
The GAPS programme with HARPS-N at TNG
II. No giant planets around the metal-poor star HIP 11952
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 554, A29_1-A29_5
G. Doǧan, T. S. Metcalfe, S. Deheuvels, M. P. Di Mauro, P. Eggenberger, O. L. Creevey, M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro, M. H. Pinsonneault, A. Frasca, C. Karoff, S. Mathur, S. G. Sousa, I. M. Brandão, T. L. Campante, R. Handberg, A. O. Thygesen, K. Biazzo, H. Bruntt, E. Niemczura, T. R. Bedding, W. J. Chaplin, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, R. A. Garcia, J. Molenda-Żakowicz, D. Stello, J. L. Van Saders, H. Kjeldsen, M. Still, S. E. Thompson, J. Van Cleve, 2013,
Characterizing two solar-type Kepler subgiants with asteroseismology: KIC10920273 AND KIC11395018,
The Astrophysical Journal, 763, 49_1-49_10
M. C. Ferreira, M. D. Julião, C. J. A. P. Martins, A. M. R. V. L. Monteiro, 2013,
A test of unification towards the radio source PKS1413+135,
Physics Letters B, 724, 1-4
P. Figueira, N. C. Santos, F. Pepe, C. Lovis, N. Nardetto, 2013,
Line-profile variations in radial-velocity measurements
Two alternative indicators for planetary searches
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 557, A93_1-A93_12
M. E. Filho, B. Winkel, J. Sánchez Almeida, J. A. L. Aguerri, R. O. Amorín, Y. Ascasibar, B. G. Elmegreen, D. M. Elmegreen, J. M. Gomes, A. Humphrey, P. Lagos, A. B. Morales-Luis, C. Muñoz-Tuñón, P. Papaderos, J. M. Vílchez, 2013,
Extremely metal-poor galaxies: The HI content,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 558, A18_1-A18_30
Y. Gómez Maqueo Chew, F. Faedi, P. Cargile, A. P. Doyle, L. Ghezzi, S. G. Sousa, S. C. C. Barros, L. Hebb, K. Cunha, S. C. Schuler, V. V. Smith, A. Collier Cameron, D. Pollacco, N. C. Santos, B. Smalley, K. G. Stassun, 2013,
The Homogeneous Study of Transiting Systems (HoSTS) I. The Pilot Study of WASP-13,
The Astrophysical Journal, 768, 79_1-79_12
A. García Hernández, A. Moya Bedón, E. Michel, J.-C. Suárez, E. Poretti, S. Martín-Ruiz, P. J. Amado, R. Garrido, E. Rodriguez, M. Rainer, K. Uytterhoeven, C. Rodrigo, E. Solano, J. R. Rodón Ortiz, P. Mathias, A. Rolland, M. Auvergne, A. Baglin, F. Baudin, C. Catala, R. Samadi, 2013,
An in-depth study of HD174966 with CoRoT photometry and HARPS spectroscopy
Large separation as a new observable for δ Scuti stars
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 559, A63_1-A63_14
L. Gizon, J. Ballot, E. Michel, T. Stahn, G. Vauclair, H. Bruntt, P.-O. Quirion, O. Benomar, S. Vauclair, T. Appourchaux, M. Auvergne, A. Baglin, C. Barban, F. Baudin, M. Bazot, T. L. Campante, C. Catala, W. J. Chaplin, O. L. Creevey, S. Deheuvels, N. Dolez, Y. Elsworth, R. A. Garcia, P. Gaulme, S. Mathis, S. Mathur, B. Mosser, C. Régulo, I. W. Roxburgh, D. Salabert, R. Samadi, K. H. Sato, G. A. Verner, S. Hanasoge, K. R. Sreenivasan, 2013,
Seismic constraints on rotation of Sun-like star and mass of exoplanet,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110, 13267-13271
J. I. González Hernández, E. Delgado Mena, S. G. Sousa, G. Israelian, N. C. Santos, S. Udry, 2013,
Volatile and refractory abundances of F- and G-type stars,
Astronomische Nachrichten, 334, 172-175
J. I. González Hernández, E. Delgado Mena, S. G. Sousa, G. Israelian, N. C. Santos, V. Zh. Adibekyan, S. Udry, 2013,
Searching for the signatures of terrestrial planets in F-, G-type main-sequence stars,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 552, A6_1-A6_14
G. Hébrard, J. -M. Almenara, A. Santerne, M. Deleuil, C. Damiani, A. S. Bonomo, F. Bouchy, G. Bruno, R. F. Díaz, G. Montagnier, C. Moutou, 2013,
KOI-200 b and KOI-889 b: two transiting exoplanets detected and characterized with Kepler, SOPHIE and HARPS-N,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 554, A114_1-A114_10
A. Humphrey, L. Binette, M. Villar Martín, I. Aretxaga, P. Papaderos, 2013,
A massive bubble of extremely metal-poor gas around a collapsing Lyα blob at z = 2.54,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 428, 563-572
A. Humphrey, J. Vernet, M. Villar Martín, S. Di Serego Alighieri, R. A. E. Fosbury, A. Cimatti, 2013,
Polarized extended Lyα emission from a z=2.3 radio galaxy,
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 768, L3_1-L3_5
B. Husemann, K. Jahnke, S. F. Sánchez, D. Barrado-Navascues, S. Bekeraitè, D. J. Bomans, A. Castillo-Morales, C. Catalán-Torrecilla, R. Cid Fernandes, J. Falcón-Barroso, R. García-Benito, R. M. González Delgado, J. Iglésias-Páramo, B. D. Johnson, D. Kupko, R. López-Fernández, M. Lyubenova, R. A. Marino, D. Mast, A. Miskolczi, A. Monreal Ibero, A. Gil de Paz, I. Pérez, F. F. Rosales-Ortega, T. Ruiz-Lara, U. Schilling, G. van de Ven, C. J. Walcher, J. Alves, A. L. de Amorim, N. Backsmann, J. K. Barrera-Ballesteros, J. Bland-Hawthorn, R.-J. Dettmar, M. Demleitner, A. I. Díaz, H. Enke, E. Florido, H. Flores, L. Galbany, A. Gallazzi, B. García-Lorenzo, J. M. Gomes, N. Gruel, T. Haines, L. Holmes, B. Jungwiert, V. Kalinova, C. Kehrig, R. C Kennicutt, J. Klar, M. D. Lehnert, Á. R. López-Sánchez, A. de Lorenzo-Cáceres, E. Mármol-Queraltó, I. Márquez, J. Méndez-Abreu, M. Mollá, A. del Olmo, S. Meidt, P. Papaderos, J. Puschnig, A. Quirrenbach, M. M. Roth, P. Sánchez-Blázquez, K. Spekkens, R. Singh, V. Stanishev, S. C. Trager, J. M. Vílchez, V. Wild, L. Wisotzki, S. Zibetti, B. Ziegler, 2013,
CALIFA, the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey:
II. First public data release
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 549, A87_1-A87_25
J. Iglésias-Páramo, J. M. Vílchez, L. Galbany, S. F. Sánchez, F. F. Rosales-Ortega, D. Mast, R. García-Benito, B. Husemann, J. A. L. Aguerri, J. Alves, S. Bekeraitè, J. Bland-Hawthorn, C. Catalán-Torrecilla, A. L. de Amorim, A. de Lorenzo-Cáceres, S. Ellis, J. Falcón-Barroso, H. Flores, E. Florido, A. Gallazzi, J. M. Gomes, R. M. González Delgado, T. Haines, J. D. Hernández-Fernández, C. Kehrig, Á. R. López-Sánchez, M. Lyubenova, R. A. Marino, M. Mollá, A. Monreal Ibero, A. M. Mourão, P. Papaderos, P. Sánchez-Blázquez, K. Spekkens, V. Stanishev, G. van de Ven, C. J. Walcher, L. Wisotzki, S. Zibetti, B. Ziegler, 2013,
Aperture corrections for disk galaxy properties derived from the CALIFA survey
Balmer emission lines in spiral galaxies
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 553, L7_1-L7_5
C. Karoff, T. L. Campante, J. Ballot, T. Kallinger, M. Gruberbauer, R. A. Garcia, D. A. Caldwell, J. L. Christiansen, K. Kinemuchi, 2013,
Observations of Intensity Fluctuations Attributed to Granulation and Faculae on Sun-like Stars from the Kepler Mission,
The Astrophysical Journal, 767, 34_1-34_10
C. Karoff, T. S. Metcalfe, W. J. Chaplin, S. Frandsen, F. Grundahl, H. Kjeldsen, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, M. B. Nielsen, S. Frimann, A. O. Thygesen, T. Arentoft, T. M. Amby, S. G. Sousa, D. L. Buzasi, 2013,
Sounding stellar cycles with Kepler - II. Ground-based observations,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 433, 3227-3238
O. Kochukhov, D. Alentiev, T. Ryabchikova, S. Boyko, M. S. Cunha, V. Tsymbal, W. W. Weiss, 2013,
Discovery of new rapidly oscillating Ap pulsators in the UVES survey of cool magnetic Ap stars,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 431, 2808-2819
P. Lagos, P. Papaderos, 2013,
Studying the interstellar medium of HII/BCD galaxies using IFU spectroscopy,
Advances in Astronomy, 2013, 631943_1-631943_9
S. A. Levshakov, D. Reimers, C. Henkel, B. Winkel, A. Mignano, M. Centurión, P. Molaro, 2013,
Limits on the spatial variations of the electron-to-proton mass ratio in the Galactic plane,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 559, A91_1-A91_7
G. Lo Curto, M. Mayor, W. Benz, F. Bouchy, G. Hébrard, C. Lovis, C. Moutou, D. Naef, F. Pepe, D. Queloz, N. C. Santos, D. Ségransan, S. Udry, 2013,
The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets
XXXII. New multi-planet systems in the HARPS volume limited sample: a super-Earth and a Neptune in the habitable zone?
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 551, A59_1-A59_7
K. K. Mallick, M. S. N. Kumar, D. K. Ojha, R. Bachiller, M. R. Samal, L. Pirogov, 2013,
W40 region in the Gould belt: an embedded cluster and HII region at the junction of filaments,
The Astrophysical Journal, 779, 113_1-113_17
G. A. Mamon, A. Biviano, G. Boué, 2013,
MAMPOSSt: Modelling Anisotropy and Mass Profiles of Observed Spherical Systems - I. Gaussian 3D velocities,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 429, 3079-3098
R. A. Marino, F. F. Rosales-Ortega, S. F. Sánchez, A. Gil de Paz, J. M. Vílchez, D. Miralles-Caballero, C. Kehrig, E. Pérez-Montero, V. Stanishev, J. Iglésias-Páramo, A. I. Díaz, A. Castillo-Morales, R. C Kennicutt, Á. R. López-Sánchez, L. Galbany, R. García-Benito, D. Mast, J. Méndez-Abreu, A. Monreal Ibero, B. Husemann, C. J. Walcher, B. García-Lorenzo, J. Masegosa, A. del Olmo, A. M. Mourão, B. Ziegler, M. Mollá, P. Papaderos, P. Sánchez-Blázquez, R. M. González Delgado, J. Falcón-Barroso, M. M. Roth, G. van de Ven, E. Calabrese, 2013,
The O3N2 and N2 abundance indicators revisited: improved calibrations based on CALIFA and Te-based literature data,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 559, A114_1-A114_12
M. Marmier, D. Ségransan, S. Udry, M. Mayor, F. Pepe, D. Queloz, C. Lovis, D. Naef, N. C. Santos, R. Alonso, S. Alves, S. Berthet, B. Chazelas, B.-O. Demory, X. Dumusque, A. Eggenberger, P. Figueira, M. Gillon, J. Hagelberg, M. Lendl, R. A. Mardling, D. Mégevand, M. Neveu, J. Sahlmann, D. Sosnowska, M. Tewes, A. H. M. J. Triaud, 2013,
The CORALIE survey for southern extrasolar planets
XVII. New and updated long period and massive planets
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 551, A90_1-A90_13
A. M. M. Leite, C. J. A. P. Martins, E. P. S. Shellard, 2013,
Accurate calibration of the velocity-dependent one-scale model for domain walls,
Physics Letters B, 718, 740-744
J. H. C. Martins, P. Figueira, N. C. Santos, C. Lovis, 2013,
Spectroscopic direct detection of reflected light from extra-solar planets,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 436, 1215-1224
P. Molaro, M. Centurión, J. B. Whitmore, T. M. Evans, M. T. Murphy, I. I. Agafonova, P. Bonifacio, S. D'Odorico, S. A. Levshakov, S. Lopez, C. J. A. P. Martins, P. Petitjean, H. Rahmani, D. Reimers, R. Srianand, G. Vladilo, M. Wendt, 2013,
The UVES Large Program for testing fundamental physics
I. Bounds on a change in α towards quasar HE2217-2818
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 555, A68_1-A68_17
J. Molenda-Żakowicz, S. G. Sousa, A. Frasca, K. Uytterhoeven, M. Briquet, H. Van Winckel, D. Drobek, E. Niemczura, P. Lampens, J. Lykke, S. Bloemen, J. F. Gameiro, C. Jean, D. Volpi, N. Gorlova, A. Mortier, M. Tsantaki, G. Raskin, 2013,
Atmospheric parameters of 169 F-, G-, K- and M-type stars in the Kepler field,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 434, 1422-1434
T. W. R. Monroe, J. Meléndez, I. Ramírez, D. Yong, M. Bergemann, M. Asplund, J. L. Bean, M. Bedell, M. Tucci Maia, K. Lind, A. Alves-Brito, L. Casagrande, M. Castro, J. D. do Nascimento Jr., M. Bazot, F. C. Freitas, 2013,
High Precision Abundances of the Old Solar Twin HIP 102152: Insights on Li Depletion from the Oldest Sun,
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 774, L32_1-L32_6
A. Mortier, N. C. Santos, S. G. Sousa, G. Israelian, M. Mayor, S. Udry, 2013,
On the functional form of the metallicity-giant planet correlation,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 551, A112_1-A112_5
A. Mortier, N. C. Santos, S. G. Sousa, V. Zh. Adibekyan, E. Delgado Mena, M. Tsantaki, G. Israelian, M. Mayor, 2013,
New and updated stellar parameters for 71 evolved planet hosts
On the metallicity - giant planet connection
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 557, A70_1-A70_19
A. Mortier, N. C. Santos, S. G. Sousa, J. M. Fernandes, V. Zh. Adibekyan, E. Delgado Mena, M. Montalto, G. Israelian, 2013,
New and updated stellar parameters for 90 transit hosts
The effect of the surface gravity
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 558, A106_1-A106_12
C. Moutou, A. S. Bonomo, G. Bruno, G. Montagnier, F. Bouchy, J. -M. Almenara, S. C. C. Barros, M. Deleuil, R. F. Díaz, G. Hébrard, A. Santerne, 2013,
SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates
IX. KOI-415 b: a long-period, eccentric transiting brown dwarf to an evolved Sun
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 558, L6_1-L6_5
S. J. Murphy, A. Pigulski, D. W. Kurtz, J.-C. Suárez, G. Handler, L. A. Balona, B. Smalley, K. Uytterhoeven, R. Szabó, A. O. Thygesen, V. G. Elkin, M. Breger, A. Grigahcène, J. A. Guzik, J. M. Nemec, J. Southworth, 2013,
Asteroseismology of KIC 11754974: a high-amplitude SX Phe pulsator in a 343-d binary system,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 432, 2284-2297
T. A. Nazaryan, A. R. Petrosian, A. A. Hakobyan, V. Zh. Adibekyan, D. Kunth, G. A. Mamon, M. Turatto, L. S. Aramyan, 2013,
Paired galaxies with different activity levels and their supernovae,
Astrophysics and Space Science, 437, 365-374
V. Neves, X. Bonfils, N. C. Santos, X. Delfosse, T. Forveille, F. Allard, S. Udry, 2013,
Metallicity of M dwarfs
III. Planet-metallicity and planet-stellar mass correlations of the HARPS GTO M dwarf sample
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 551, A36_1-A36_17
M. Oshagh, I. Boisse, G. Boué, M. Montalto, N. C. Santos, X. Bonfils, N. Haghighipour, 2013,
SOAP-T: a tool to study the light curve and radial velocity of a system with a transiting planet and a rotating spotted star,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 549, A35_1-A35_8
M. Oshagh, N. C. Santos, I. Boisse, G. Boué, M. Montalto, X. Dumusque, N. Haghighipour, 2013,
Effect of stellar spots on the high precision transit light curve,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 556, A19_1-A19_5
M. Oshagh, G. Boué, P. Figueira, N. C. Santos, N. Haghighipour, 2013,
Probing the effect of gravitational microlensing on the measurements of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 558, A65_1-A65_5
P. I. Pápics, A. Tkachenko, C. Aerts, M. Briquet, P. Marcos-Arenal, P. G. Beck, K. Uytterhoeven, A. Triviño Hage, J. Southworth, K. I. Clubb, S. Bloemen, P. Degroote, J. Jackiewicz, J. McKeever, H. Van Winckel, E. Niemczura, J. F. Gameiro, J. Debosscher, 2013,
Two new SB2 binaries with main sequence B-type pulsators in the Kepler field,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 553, A127_1-A127_20
P. Papaderos, J. M. Gomes, J. M. Vílchez, C. Kehrig, M. D. Lehnert, B. Ziegler, S. F. Sánchez, B. Husemann, A. Monreal Ibero, R. García-Benito, J. Bland-Hawthorn, C. Cortijo-Ferrero, A. de Lorenzo-Cáceres, A. del Olmo, J. Falcón-Barroso, L. Galbany, J. Iglésias-Páramo, Á. R. López-Sánchez, I. Márquez, M. Mollá, D. Mast, G. van de Ven, L. Wisotzki, the COROT Team, 2013,
Nebular emission and the Lyman continuum photon escape fraction in CALIFA early-type galaxies,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 555, L1_1-L1_5
F. Pepe, S. Cristiani, R. Rebolo López, N. C. Santos, H. Dekker, D. Mégevand, F. M. Zerbi, A. Cabral, P. Molaro, P. Di Marcantonio, M. Abreu, M. Affolter, M. Aliverti, C. Allende Prieto, M. Amate, G. Avila, V. Baldini, P. Bristow, C. Broeg, R. Cirami, J. Coelho, P. Conconi, I. Coretti, G. Cupani, V. D'Odorico, V. De Caprio, B. Delabre, R. Dorn, P. Figueira, A. Fragoso, S. Galeotta, L. Genolet, R. Gomes, J. I. González Hernández, I. Hughes, O. Iwert, F. Kerber, M. Landoni, J.-L. Lizon, C. Lovis, C. Maire, M. Mannetta, C. J. A. P. Martins, M. A. Monteiro, A. Oliveira, E. Poretti, J. L. Rasilla, M. Riva, S. Santana Tschudi, P. Santos, D. Sosnowska, S. G. Sousa, P. Spanò, F. Tenegi, G. Toso, E. Vanzella, M. Viel, M. R. Zapatero-Osorio, 2013,
ESPRESSO - An Echelle SPectrograph for Rocky Exoplanets Search and Stable Spectroscopic Observations,
The Messenger, 153, 6-16
F. Pepe, A. Collier Cameron, D. W. Latham, E. Molinari, S. Udry, A. S. Bonomo, L. A. Buchhave, D. Charbonneau, R. Cosentino, C. D. Dressing, X. Dumusque, P. Figueira, A. F. Martínez Fiorenzano, S. Gettel, A. Harutyunyan, R. D. Haywood, K. Horne, M. López-Morales, C. Lovis, L. Malavolta, M. Mayor, G. Micela, F. Motalebi, V. Nascimbeni, D. F. Phillips, G. Piotto, D. Pollacco, D. Queloz, K. Rice, D. Sasselov, D. Ségransan, A. Sozzetti, A. Szentgyorgyi, C. A. Watson, 2013,
An Earth-sized planet with an Earth-like density,
Nature, 503, 377-380
K. Perraut, S. Borgniet, M. S. Cunha, L. Bigot, I. M. Brandão, D. Mourard, N. Nardetto, O. Chesneau, H. McAlister, T. A. ten Brummelaar, J. Sturmann, L. Sturmann, N. Turner, C. Farrington, P.J. Goldfinger, 2013,
The fundamental parameters of the roAp star 10 Aquilae,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 559, A21_1-A21_8
A. H. Prestwich, M. Tsantaki, A. Zezas, F. Jackson, T. P. Roberts, R. Foltz, T. Linden, V. Kalogera, 2013,
Ultra-luminous X-Ray Sources in the Most Metal Poor Galaxies,
The Astrophysical Journal, 769, 92_1-92_9
H. Rahmani, M. Wendt, R. Srianand, P. Noterdaeme, P. Petitjean, P. Molaro, J. B. Whitmore, M. T. Murphy, M. Centurión, H. Fathivavsari, S. D'Odorico, T. M. Evans, S. A. Levshakov, S. Lopez, C. J. A. P. Martins, D. Reimers, G. Vladilo, 2013,
The UVES Large Program for Testing Fundamental Physics II: Constraints on a Change in μ Towards Quasar HE 0027-1836,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 435, 861-878
S. F. Sánchez, F. F. Rosales-Ortega, B. Jungwiert, J. Iglésias-Páramo, J. M. Vílchez, R. A. Marino, C. J. Walcher, B. Husemann, D. Mast, A. Monreal Ibero, R. Cid Fernandes, E. Pérez, R. M. González Delgado, R. García-Benito, L. Galbany, G. van de Ven, K. Jahnke, H. Flores, J. Bland-Hawthorn, Á. R. López-Sánchez, V. Stanishev, D. Miralles-Caballero, A. I. Díaz, P. Sánchez-Blázquez, M. Mollá, A. Gallazzi, P. Papaderos, J. M. Gomes, N. Gruel, I. Pérez, T. Ruiz-Lara, E. Florido, A. de Lorenzo-Cáceres, J. Méndez-Abreu, C. Kehrig, M. M. Roth, B. Ziegler, J. Alves, L. Wisotzki, D. Kupko, A. Quirrenbach, D. J. Bomans, 2013,
The Mass-Metallicity relation explored with CALIFA:
I. Is there a dependence on the star formation rate?
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 554, A58_1-A58_19
R. Sánchez-Janssen, R. O. Amorín, M. García-Vargas, J. M. Gomes, M. Huertas-Company, F. Jiménez-Esteban, M. Mollá, P. Papaderos, E. Pérez-Montero, C. Rodrigo, J. Sánchez Almeida, E. Solano, 2013,
A Virtual Observatory Census to Address Dwarfs Origins
AVOCADO - I. Science goals, sample selection and analysis tools
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 554, A20_1-A20_13
Á. Sánchez-Monge, R. Cesaroni, M. T. Beltrán, M. S. N. Kumar, T. Stanke, H. Zinnecker, S. Etoka, D. Galli, C. A. Hummel, L. Moscadelli, T. Preibisch, T. Ratzka, F. F. S. van der Tak, S. Vig, C. M. Walmsley, K.-S. Wang, 2013,
A candidate circumbinary Keplerian disk in G35.20-0.74 N:
A study with ALMA
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 552, L10_1-L10_5
A. Santerne, F. Fressin, R. F. Díaz, P. Figueira, J. -M. Almenara, N. C. Santos, 2013,
The contribution of secondary eclipses as astrophysical false positives to exoplanet transit surveys,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 557, A139_1-A139_8
N. C. Santos, S. G. Sousa, A. Mortier, V. Neves, V. Zh. Adibekyan, M. Tsantaki, E. Delgado Mena, X. Bonfils, G. Israelian, M. Mayor, S. Udry, 2013,
SWEET-Cat: A catalogue of parameters for Stars With ExoplanETs
I. New atmospheric parameters and masses for 48 stars with planets
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 556, A150_1-A150_11
V. Silva Aguirre, L. Casagrande, S. Basu, T. L. Campante, W. J. Chaplin, D. Huber, A. Miglio, A. M. Serenelli, KASC WG1, 2013,
Determining distances using asteroseismic methods,
Astronomische Nachrichten, 334, 22-25
V. Silva Aguirre, S. Basu, I. M. Brandão, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, S. Deheuvels, G. Doǧan, T. S. Metcalfe, A. M. Serenelli, J. Ballot, W. J. Chaplin, M. S. Cunha, A. Weiss, T. Appourchaux, L. Casagrande, S. Cassisi, O. L. Creevey, R. A. Garcia, Y. Lebreton, A. Noels, S. G. Sousa, D. Stello, T. R. White, S. D. Kawaler, H. Kjeldsen, 2013,
Stellar Ages and Convective Cores in Field Main-sequence Stars: First Asteroseismic Application to Two Kepler Targets,
The Astrophysical Journal, 769, 141_1-141_17
R. I. Thompson, C. J. A. P. Martins, P. E. Vielzeuf, 2013,
Constraining cosmologies with fundamental constants - I. Quintessence and K-essence,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 428, 2232-2240
A. M. M. Trindade, P. P. Avelino, P. T. P. Viana, 2013,
Biased cosmological parameter estimation with galaxy cluster counts in the presence of primordial non-Gaussianities,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 435, 782-785
M. Tsantaki, S. G. Sousa, V. Zh. Adibekyan, N. C. Santos, A. Mortier, G. Israelian, 2013,
Deriving precise parameters for cool solar-type stars
Optimizing the iron line list
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 555, A150_1-A150_11
M. Vaňko, M. Ammler-von Eiff, T. Pribulla, R. Chini, E. Covino, R. Newhäuser, 2013,
The eclipsing binary TY CrA revisited: What near-IR light curves tell us,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 431, 2230-2239
P. T. P. Viana, N. Mehrtens, C. D. Harrison, A. K. Romer, C. A. Collins, M. Hilton, B. Hoyle, S. T. Kay, A. R. Liddle, J. A. Mayers, C. J. Miller, P. J. Rooney, M. Sahlén, J. P. Stott, 2013,
The XMM Cluster Survey: Present status and latest results,
Astronomische Nachrichten, 334, 462-465
M. Villar Martín, M. Rodríguez, G. Drouart, B. H. C. Emonts, L. Colina, A. Humphrey, S. García Burillo, J. Graciá-Carpio, P. Planesas, M. Pérez-Torres, S. Arribas, 2013,
Molecular gas in type 2 quasars at z ∼ 0.2-0.3,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 434, 978-991
R. Vio, P. Andreani, E. P. G. Ramos, A. C. da Silva, 2013,
An approach to detection of point sources in very high-resolution microwave maps,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 556, A96_1-A96_13
Articles in proceedings
Number of records: 23

V. Zh. Adibekyan, N. C. Santos, S. G. Sousa, G. Israelian, P. Figueira, 2013,
Is There Plenty of Metal-poor Stars with Planets in the Galactic Thick Disk?,
New Quests in Stellar Astrophysics III: A Panchromatic View of Solar-like Stars, With and Without Planets,
(Eds.) M. Chavez, E. Bertone, O. Vega, V. De la Luz,
Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 472, 117
R. O. Amorín, J. M. Vílchez, E. Pérez-Montero, P. Papaderos, 2013,
The extreme properties of the "Green Pea" galaxies. New hints from GTC observations,
Fourth Science Meeting with the GTC,
(Eds.) C. Muñoz-Tuñón, J. M. Rodríguez-Espinosa,
Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica, 42, 49-50
V. Antoci, M. S. Cunha, G. Houdek, 2013,
Why the peculiar δ Scuti star HD 187547 is a superstar,
New Advances in Stellar Physics: From Microscopic to Macroscopic Processes,
(Eds.) G. Alecian, Y. Lebreton, O. Richard, G. Vauclair,
Cambridge University Press, 63, 135-136
M. Bazot, 2013,
On the issue of surface-related problems in stellar parameter estimation,
New Advances in Stellar Physics: From Microscopic to Macroscopic Processes,
(Eds.) G. Alecian, Y. Lebreton, O. Richard, G. Vauclair,
Cambridge University Press, 63, 105-114
I. Boisse, X. Bonfils, N. C. Santos, P. Figueira, 2013,
SOAP: A Tool for the Fast Computation of Photometry and Radial Velocity Induced by Stellar Spots,
New Quests in Stellar Astrophysics III: A Panchromatic View of Solar-like Stars, With and Without Planets,
(Eds.) M. Chavez, E. Bertone, O. Vega, V. De la Luz,
Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 472, 259
X. Bonfils, F. Bouchy, X. Delfosse, T. Forveille, M. Gillon, C. Lovis, M. Mayor, V. Neves, F. Pepe, C. Perrier, D. Queloz, N. C. Santos, D. Ségransan, S. Udry, 2013,
Prized results from HARPS. Low-mass/habitable/transiting planets orbiting M dwarfs,
Hot Planets and Cool Stars,
(Eds.) R. Saglia,
EDP Sciences, 47, 05004
I. M. Brandão, M. S. Cunha, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, 2013,
Inferring properties of small convective cores in main-sequence solar-like pulsators,
New Advances in Stellar Physics: From Microscopic to Macroscopic Processes,
(Eds.) G. Alecian, Y. Lebreton, O. Richard, G. Vauclair,
European Astronomical Society Publications Series, 63, 115-121
M. Castro, G. Pace, J. D. do Nascimento Jr., 2013,
Lithium abundance evolution in open clusters: Hyades, NGC 752, and M 67,
New Advances in Stellar Physics: From Microscopic to Macroscopic Processes,
(Eds.) G. Alecian, Y. Lebreton, O. Richard, G. Vauclair,
European Astronomical Society Publications Series, 63, 61-66
C. Clergeon, O. Guyon, F. Martinache, J.-P. Véran, E. Gendron, G. Rousset, C. M. Correia, V. Garrel, 2013,
The Subaru Coronographic Extreme AO High Speed and High Sensitivity Wavefront Sensors,
Proceedings of the Third AO4ELT Conference,
(Eds.) S. Esposito, L. Fini,
INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri
C. M. Correia, J.-P. Véran, O. Guyon, C. Clergeon, 2013,
Wave-front reconstruction for the non-linear curvature wave-front sensor,
Proceedings of the Third AO4ELT Conference,
(Eds.) S. Esposito, L. Fini,
INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri
M. S. Cunha, K. Perraut, 2013,
The nature of the rapidly oscillating Ap stars' pulsations,
New Advances in Stellar Physics: From Microscopic to Macroscopic Processes,
(Eds.) G. Alecian, Y. Lebreton, O. Richard, G. Vauclair,
Cambridge University Press, 63, 161-168
X. Delfosse, J.-F. Donati, D. Kouach, G. Hébrard, R. Doyon, E. Artigau, F. Bouchy, I. Boisse, A. S. Brun, P. Hennebelle, T. Widemann, J. Bouvier, X. Bonfils, J. Morin, C. Moutou, F. Pepe, S. Udry, J. D. do Nascimento Jr., S. Alencar, B. V. Castilho, E. Martioli, S. -Y. Wang, P. Figueira, N. C. Santos, 2013,
World-leading science with SPIRou - The nIR spectropolarimeter / high-precision velocimeter for CFHT,
SF2A-2013: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics,
(Eds.) L. Cambresy, F. Martins, E. Nuss, A. Palacios,
Société Francaise d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique, 497-508
P. Figueira, 2013,
Stellar Noise in Exoplanet Searches,
New Quests in Stellar Astrophysics III: A Panchromatic View of Solar-like Stars, With and Without Planets,
(Eds.) M. Chavez, E. Bertone, O. Vega, V. De la Luz,
Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 472, 137
A. García Hernández, J. Pascual-Granado, A. Grigahcène, K. Uytterhoeven, A. Moya Bedón, R. Garrido, J.-C. Suárez, J. Gutiérrez-Soto, S. Martín-Ruiz, 2013,
Periodicities Within the Frequency Spectra of δ Scuti Stars Observed by Kepler,
Stellar Pulsations
Impact of New Instrumentation and New Insights,
(Eds.) J.C. Suárez, R. Garrido, L. A. Balona, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard,
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 31, 61-65
J. I. González Hernández, E. Delgado Mena, S. G. Sousa, G. Israelian, N. C. Santos, S. Udry, 2013,
Volatile and Refractory Abundances of Solar Analogs with Planets,
New Quests in Stellar Astrophysics III: A Panchromatic View of Solar-like Stars, With and Without Planets,
(Eds.) M. Chavez, E. Bertone, O. Vega, V. De la Luz,
Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 472, 97
A. Grigahcène, M.-A. Dupret, S. G. Sousa, M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro, R. Garrido, R. Scuflaire, M. Gabriel, 2013,
Towards Precise Asteroseismology of Solar-Like Stars,
Stellar Pulsations
Impact of New Instrumentation and New Insights,
(Eds.) J.C. Suárez, R. Garrido, L. A. Balona, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard,
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 31, 209-212
G. Israelian, E. Delgado Mena, V. Zh. Adibekyan, 2013,
Chemical Composition of Stars with Extrasolar Planetary Systems,
New Quests in Stellar Astrophysics III: A Panchromatic View of Solar-like Stars, With and Without Planets,
(Eds.) M. Chavez, E. Bertone, O. Vega, V. De la Luz,
Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 472, 79
O. Lardière, D. Andersen, C. Bradley, C. Blain, D. Gamroth, K. Jackson, P. Lach, R. Nash, S. Oya, L. Pham, J.-P. Véran, C. M. Correia, 2013,
Current status of Raven, a MOAO science demonstrator for Subaru,
Proceedings of the Third AO4ELT Conference,
(Eds.) S. Esposito, L. Fini,
INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, 115
D. Mégevand, F. M. Zerbi, P. Di Marcantonio, A. Cabral, F. Pepe, S. Cristiani, R. Rebolo López, N. C. Santos, H. Dekker, M. Abreu, M. Affolter, M. Aliverti, M. Amate, G. Avila, V. Baldini, P. Bristow, C. Broeg, R. Cirami, J. Coelho, P. Conconi, I. Coretti, G. Cupani, V. D'Odorico, V. De Caprio, B. Delabre, R. Dorn, P. Figueira, A. Fragoso, S. Galeotta, L. Genolet, R. Gomes, J. I. González Hernández, I. Hughes, O. Iwert, F. Kerber, M. Landoni, J.-L. Lizon, C. Lovis, C. Maire, M. Mannetta, C. J. A. P. Martins, P. Molaro, M. A. Monteiro, A. Oliveira, M. R. Zapatero-Osorio, E. Poretti, J. L. Rasilla, M. Riva, S. Santana Tschudi, P. Santos, D. Sosnowska, S. G. Sousa, F. Tenegi, G. Toso, E. Vanzella, M. Viel, 2013,
ESPRESSO, an exo-Earths hunter for the VLT,
Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets VI,
(Eds.) S. Shaklan,
SPIE, 8864
C. J. A. P. Martins, 2013,
Three Tests of LambdaCDM,
Multiverse and fundamental cosmology: Multicosmofun '12,
(Eds.) M. P. Dabrowski, A. Balcerzak, T. Denkiewicz,
American Institute of Physics, 1514, 105-110
M. Oshagh, A. Grigahcène, O. Benomar, M.-A. Dupret, M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro, R. Scuflaire, N. C. Santos, 2013,
Successful Asteroseismology for a Better Characterization of the Exoplanet HAT-P-7b,
Stellar Pulsations
Impact of New Instrumentation and New Insights,
(Eds.) J.C. Suárez, R. Garrido, L. A. Balona, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard,
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 31, 227-230
A. Santerne, J.-F. Donati, R. Doyon, X. Delfosse, E. Artigau, I. Boisse, X. Bonfils, F. Bouchy, G. Hébrard, C. Moutou, S. Udry, 2013,
Characterizing small planets transiting small stars with SPIRou,
SF2A-2013: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics,
(Eds.) L. Cambresy, F. Martins, E. Nuss, A. Palacios,
Société Francaise d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique, 509-514
A. Santerne, R. F. Díaz, J. -M. Almenara, A. Lethuillier, M. Deleuil, C. Moutou, 2013,
Astrophysical false positives in exoplanet transit surveys: why do we need bright stars?,
SF2A-2013: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics,
(Eds.) L. Cambresy, F. Martins, E. Nuss, A. Palacios,
Société Francaise d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique, 555-560
Scientific communications
Number of records: 82

V. Zh. Adibekyan, 2013,
Searching for metal-rich alpa-enhanced stars in GES,
GES 2013 : Gaia-ESO Survey First Science, Nice, France
V. Zh. Adibekyan, 2013,
Chemical abundances in planet-hosting stars,
6th Iberian Meeting on Asteroseismology, Aras de los Olmos, Spain
V. Zh. Adibekyan, 2013,
Galactic stellar populations and exoplanet frequencies therein,
XXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Lisboa, Portugal
M. Bazot, 2013,
Solar-like pulsators,
New advances in stellar physics: from microscopic to macroscopic processes, Roscoff, France
M. Bazot, 2013,
Methods for stellar parameter estimation - Impact of asteroseismology,
PLATO 2.0 Science Workshop, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
M. Bazot, A. Aarnio, 2013,
Grids of models,
SPACEINN Workshop, Paris, France
I. Boisse, 2013,
Activite des cibles CHEOPS,
Atelier CHEOPS, Marseille, France
I. Boisse, 2013,
Radial velocity and stellar activity: false positives and parameters uncertainties,
Planet validation workshop, Marseille, France
I. M. Brandão, M. S. Cunha, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, 2013,
Inferring properties of convective cores in main-sequence solar-like pulsators,
New advances in stellar physics: from microscopic to macroscopic processes, Roscoff, France
J. R. C. C. C. Correia, 2013,
Different views of cosmic defect evolution,
XXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Lisboa, Portugal
M. S. Cunha, 2013,
The nature of roAp stars' pulsations,
New advances in stellar physics: from microscopic to macroscopic processes, Roscoff, France
M. S. Cunha, 2013,
Do we really understand what drives the oscillations in roAp stars?,
A New Era of Stellar Astrophysics with Kepler, Sidney, Australia
A. C. da Silva, 2013,
Survey optimization,
Euclid Consortium Meeting 2013, Leiden, The Netherlands
A. C. da Silva, 2013,
Radiação Cosmica de Fundo: Luz fossil do Big Bang revela Universo quase perfeito,
XXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Lisboa, Portugal
E. Delgado Mena, 2013,
Li depletion in solar analogues with exoplanets,
6th Iberian Meeting on Asteroseismology, Aras de los Olmos, Spain
J. P. Faria, M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro, M. S. Cunha, I. M. Brandão, 2013,
Asteroseismic Modelling with MESA,
IJUP 2013, Porto, Portugal
J. P. Faria, M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro, M. S. Cunha, 2013,
Acoustic Glitches in 16 Cygni,
6th Iberian Meeting on Asteroseismology, Aras de los Olmos, Spain
J. P. Faria, M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro, M. S. Cunha, 2013,
Acoustic Glitches in 16 Cygni,
XXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Lisboa, Portugal
M. C. Ferreira, 2013,
Probing Unification Scenarios with Quasar Absorption Spectra,
VIIIth Iberian Cosmology Meeting, Granada, Spain
P. Figueira, 2013,
Characterising planetary atmospheres through Visible reection spectra,
10 years of Science with HARPS, Genève, Switzerland
P. Figueira, M. Marmier, G. Boué, C. Lovis, N. C. Santos, M. Montalto, S. Udry, F. Pepe, M. Mayor, 2013,
Comparing HARPS and Kepler surveys: On the alignment of multiple-planet systems,
Kepler Science Conference II, Moffet Field, CA, U.S.A.
A. García Hernández, A. Moya Bedón, J.-C. Suárez, E. Poretti, S. Martín-Ruiz, P. J. Amado, R. Garrido, E. Rodriguez, M. Rainer, K. Uytterhoeven, C. Rodrigo, E. Solano, J. R. Rodón Ortiz, E. Michel, 2013,
Periodic patterns, a,
11th CoRoT Week, San Cristobal de la Laguna, Spain
A. García Hernández, 2013,
Precise characterization of A-F type stars using Asteroseismology,
6th Iberian Meeting on Asteroseismology, Aras de los Olmos, Spain
A. Humphrey, 2013,
Polarized Lyman-alpha emission and Lyman-alpha absorbing shells around z>2 radio-loud AGNs: Results from GTC and Keck II,
Tercera Reunión Española de Núcleos de Galaxias Activas, Madrid, Spain
A. Humphrey, 2013,
Optical and CO observations of type 2 quasars at intermediate redshifts,
XXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Lisboa, Portugal
A. Humphrey, 2013,
Polarized extended Ly-a emission from a z = 2.3 radio galaxy,
Lyman Alpha as an Astrophysical Tool, Stockholm, Sweden
A. Humphrey, 2013,
The Lyman-alpha blob, AGN and star-formation connection as probed by z>2 quasars,
Fifth Guillermo Haro Conference, Puebla, Mexico
M. D. Julião, 2013,
Probing unification scenarios with atomic clocks,
SESTO 2013: Varying fundamental constants and dynamical dark energy, Sesto, Italy
P. Lagos, 2013,
Studying the interstellar medium of extremely metal poor HII/BCD galaxies using IFU spectroscopy,
XXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Lisboa, Portugal
A. C. O. Leite, 2013,
Varying Constants and Dark Energy: from HIRES and UVES to ESPRESSO and beyond,
VIIIth Iberian Cosmology Meeting, Granada, Spain
M. Martinelli, E. Calabrese, S. Pandolfi, V. F. Cardone, C. J. A. P. Martins, S. Spiro, P. E. Vielzeuf, 2013,
Forecasted constraints on the variation of the Fine Structure Constant with future low-medium redshift probes,
New Horizons for Observational Cosmology, Varenna, Italy
C. J. A. P. Martins, 2013,
Fundamental cosmology with redshift drift measurements,
47th ESLAB Symposium
The Universe as seen by Planck, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
C. J. A. P. Martins, 2013,
Fundamental cosmology in the E-ELT era,
VIIIth Iberian Cosmology Meeting, Granada, Spain
C. J. A. P. Martins, 2013,
WP10 status report,
Euclid Consortium Meeting 2013, Leiden, The Netherlands
C. J. A. P. Martins, 2013,
Astrophysical Probes of Varying Constants and Unification,
Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics VI, Lisboa, Portugal
C. J. A. P. Martins, 2013,
Fundamental Cosmology in the E-ELT Era,
Cosmology and Fundamental Physics with Planck, Geneva, Switzerland
C. J. A. P. Martins, 2013,
Probing fundamental physics and unification with varying constants,
SESTO 2013: Varying fundamental constants and dynamical dark energy, Sesto, Italy
C. J. A. P. Martins, 2013,
Fundamental cosmology in the E-ELT era,
XXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Lisboa, Portugal
C. J. A. P. Martins, 2013,
The UVES large program for testing fundamental physics,
International Conference on Particle Physics and Cosmology - COSMO 2013, Cambridge, U.K.
C. J. A. P. Martins, 2013,
Precision consistency tests of LambdaCDM,
Synergistic Science with Euclid and the Square Kilometre Array, Oxford, U. K.
J. H. C. Martins, 2013,
Direct Detection of Extra-Solar Planets,
XXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Lisboa, Portugal
J. H. C. Martins, P. Figueira, N. C. Santos, C. Lovis, 2013,
Characterising planetary atmospheres through Visible refection spectra,
Exoplanets and Disks: Their formation and Diversity II, Keauhou Kona, HI, U.S.A.
M. Montalto, R. Alonso, S. Desidera, P. Figueira, M. Oshagh, N. C. Santos, 2013,
Spectrophotometric measurements of HAT-P-1,
PLATO 2.0 Science Workshop, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
A. M. R. V. L. Monteiro, 2013,
Constraining fundamental physics with combined variations of fundamental constants,
SESTO 2013: Varying fundamental constants and dynamical dark energy, Sesto, Italy
M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro, 2013,
Glitches in solar-type stars with Kepler data,
6th Iberian Meeting on Asteroseismology, Aras de los Olmos, Spain
A. Mortier, 2013,
The metallicity - giant planet connection for evolved stars,
XXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Lisboa, Portugal
A. Mortier, 2013,
Precise spectroscopic stellar parameters for the PLATO targets,
PLATO 2.0 Science Workshop, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
V. Neves, X. Bonfils, N. C. Santos, X. Delfosse, B.-O. Demory, G. Torres, T. Forveille, F. Allard, S. Udry, 2013,
A new high-precision [Fe/H] calibration for M dwarfs in the visible: a tool to explore the star-planet connection,
European Planetary Science Congress 2013, London, U.K.
A. Nigoche-Netro, A. Ruelas-Mayorga, P. Lagos, L. J. Sánchez, C. Kehrig, J. D. Hernández-Fernández, C. Monteiro, 2013,
Probes of Dark Matter on Galaxy Scales,
Probes of Dark Matter on Galaxy Scales, Monterey, CA, U.S.A.
M. Oshagh, 2013,
The effect of stellar spots on the high precision transit light curve,
11th CoRoT Week, San Cristobal de la Laguna, Spain
M. Oshagh, 2013,
The effect of stellar spots on the transit timing variations as a planet validation method,
Planet Validation Workshop, Marseille, France
M. Oshagh, 2013,
The effect of stellar spots on high-precision transit light curves,
CHEOPS Science meeting #1, Bern, Switzerland
M. Oshagh, 2013,
Effect of stellar spots on high-precisiontransit light-curve,
XXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Lisboa, Portugal
M. Oshagh, 2013,
The effect of stellar spots on the high precision transit light curve,
Kepler Science Conference II, Moffet Field, CA, U.S.A.
G. Pace, 2013,
The lack of activity evolution for old stars,
400 years of stellar rotation, Natal, Brazil
S. Pandolfi, M. Martinelli, C. J. A. P. Martins, P. E. Vielzeuf, 2013,
Probing dark energy with redshift drift,
New Horizons for Observational Cosmology, Varenna, Italy
P. Papaderos, 2013,
ISM in E-type galaxies,
CALIFA 5th Busy Week, Potsdam, Germany
P. Papaderos, 2013,
LINERS and Lyman continuum photon escape,
Lyman Alpha as an Astrophysical Tool, Stockholm, Sweden
P. Papaderos, 2013,
Extremely metal-poor galaxies,
Galaxies meet GRBs, Cabo de Gata, Spain
P. O. J. Pedrosa, 2013,
Observational strategies for varying constants with ESPRESSO and HIRES,
SESTO 2013: Varying fundamental constants and dynamical dark energy, Sesto, Italy
A. Santerne, 2013,
Validating the smallest CoRoT candidates with PASTIS: radial velocity constraints,
11th CoRoT Week, San Cristobal de la Laguna, Spain
A. Santerne, 2013,
PASTIS: a tool for planet analysis and validation,
Atelier CHEOPS, Marseille, France
A. Santerne, 2013,
Constraining exoplanet blend scenarios using radial velocity diagnosis,
Planet Validation Workshop, Marseille, France
A. Santerne, 2013,
Characterizing small planets transiting small stars with SPIRou,
Semaine de l'Astrophysique Française 2013, Montepellier, France
A. Santerne, 2013,
Astrophysical false positives in exoplanet transit surveys: why do we need bright stars?,
Semaine de l'Astrophysique Française 2013, Montepellier, France
A. Santerne, 2013,
Astrophysical false positives in exoplanet transit surveys: why do we need bright stars?,
PLATO 2.0 Science Workshop, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
A. Santerne, 2013,
SOPHIE and HARPS-N spectroscopy of Kepler transit candidates,
European Planetary Science Congress 2013, London, U.K.
A. Santerne, 2013,
Probing the nature and mass diversity of Kepler candidates with SOPHIE,
Kepler Science Conference II, Moffett Field, CA, U. S. A.
N. C. Santos, 2013,
Towards the detection of optical reflected light from other worlds,
Shaping E-ELT Science and Instrumentation Workshop, Garching, Germany
N. C. Santos, 2013,
Characteristics of planet hosting stars,
10 Years of Science with HARPS, Genève, Switzerland
N. C. Santos, 2013,
Stellar abundances and planet frequency in the Kepler era,
Kepler Science Conference II, Moffett Field, CA, U. S. A.
N. C. Santos, 2013,
Simulating the effects of stellar activity on planet detection and characterization,
400 years of stellar rotation, Natal, Brazil
S. G. Sousa, 2013,
A linelist for the analysis of GAIA-ESO Survey high resolution spectra using equivalent widths,
GES 2013 : Gaia-ESO Survey First Science, Nice, France
S. G. Sousa, 2013,
Precise spectroscopic stellar parameters for the CHEOPS targets,
CHEOPS Science meeting #1, Bern, Switzerland
J.-C. Suárez, A. García Hernández, A. Moya Bedón, C. Rodrigo, E. Solano, R. Garrido, J. R. Rodón Ortiz, 2013,
Theoretical properties of regularities in the oscillation spectrum of A-F, main sequence stars,
IAU Symposium 301 - Precision Asteroseismology, Wrocław, Poland
M. Tsantaki, S. G. Sousa, N. C. Santos, 2013,
Stellar parameters for solar-type stars,
6th Iberian Meeting on Asteroseismology, Valencia, Spain
J. P. P. Vieira, 2013,
Stellar Structure and Evolution with Varying Fundamental Couplings,
Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics VI, Lisboa, Portugal
P. E. Vielzeuf, 2013,
Probing dark energy beyond z = 2 with CODEX,
Shaping E-ELT Science and Instrumentation, Garching, Germany
P. E. Vielzeuf, 2013,
Probing dark energy beyond z=2 with a HIRES-like spectrograph,
VIIIth Iberian Cosmology Meeting, Granada, Spain
P. E. Vielzeuf, 2013,
Probing dark energy beyound z=2 with HIRES,
Euclid Consortium Meeting 2013, Leiden, The Netherlands
P. E. Vielzeuf, 2013,
Varying constants and dark energy with the E-ELT,
SESTO 2013: Varying fundamental constants and dynamical dark energy, Sesto, Italy
Ph.D. Thesis and M.Sc. Dissertations
Number of records: 7

S. F. A. Batista, 2013,
Optimization methods applied to Stellar Astrophysics,
Master in Mathematical Engeneering,
Supervisor(s): S. G. Sousa
N. G. C. P. Carvalho, 2013,
Massive Star Forming Regions at High Spatial Resolutions,
Master in Astronomy,
Supervisor(s): M. S. N. Kumar
J. P. Faria, 2013,
Asteroseismology of 16 Cyg A and B,
Master in Astronomy,
Supervisor(s): M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro, M. S. Cunha
J. H. C. Martins, 2013,
Direct Detection of Extra-solar Planets with ESPRESSO,
Master in Astronomy,
Supervisor(s): P. Figueira
A. Mortier, 2013,
Statistical studies of planet frequency: understanding planet formation,
Doctoral Program in Astronomy (3rd cycle),
Supervisor(s): N. C. Santos
V. Neves, 2013,
Stellar parameters for M-dwarfs: the link to exoplanets,
Doctoral Program in Astronomy (3rd cycle),
Supervisor(s): N. C. Santos, X. Delfosse
P. Todorov, 2013,
Introducing Self-Consistent Magnetospheres in Simulations of Jets of Young Stellar Objects,
PhD in Astronomy (Observatoire de Paris),
Supervisor(s): C. Sauty, J. J. G. Lima, V. Cayatte

Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences

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