Nº of records: 234"Astronomy Day" at CAUPCAUP invites high school students to get acquainted with the B.Sc. in Astronomy, from the Faculty of Science of the University of Porto.
25 February 2014 First detection of a predicted unseen exoplanetA European team, including Alexandre Santerne (CAUP), detected the exoplanet Kepler-88 c thanks to the gravitational perturbation it caused on its transiting brother planet, Kepler-88 b.
17 December 2013 Second Dark Sky Party AlquevaThe second edition of Dark Sky Party Alqueva will take place in Monsaraz (Portugal), on the 12th and 13th of July, with support from CAUP.
5 July 2013 Astronomy DayThe Astronomy Day will present to students and their parents the current status of Astronomy in Portugal.
7 January 2013 The history of the local Universe revealedAn international team, which includes two astronomers from Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto (CAUP) observed 100 local galaxies with an unprecedented resolution.
12 November 2012 A planet "around the corner"A European team, led by Xavier Dumusque (Observatoire de Genève & CAUP) detected a planet with about the mass of the Earth orbiting a star in the Alpha Centauri system — the nearest to the Sun.
17 October 2012 "Blue" Moon?Tomorrow is a "Blue Moon" day, but our natural satellite won't actually turn blue.
30 August 2012 World renown astronomers visit CAUPProfessors Michel Mayor, Joe Silk and Thierry Montmerle will analyze the scientific performance of Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto (CAUP).
4 July 2012 The last Venus transit of our livesTonight, 5 to 6 of June of 2012, while we sleep in Portugal, millions of people on the other side of the world will observe the last Venus transit of our lives.
5 June 2012 Exoplanet orbits suggest that the Solar System is the standardAn international team, composed by researchers from CAUP and the Observatoire de Genève, analized data both from the HARPS spectrograph and the Kepler satellite, showing that the orbits from other planetary systems are aligned, just like in our Solar System.
10 April 2012 Rocky planets around red dwarfs are very commonCAUP researcher Nuno Santos is a member of the team that discovered that super Earths orbiting red dwarfs, the type of stars which account for 80% of our galaxy, might be very frequent.
28 March 2012 Dwarf galaxy questions current galaxy formation modelsResearcher from the Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto observed the dwarf galaxy I Zw 18, and found that much of what is known about galaxy formation and evolution might need substantial revision.
27 February 2012 Star formation in CygnusAstronomers from Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto observe a large cluster of star formation.
18 January 2012 Portuguese astronomers detect rare galaxiesA team of researchers, mainly from CAUP, has detected a rare type of active galactic nuclei (AGNs), which have simultaneously characteristics of young and old AGNs.
5 December 2011 Asteroid 2005 YU55NASA's Deep Space Network antenna in Goldstone, Calif. has captured new radar images of Asteroid 2005 YU55 passing close to Earth.
8 November 2011 A star with spiral armsResearchers using the Subaru telescope in Hawaii have found a star with spiral arms.
2 November 2011 600 Mysteries in the Night SkyNASA's Fermi team recently released the second catalog of gamma-ray sources detected by their satellite's Large Area Telescope (LAT). Of the 1873 sources found, nearly 600 are complete mysteries. No one knows what they are.
18 October 2011 Draconid Meteor OutburstOn October 8th Earth is going to plow through a stream of dust from Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner, and the result could be an outburst of Draconid meteors.
6 October 2011 ALMA Opens It's EyesHumanity's most complex ground-based astronomy observatory, the Atacama Large Millimeter / submillimeter Array (ALMA), has officially opened for astronomers.
3 October 2011 A Star with two musical stylesCAUP researchers participated in the discovery, published today on Nature, that the star HD 187547 oscillates with two tones.
14 September 2011 Sunspot BreakthroughImagine forecasting a hurricane in Miami weeks before the storm was even a swirl of clouds off the coast of Africa - or predicting a tornado in Kansas from the flutter of a butterfly's wing1 in Texas. These are the kind of forecasts meteorologists can only dream about. Could the dream come true? A new study by Stanford researchers suggests that such forecasts may one day be possible - not on Earth, but on the sun.
30 August 2011 Discovered: Stars as Cool as the Human BodyScientists using data from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) have discovered six “Y dwarfs” - star-like bodies with temperatures as cool as the human body.
26 August 2011 VISTA uncovers 96 new star clustersNa international team of astronomers, which include CAUP researcher Nanda Kumar, used the VISTA survey telescope (ESO) to uncover 96 new star clusters in the Milky Way.
10 August 2011 What lies inside Jupiter?NASA's Juno probe, scheduled to launch on August 5th, could change all that. The goal of the mission is to answer the question, What lies inside Jupiter?
4 August 2011 Big SunspotsAfter more than a week of quiet, solar activity is picking up with the emergence of two large sunspot groups on the sun's northeastern limb.
28 July 2011 Enceladus rains water onto SaturnoESA’s Herschel space observatory has shown that water expelled from the moon Enceladus forms a giant torus of water vapour around Saturn. The discovery solves a 14-year mystery by identifying the source of the water in Saturn’s upper atmosphere.
26 July 2011 Space Shuttle Final LandingWrapping up 30 years of unmatched achievements and blazing a trail for the next era of U.S. human spaceflight, NASA's storied Space Shuttle Program came to a "wheels stop" on Thursday at the conclusion of its 135th mission.
21 July 2011 NASA’s Hubble Discovers Another Moon Around PlutoAstronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope discovered a fourth moon orbiting the icy dwarf planet Pluto. The tiny, new satellite - temporarily designated P4 - was uncovered in a Hubble survey searching for rings around the dwarf planet.
20 July 2011 Michael Werner visits CAUPOn July 20, Michael Werner, Project Scientist for the Spitzer Space, will give a very special seminar at CAUP.
18 July 2011 Total Lunar Eclipse tonightThe first lunar eclipse of 2011 is also a total eclipse. In Portugal the Moon rises already fully eclipsed.
15 June 2011 Supernova 1987A re-ignitesSince its explosion, in 1987, the brightness of this supernova has been decreasing. Now a multinational team has detected an increase in SN1987A’s brightness.
9 June 2011 R.I.P. SpiritNASA announced today the conclusion of attempts to re-establish contact with Mars Rover Spirit, after 14 months without any life signs.
26 May 2011 22 years of excellence in AstronomyCAUP celebrates 22 years of existence, at the top of the national research in Astronomy, with 527 published articles, and 1.75 times the world average of citations per article.
4 May 2011 Vesta - is it really an asteroid?On March 29, 1807, German astronomer Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers spotted Vesta as a pinprick of light in the sky. Two hundred and four years later, as NASA's Dawn spacecraft prepares to begin orbiting this intriguing world, scientists now know how special this world is, even if there has been some debate on how to classify it.
30 March 2011 The origin of jets in black holesObservations conducted with Integral satellite detected matter just escaping the powerful gravitational field of a black hole.
28 March 2011 The coldest Brown DwarfJoint observations by three observatories detected a brown dwarf with a temperature of just 100º C.
24 March 2011 Super Full MoonMark your calendar. On March 19th, a full Moon of rare size and beauty will rise in the east at sunset. It's a super "perigee moon"- the biggest in almost 20 years.
17 March 2011 Finally! NASA prepares to orbit MercuryOn March 17th, NASA's MESSENGER probe will become the first spacecraft to orbit Mercury. It's a seminal moment in planetary exploration. Researchers can finally take a good long look at a rocky world that is both akin to Earth and shockingly alien.
16 March 2011 What’s hitting the Earth?Every day about 100 tons of meteoroids – fragments of dust and gravel and sometimes even big rocks – enter the Earth's atmosphere.
2 March 2011 Asymmetric supernovasRecent observations made at the Calar Alto observatory of a new sub-class of supernova, show that not all supernova are spherical.
25 February 2011 First ever STEREO images of the entire SunOn Feb. 6th, NASA's twin STEREO probes moved into position on opposite sides of the sun, and they are now beaming back uninterrupted images of the entire star - front and back.
8 February 2011 Kepler finds star system with six planetsAt a distance of 2000 light years from Earth, the star Kepler 11 has 6 planets orbiting around it. The discovery was announced in the latest issue of Nature.
3 February 2011 First results from PlanckAntónio da Silva, an astronomer at Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto (CAUP) is one of the members of the Planck collaboration which participated in these discoveries.
12 January 2011 EPOXI mission flew by comet Hartley 2The EPOXI probe (NASA) passed at a mere 700 km off the surface of Comet Hartley 2, getting the most detailed images of a comet’s surface.
5 November 2010 Countdown to VestaLet the countdown begin. NASA's Dawn spacecraft is less than one year away from giant asteroid Vesta.
12 September 2010 Up to seven planets discovered around the star HD10180 at 127 light yearsAn European team of astronomers, including Nuno Cardoso Santos (Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto) and Alexandre Correia (Universidade de Aveiro), discovered the planetary system which more closely resembles our own, orbiting the star HD 10180, located at a distance of 127 light-years, in the Hydrus constellation (southern hemisphere).
24 August 2010 Nuno Santos wins prestigious international awardPortuguese astronomer Nuno Cardoso Santos, from the Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto, is one of the winners of the first edition of the Viktor Ambartsumian International Prize. He and his colleagues Michel Mayor and Garik Israelian will share half a million dollars.
22 July 2010 Comets formed in other solar systems?In an article published in the online edition of Science Magazine, the team lead by Harold Levison (SwRI) says that famous comets, like Hale-Bopp, may have formed in other solar systems, and were later captured by the Sun's gravity.
14 June 2010 Lunch with personalitiesThe President of the Republic invited three dozen personalities that distinguished themselves in Portugal and abroad for a lunch.
11 June 2010 LOFAR sees details in quasar 3C 196Joining the German and Netherlands stations of LOFAR, a team of astronomers led by Olaf Wucknitz produced the first high-resolution radio images of a quasar.
7 June 2010 Big Mystery: Jupiter loses a stripeIn a development that has transformed the appearance of the solar system's largest planet, one of Jupiter's two main cloud belts has completely disappeared.
31 May 2010 Ice found in Asteroid's surfaceTwo independent studies detected the presence of large quantities of water and complex organic molecules in the surface of asteroid 24 Themis.
3 May 2010 Lightning on SaturnNASA’s Cassini spacecraft has finally seen lightning on Saturn.
16 April 2010 A new light on an eclipsing binaryAfter almost two centuries of doubt, a new light finally shone apon the origin of eclipsing binary Epsilon Aurigae, thanks to new observations from the CHARA interferometer.
9 April 2010 Asteroid swings by the EarthTomorrow, around 11:06 pm (UTC), an asteroid will "graze" the Earth, passing a little closer than the distance to the Moon.
7 April 2010 Top AstronomyThe results of the Office of Planning, Strategy Evaluation and Foreign Affairs - "The national scientific production 2004 – 2008”, show that Space Sciences are Portugal’s most competitive scientific field.
8 March 2010 A close look at PhobosLast wednesday the european probe Mars Express (ESA) did its closest flyby to Mars largest moon - Phobos, passing just 67km above the surface.
5 March 2010 Astronomy in the AntarcticLast February the ARENA consortium, of which Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto (CAUP) is a partner, published the report “A Vision for European Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Antarctic station Concordia, Dome C”.
1 March 2010 ESA's future missionsLast Thursday, ESA's Science Programme Committee decided which 3, of the 10 still being considered, proceed to the next stage of Cosmic Vision 2015-2025.
23 February 2010 The dynamic surface of PlutoThe most detailed images of Pluto’s surface to date, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, show that the surface of this dwarf planet is very dynamic.
5 February 2010 First direct spectrum of an exoplanetA team led by an astronomer of the University of Toronto was able, thanks to observations with the VLT, to directly measure the spectra of an exoplanet.
15 January 2010 Exoplanets might explain lithium depletion in the SunA census of 500 stars, 70 of which with known planetary systems, established a connection between the presence of planets and the lithium deficiency known in the Sun. The discovery, published in the 12th November issue of Nature, was made by a team which includes Nuno Cardoso Santos and Sérgio Sousa.
11 November 2009 32 new exoplanetsAn international team of researchers, including Nuno Cardoso Santos, researcher at Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto, announced yesterday in a press conference, the discovery of 32 new exoplanets, using the spectrograph HARPS.
20 October 2009 ALMA telescope reaches new heightsThe ALMA astronomical observatory has taken another step forward — and upwards. One of its state-of-the-art antennas was carried for the first time to the 5000m plateau of Chajnantor, in the Chilean Andes, on the back of a custom-built giant transporter.
28 September 2009 Solar composition provides hint for discovery of other earthsA team lead by CAUP astronomer Jorge Meléndez discovered a connection between the Sun's chemical composition, and the fact that our star has rocky planets. This result provides a new tool in the detection of extra-solar planets.
21 September 2009 New method finds furthest SupernovaeUsing the W.M. Keck and CFHT telescopes, in Mauna Kea (Hawaii), a team of astronomers was able to identify remnants of two supernovae, which exploded about 11 billion years ago.
10 July 2009 To have or not to have ... a salty oceanDo the spectacular plumes of water vapour and ice particles seen on Saturn's icy moon Enceladus come from liquid water just below its frigid surface?
2 July 2009 Planet dynamics may lead to the collision between Mars and the EarthNew simulations to the dynamics of the Solar System, for the next 5 billion years, got surprising results: There is a 1% chance that Mercury's orbit is destabilized in that period, and as a result, a slight chance of Mars, or even Venus, colliding with the Earth.
12 June 2009 Stars have similar births anywhere in the UniverseObservations made by the new adaptive optics camera NACO (VLT - ESO), led to the conclusion that, regardless of its surroundings, the proportion in which stars are born is the same everywhere in the Universe.
8 June 2009 XMM-Newton observes the edge of a black holeData obtained by the European Space Agency's (ESA) space observatory XMM-Newton, allowed astronomers to do the closest observation to date of the edge of a supermassive black hole.
29 May 2009 Planck satellite will observed the first light of the UniverseThe European Space Agency (ESA) will launch on 14 May, next Thursday, by 14h12 the Planck Surveyor space mission from the Space Centre of Korou in French Guiana. The researcher of the Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto, Dr. Antonio da Silva was invited by ESA to participate in ceremonies launching.
13 May 2009 The most distant object yet discovered in the UniverseESO's Very Large Telescope has shown that a faint gamma-ray burst detected on the 23 of April 2009, is the signature of the explosion of the earliest, most distant known object in the Universe (a redshift of 8.2). The explosion apparently took place more than 13 billion years ago, only about 600 million years after the Big Bang.
29 April 2009 Lightest exoplanet yet discoveredA team of astronomers, which includes Nuno Santos from Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto (CAUP), announced today the discovery of the smallest exoplanet yet discovered. With a mass close to 1.9 times the mass of the Earth, the planet Gliese 581e is, so far, the exoplanet which most resembles the Earth.
21 April 2009 Kepler mission successfully lunchedNASA’s Kepler mission has successfully lunched to space last 2009 March 6. The scientific goals of that mission are search for extrasolar Earth-size planets and conduct precise measurements of the seismic activity of stars.
12 March 2009 Astronomers find a peculiar planet around the HD80606European Astronomer found a peculiar planet around the star HD80606, a double star on the Ursa Major constellation. The planet has the longest known period for an observed transit planet (111 days).
27 February 2009 Extra second added to 2008The world's official timekeepers have added a "leap second" to the last day of the year on Wednesday, to help match clocks to the Earth's slowing spin on its axis, which takes place at ever-changing rates affected by tides and other factors.
30 December 2008 Ancient supernova mystery solvedIn 1572, a "new star" appeared in the sky which stunned astronomers and exploded ancient theories of the Universe.
29 December 2008 A new era in the study of stars Initial results obtained by CoRot study on the seismic activity of three solar-type stars show that they are a little warmer and bigger than our Sun. The celestial bodies have an activity on the surface, granulation, three times higher than that of the Sun and, with the time-scale is three times higher.
These test results allow predictions of several theoretical models that are important for understanding the phenomenon of oscillations in stars and their activity.
23 October 2008 First Light for the PRIMA instrument The PRIMA instrument of the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) recently saw "first light" at its new home atop Cerro Paranal in Chile.
23 September 2008 An out of alignment planet? This is one of the first observations of a system in which the star does not appear to orbit perpendicular to the orbital plane of the planet.
9 September 2008 TW Hya with or without a planet?Recent observations have shown that the classical T Tauri star
TW Hya star does not have a short period extrasolar planet. The
observed radial-velocity variation is induced by the presence of
large stellar spots.
20 August 2008 Phoenix in MarsNASA's Phoenix spacecraft reports good health after Mars landing
26 May 2008 The Driffting StarAstronomers 'listen' to an exoplanet-host star and find its birthplace.
17 April 2008 Lunar eclipseIn the night of 20 to 21 February a lunar eclipse will take place.
14 February 2008 Jupiter revisitedFrom January to June 2007, NASA’s New Horizonts spacecraft visited Jupiter and collected more than 700 separate observations of the Jovian system. The results are now being released in a special section of the Oct. 12 issue of the journal Science.
16 October 2007 Stellar Firework in a WhirlwindMost of the stars in the known Universe are not alone. They
usually live in binary systems. But sometimes, when one of the stars is a
white dwarf, it gets too greedy and starts devouring its partner,
exploding as a Supernova.
This was observed in the galáxy NGC 1288.
12 September 2007 Space Weather and Europe - WebquizA Space Weather webquiz will be available on-line until the middle of July. The global winner of the quiz will go to Andøya Rocket Range, in Norway, to watch the launch of a rocket.
22 June 2007 A Galactic FossilHow old are the oldest stars? Using ESO's VLT, astronomers recently measured the age of a star located in our Galaxy. The star, a real fossil, is found to be 13.2 billion years old, not very far from the 13.7 billion years age of the Universe.
11 June 2007 Star family seen through dusty fogImages made with ESO's New Technology Telescope at La Silla by a team of German astronomers reveal a rich circular cluster of stars in the inner parts of our Galaxy.
12 April 2007 Solar Power at PlayFor the very first time, astronomers have witnessed the speeding up of an asteroid's rotation, and have shown that it is due to a theoretical effect predicted but never seen before.
20 March 2007 International heliophysical year50 years after the success of international cooperation called
International Geophysical Year, the international heliophysical year
26 February 2007 It is no mirage!Using ESO's Very Large Telescope and the W.M. Keck Observatory, astronomers at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland and the California Institute of Technology, USA, have discovered what appears to be the first known triplet of quasars.
6 February 2007 Asymmetric AshesAstronomers are reporting remarkable new findings that shed light on a decade-long debate about one kind of supernovae, the explosions that mark a star's final demise: does the star die in a slow burn or with a fast bang?
8 January 2007 Quadrantids 2007Between 1 and 5 of January we will be able to watch the Quadrantids 2007.
2 January 2007 The topsy-turvy GalaxieThe captivating appearance of this image of the starburst galaxy NGC 1313, taken with the FORS instrument at ESO's Very Large Telescope, belies its inner turmoil. The dense clustering of bright stars and gas in its arms, a sign of an ongoing boom of star births, shows a mere glimpse of the rough times it has seen.
5 December 2006 The eye of a monster storm on SaturnNASA's Cassini spacecraft has seen something never before seen on another planet - a hurricane-like storm at Saturn's south pole with a well-developed eye, ringed by towering clouds.
27 November 2006 Cut from different clothAfter determining the chemical composition of over 2000 stars in four of the nearest dwarf galaxies to our own, astronomers have demonstrated fundamental differences in their make-up, casting doubt on the theory that these diminutive galaxies could ever have formed the building blocks of our Milky Way Galaxy.
13 November 2006 Stellar vampires unmasked Astronomers have found possible proofs of stellar vampirism in the globular cluster 47 Tucanae. Using ESO's Very Large Telescope, they found that some hot, bright, and apparently young stars in the cluster present less carbon and oxygen than the majority of their sisters. This indicates that these few stars likely formed by taking their material from another star.
9 November 2006 The star, the dwarf and the planetAstronomers have detected a new faint companion to the star HD 3651, already known to host a planet. This companion, a brown dwarf, is the faintest known companion of an exoplanet host star imaged directly and one of the faintest T dwarfs detected in the Solar neighbourhood so far.
9 November 2006 2006 Transit of MercuryOn Wednesday, Nov 8th, the planet Mercury will pass directly in front the Sun. The transit lasts for almost five hours. Good views can be had from the Americas, Hawaii, Australia and all along the Pacific Rim.
6 November 2006 Watching how Planets formWith the VISIR instrument on ESO's Very Large Telescope, astronomers have mapped the disc around a star more massive than the Sun. The very extended and flared disc most likely contains enough gas and dust to spawn planets.
10 October 2006 To Be or Not to Be: Is it all about spinning?Thanks to the unique possibilities offered by ESO's Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI), astronomers have solved a 140-year-old mystery concerning active hot stars.
2 October 2006 A Genetic Studyof the Galaxy Looking in detail at the composition of stars with ESO's VLT, astronomers are providing a fresh look at the history of our home galaxy, the Milky Way. They reveal that the central part of our Galaxy formed not only very quickly but also independently of the rest.
27 September 2006 World of Caos The distant world whose discovery prompted leading astronomers to demote Pluto from the rank of "planet" has now been given its own official name: Eris.
26 September 2006 Scientists watch supernova explodeScientists using NASA's Swift satellite and a combination of orbiting and ground-based observatories have for the first time caught a supernova in the act of exploding.
4 September 2006 SMART-1 to crash the MoonSMART-1, a European Space Agency (ESA) lunar orbiter is about to crash into the Moon, and you may be able to see the impact.
1 September 2006 Backward SunspotOn July 31st, a tiny sunspot was born. It popped up from the sun's interior, floated around a bit, and vanished again in a few hours. On the sun this sort of thing happens all the time and, ordinarily, it wouldn't be worth mentioning. But this sunspot was special: It was backward.
21 August 2006 A Sub-Stellar JonahUsing ESO's Very Large Telescope, astronomers have discovered a rather unusual system, in which two planet-size stars, of different colours, orbit each other. One is a rather hot white dwarf, weighing a little bit less than half as much as the Sun. The other is a much cooler, 55 Jupiter-masses brown dwarf.
17 August 2006 Island Universes with a TwistESO's Very Large Telescope has taken images of three different 'Island Universes', each amazing in their own way, whose curious shapes testify of a troubled past, and for one, of a foreseeable doomed future.
28 July 2006 Falling onto the darkESO's VLT has helped scientists to discover a large primordial 'blob', more than 10 billion light-years away. The most likely scenario to account for its existence and properties is that it represents the early stage in the formation of a galaxy, when gas falls onto a large clump of dark matter.
11 July 2006 The hooked galaxyLife is not easy, even for galaxies. Some indeed get so close to their neighbours that they get rather distorted. But such encounters between galaxies have another effect: they spawn new generations of stars, some of which explode.
3 July 2006 The Toucan's DiamondThe southern constellation Tucana (the Toucan) is probably best known as the home of the Small Magellanic Cloud, one of the satellite galaxies of the Milky Way. But Tucana also hosts another famous object: the globular cluster 47 Tucanae.
23 June 2006 Do 'Planemos' Have Progeny?Two new studies, based on observations made with ESO's telescopes, show that objects only a few times more massive than Jupiter are born with discs of dust and gas, the raw material for planet making.
19 June 2006 Trio of Neptunes and their BeltUsing the ultra-precise HARPS spectrograph on ESO's 3.6-m telescope at La Silla (Chile), a team of European astronomers have discovered that a nearby star is host to three Neptune-mass planets. The innermost planet is most probably rocky, while the outermost is the first known Neptune-mass planet to reside in the habitable zone. This unique system is likely further enriched by an asteroid belt.
19 May 2006 Twin explosions in gigantic dusty potato crispESO's Very Large Telescope, equipped with the multi-mode FORS instrument, took an image of NGC 3190, a galaxy so distorted that astronomers gave it two names. And as if to prove them right, in 2002 it fired off, almost simultaneously, two stellar explosions, a very rare event.
18 May 2006 Physics in Universe's YouthUsing a quasar located 12.3 billion light-years away as a beacon, a team of astronomers detected the presence of molecular hydrogen in the farthest system ever, an otherwise invisible galaxy that we observe when the Universe was less than 1.5 billion years old, that is, about 10% of its present age.
15 May 2006 Cosmic spider is good motherHanging above the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) - one of our closest galaxies - in what some describe as a frightening sight, the Tarantula nebula is worth looking at in detail.
20 April 2006 Mini-comets approaching EarthIn 1995, Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 did something unexpected: it fell apart. For no apparent reason, the comet's nucleus split into at least three "mini-comets" flying single file through space.
12 April 2006 Venus within ESA probe reachAfter its five-month, 400-million-kilometre journey our Solar System following its lift-off on 9 November 2005, ESA's Venus Express spacecraft will finally arrive on 11 April at its destination: planet Venus.
10 April 2006 The Sun's new exotic neighbourVery cool brown dwarf discovered Around star in the Solar neighbourhood. Using Eso's Very Large Telescope in Chile, an international team of researchers discovered a brown dwarf belonging to the 24th closest stellar system to the Sun.
23 March 2006 The Cosmic Dance of Distant GalaxiesStudying several tens of distant galaxies, an international team of astronomers found that galaxies had the same amount of dark matter relative to stars 6 billion years ago as they have now. If confirmed, this suggests a much closer interplay between dark and normal matter than previously believed. The scientists also found that as many as 4 out of 10 galaxies are out of balance. These results shed a new light on how galaxies form and evolve since the Universe was only half its current age.
21 March 2006 Cepheids and their "Cocoons"Using ESO's Very Large Telescope Interferometer at Cerro Paranal, Chile and the CHARA Interferometer at Mount Wilson, California, a team of French and North American astronomers has discovered envelopes around three Cepheids, including the Pole star.
6 March 2006 A blast to chasePossibly similar to what our own Milky Way looks like, Messier 100 is a grand design spiral galaxy that presents an intricate structure. The galaxy was the target of the FORS1 multi-mode instrument on ESO's Very Large Telescope, which performed detailed observations of the newly found supernova SN 2006X.
3 March 2006 Man-made star shines in the Southern SkyScientists celebrate another major milestone at Cerro Paranal in Chile, home of ESO's Very Large Telescope array. Thanks to their dedicated efforts, they were able to create the first artificial star in the Southern Hemisphere, allowing astronomers to study the Universe in the finest detail.
1 March 2006 The invisible galaxies that could not hideAstronomers, using the unique capabilities offered by the high-resolution spectrograph UVES on ESO's Very Large Telescope, have found a metal-rich hydrogen cloud in the distant universe. The result may help to solve the missing metal problem and provides insight on how galaxies form.
16 February 2006 How to steal a million stars?Based on observations with ESO's Very Large Telescope, a team of Italian astronomers reports that the stellar cluster Messier 12 must have lost to our Milky Way galaxy close to one million low-mass stars.
9 February 2006 There's more to the North Star than meets the eyeWe tend to think of the North Star, Polaris, as a steady, solitary point of light that guided sailors in ages past. But there is more to the North Star than meets the eye. The North Star is actually a triple star system. And while one companion can be seen easily through small telescopes, the other hugs Polaris so tightly that it has never been seen until now.
30 January 2006 It's Far, It'a Small, It'a CoolUsing a network of telescopes scattered across the globe, including the Danish 1.54m telescope at ESO La Silla (Chile), astronomers discovered a new extrasolar planet significantly more Earth-like than any other planet found so far. The planet, which is only about 5 times as massive as Earth, circles its parent star in about 10 years.
25 January 2006 Mission: PlutoNew Horizons has been successfully launched to Pluto. The spacecraft will reach the icy planet on 2015.
24 January 2006 Integral identifies supernova rate for Milky WayUsing ESA's Integral observatory, an international team of researchers has been able to confirm the production of radioactive aluminium (Al 26) in massive stars and supernovae throughout our galaxy and determine the rate of supernovae - one of its key parameters.
16 January 2006 1 more second until 2006Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, one... happy 2006!
30 December 2005 The dwarf that carries a worldA team of French and Swiss astronomers has discovered one of the lightest exoplanets ever found using the HARPS instrument on ESO’s 3.6-meter telescope at La Silla (Chile).
13 December 2005 Sharp vision reveals intimacy of starsUsing the newly installed AMBER instrument on ESO's Very Large Telescope Interferometer, which combines the light from two or three 8.2-m Unit Telescopes thereby amounting to observe with a telescope of 40 to 90 meters in diameter, two international teams of astronomers observed with unprecedented detail the environment of two stars.
6 December 2005 Star on the RunUsing ESO's Very Large Telescope, astronomers have recorded a massive star moving at more than 2.6 million kilometers per hour.
22 November 2005 Cosmic Portrait of a Perturbed FamilyRobert's Quartet is a family of four very different galaxies, located at a distance of about 160 million light-years, close to the centre of the southern constellation of the Phoenix.
9 November 2005 Venus ExpressThe spacecraft Venus Express has been launched on 9 of November with successfully. This spacecraft is the first european probe to the planet Venus.
9 November 2005 New Moons of PlutoUsing the Hubble Space Telescope to probe the ninth planet in our planet solar system, astronomers have discovered that Pluto may have not one, but three moons.
3 November 2005 Feeding the monsterNear-infrared images of the active galaxy NGC 1097, obtained with the NACO adaptive optics instrument, disclose with unprecedented detail a complex central network of filamentary structure spiralling down to the centre of the galaxy.
27 October 2005 Mars doubles in brightnessStep outside tonight around midnight and look east. About halfway up the sky you'll see the planet Mars. It looks like an intense red star, the brightest light in the midnight sky other than the Moon.
11 October 2005 Saturn's rings have own atmosphereData from the NASA/ESA/ASI Cassini spacecraft indicate that Saturn's majestic ring system has its own atmosphere - separate from that of the planet itself.
30 September 2005 New sub-milimetre light in the desert The Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) project has just passed another major milestone by successfully commissioning its new technology 12-m telescope
20 July 2005 Looking for waterMore than a half-century ago, Fred Whipple, suggested the "dirty snowball" model as a fait representation of comets
5 July 2005 Impact!After 172 days and 431 million kilometers of deep space stalking, Deep Impact successfully reached out and touched comet 9P/Tempel 1
4 July 2005