Second Order Gravitational Waves in Hilltop Type Inflation Models Laila Alabidi |
A note on the role of the boundary terms for the non-Gaussianity in general k-inflation Frederico Arroja |
Observational CMB predictions from warm inflation Mar Bastero-Gil |
A grazing ESP encounter during Inflation Thorsten Battefeld |
Projecting Constraints on Scale-Dependent Non-Gaussianity Adam Becker |
Stochastic growth of vector field condensates during inflation Juan Carlos Bueno Sanchez |
Black Hole Mechanics and Massive Gravity Fabio Capela |
The Expansion History of the Universe Unveiled with H II Galaxies Ricardo Chavez |
SIMPLE Dark Matter Search Miguel Costa |
Searching for Dark Matter: The LUX Experiment Luiz de Viveiros |
Inflation at the boundary of de Sitter Mafalda Dias |
The Overshoot Problem in Inflation after Tunneling Koushik Dutta |
Chaotic inflation in modified gravitational theories Joseph Elliston |
Semi-blind Analysis of Uncertainties in Recombination Histoy Marzieh Farhang |
Landscape Architecture Jonathan Frazer |
Estimating g_NL for Planck Dominic Galliano |
Quantum theory of fermion production after inflation Daniil Gelfand |
Classical Non-Gaussianity From Non-Linear Evolution of Curvature Perturbation Jinn-Ouk Gong |
Cosmological Perturbations in f(R) Gravity Je-An Gu |
Testing Spacetime Symmetries with CMB polarization data Giulia Gubitosi |
Inflation and Universe complexity Philippe Journeau |
The Curvature Perturbation from General non-Abelian Vector Fields Mindaugas Karciauskas |
Systematic analysis of leptogenesis in non-equilibrium QFT Alexander Kartavtsev |
Renormalised multi-field hybrid inflation Nina Kevlishvili |
Islands of Stability for Consistent Deformations of Einstein's Gravity Florian Kühnel |
Fine Features in the Primordial Power Spectrum Kohei Kumazaki |
Improved ISW effect detection through the CMB polarization assistence Guo Chin Liu |
Future deceleration due to effect of event horizon on backreaction from inhomogeneities Archan S. Majumdar |
The ANTARES neutrino telescope: status and results Annarita Margiotta |
The galaxy 3-point correlation function of WiggleZ galaxies Felipe Marin Perucci |
Gravitational Waves from Fermionic Preheating Tuukka Meriniemi |
Cosmological effects of decaying cosmic string loops with TeV scale width Koichi Miyamoto |
Observational Constraints on bulk viscous matter-dominated models Ariadna Montiel |
Conservation of the nonlinear curvature perturbation in generic single-field inflation Atsushi Naruko |
GPGPU Cosmological N-Body Particle-Particle Simulations David Oliveira |
Non-Gaussianity from the hybrid potential Stefano Orani |
Constraints on a f(R) gravity dark energy model with early scaling evolution Chan-Gyung Park |
Quantifying nonlinear contributions to the CMB bispectrum in Synchronous gauge Guido Walter Pettinari |
Warming up brane-antibrane inflation Joao Rosa |
Features in the primordial power spectrum from coherent scalar-field oscillations Ryo Saito |
Towards leptogenesis at NLO: the right-handed neutrino interaction rate Alberto Salvio |
Sneutrino Dark Matter: Symmetry Protection and Cosmic Ray Anomalies Levent Selbuz |
Observational constraints on scalar field models of dark energy with barotropic equation of state Olga Sergijenko |
CMB bispectrum of scalar, vector and tensor modes sourced from primordial magnetic fields Maresuke Shiraishi |
Bayesian reconstruction of the gravitational potential from weak lensing Rafal Szepietowski |
"Impact of Primordial Non-Gaussianities (fnl) on the effective dark energy equation of state." Arlindo Trindade |
Bispectra from two-field inflation using the long-wavelength formalism Eleftheria Tzavara |
Multi-fluid renormalized perturbation theory and massive neutrinos Nicolas Van de Rijt |
A Compelling Vector Curvaton Model and its distinct Observational Signatures. Jacques Wagstaff |
Utilizing Large-Scale Structure to Constrain Unstable Dark Matter Mei-Yu Wang |
Statistical Anisotropy from D-brane Inflation Danielle Wills |
"Modeling Phase Transitions in Dynamical Environments" Daniel Yueker |
Rees-Sciama effect and impact of foreground structures on galaxy redshifts Hu Zhan |